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Human Rights

Capital News: Rights Abusers Turn On Activists

posted by eagle on January, 2010 as Human Rights

Rights abusers turn on activists


NEW YORK, Jan 21 - Human rights defenders from Russia to Sri Lanka were themselves targets of vicious abuses in 2009, Human Rights Watch said Wednesday in its annual world report.

HRW's executive director, Kenneth Roth, introduced the 624-page report by saying abuses against defenders of human rights represented a backlash by governments feeling the pressure.

"Attacks on rights defenders might be seen as a perverse tribute to the human rights movement, but that doesn’t mitigate the danger," Roth said. "Under various pretexts, abusive governments are attacking the very foundations of the human rights movement."

The report highlights the daylight kidnapping and murder of Natalia Estemirova, who investigated abductions, torture and illegal executions in Chechnya -- most of them by Russian and Russian-installed Chechen forces.

Her murder came after a prominent human rights lawyer, Stanislav Markelov, was shot dead in central Moscow, and was followed by the ...

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Moscow Times: Children’s Ombudsman Fired After 4 Months

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Children’s Ombudsman Fired After 4 Months

By Alexandra Odynova

Children’s ombudsman Alexei Golovan, under fire from Russian Orthodox groups for supporting the creation of a juvenile justice system, has been dismissed after just four months in the post and replaced with Pavel Astakhov, a prominent lawyer with no known experience in human rights.

President Dmitry Medvedev signed an order dismissing Golovan on Dec. 29 and appointing Astakhov on Dec. 31, the Kremlin said in separate statements on its web site. Neither of the brief statements elaborated about the reason for the shuffle, saying only that Golovan had left “at his own will.”

Golovan, who had served as children’s ombudsman for the city of Moscow before being tapped by Medvedev for the newly created federal position in September, celebrated his first 100 days in office on Dec. 15 with a news conference where he harshly criticized the deterioration of children’s rights during Vladimir Putin’s ...

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KC: Handicapped Chechen Refugee Detained In Ukraine, Threatened With Extradition To Russia

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Handicapped Chechen refugee detained in Ukraine, threatened with extradition to Russia

Publication time: 7 January 2010, 03:28 

Sources of KC fromUkraine report, that in the town of Ujgorod, local authorities have detained a handicapped Chechen refugee Chataev Ahmed, who has an official refugee status in Austria and has lived there for many years.


He was in Ukraine for personal reasons, hasn’t broken any Ukrainian laws, and was planning to return to Austria, but was captured by Ukrainian authorities.


According to KC sources, Chataev Ahmed was detained on tipping off by Russian special services. Moscow demands from Kiev, that Chataev Ahmed is handed over to them, because “he took part in fighting in Chechnyaagainst Russian forces”.


It is reported that Russian representatives have already flown to Ukraine with the so-called “dossier for extradition”, with an aim of putting pressure on Ukrainian authorities.


Due to the unlawful detention of Chataev Ahmed and a direct danger to his life if he is handed over to Russia, Ukrainian human right activists intend to appeal ...

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Prague Watchdog: A Form Of Complicity

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

December 30th 2009 · Prague Watchdog / Stanislav Dmitriyevsky

A form of complicity

By Stanislav Dmitriyevsky, special to Prague Watchdog

Nizhny Novgorod

On December 22 a "Declaration" appeared on the website of Chechnya’s Human Rights Commissioner, Ombudsman Nurdi Nukhazhiyev, announcing the resumption of the work of the Memorial Human Rights Centre in Chechnya. In itself the text is rather neutral, yet on reading it I experienced at least three strong emotions.

The first emotion was anger. When I looked at the list of signatories to the letter I saw the names of many of my close friends, in whose personal integrity it would never have occurred to me to doubt.

The second was relief, when I discovered that many of the people whose names appear under the document did not actually sign it or give their authorization for signing. Why, I wondered, would anyone embark so lightly on such a forgery? The answer seemed obvious: confronted with the fact, ...

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IWPR: Chechens Mark Ten Years of Exile

posted by eagle on December, 2009 as Human Rights

Chechens Mark Ten Years of Exile

A decade after they fled their homeland, Chechens in Georgia still fear it is unsafe to go back.

By Lizaveta Zhahanina in Tbilisi (CRS No. 524, 18-Dec-09)

Chechen refugees in Georgia, marking the tenth anniversary of their flight, scorn Russian suggestions the war is over and say they will only go home when the bombing and shooting have stopped.

Kameta Temirbulatova, a middle-aged woman wearing the traditional Chechen dress of a headscarf and long skirt, said refugees in Georgia’s remote Pankisi valley suffer from homesickness and poverty. They are also stung by Russian accusations that they harbour al-Qaeda extremists.

The valley is home to about 800 Chechen refugees, who have linguistic ties to the ethnic Kists who make up most of the local population. 

Most refugees arrived in Pankisi in November or December 1999, fleeing the second phase of Russia’s war in Chechnya, which was launched in October 1999. 

Russian troops ...

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