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Human Rights


posted by eagle on April, 2010 as Human Rights

 "Memorial" demands to stop the case against defendant in Nalchik attack case 

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Amnesty International USA: Russia Urged To Investigate Disappearance Of Ingushetian Teacher

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Russia urged to investigate disappearance of Ingushetian teacher

9 April 2010

Amnesty International has called on Russia to effectively investigate the fate of an Ingushetian teacher missing since 2003 after the European Court of Human Rights found the country's authorities responsible for his disappearance in the territory.

The Court ruled on 1 April that the Russian state was to blame for the enforced disappearance and possible death of Bashir Mutsolgov, following a six-year fight for justice by his family.

"The Court's decision means some justice has been done - they have recognized that Russia is responsible for the disappearance of Bashir Mutsolgov and that the continuous failure to conduct an effective investigation amounted to inhuman and degrading treatment of the family," said Nicola Duckworth, Senior Director at Amnesty International.

"The Russian authorities now need to take the next step - to bring to justice those who abducted Bashir Mutsolgov" 

Bashir Mutsolgov was speaking to one of ...

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posted by eagle on as Human Rights



Repression and violence continues in the Russian Federation where the most basic human rights are suspended.


Ruslan Keshev, Alberd Bor and Ibrahim Yaganov were hospitalized by beating.Murat Berzegov’s house was attacked with grenade, had a gun put to his head.Zamir Shukhov had a narrow escape from an assassination attempt and left his country.


The evil powers that murdered Anna Politkovskaya and Natalya Estemirova shot Aslan Zhukov dead lately.


Raise Your Voice to arouse world public opinion, say ‘stop’ to executions in the Motherland.


Say ‘Stop ‘and sign this at


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Window On Eurasia: Muslim Parishes In Russia Again Refusing To Register Or Subordinate Themselves To Official Hierarchies

posted by eagle on as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Muslim Parishes in Russia Again Refusing to Register or Subordinate Themselves to Official Hierarchies

Paul Goble

Vienna, April 2 – At a time when the Russian media have focused on the possibility of greater union among that country’s Muslim spiritual directorates (MSDs), another trend in the Russian umma has passed largely unnoticed; but it may ultimately prove more important for that country’s Muslims and for the ability of either the state or the MSDs to control them.
An increasing number of Russia’s Muslim parishes are electing not to register with the Russian government as the law requires or to subordinate themselves to any MSD, thus making their activities far more autonomous and effectively recreating the Soviet-era division between "official” and "unofficial” Islam.
In Soviet times, many Muslim believers refused to register their communities with the state, something that was often difficult if not impossible, or to cooperate with ...

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HRW: Olympics: Don't Skate Over Rights Violations

posted by eagle on March, 2010 as Human Rights

Abuses in China, Russia, Brazil Show Games Need Human Rights Standards
FEBRUARY 12, 2010

(New York) - The Olympic Movement urgently needs to focus on human rights reform, Human Rights Watch said today as the 2010 Winter Olympics opened in Vancouver.

One ugly legacy of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is the continued imprisonment in China of those who protested forced evictions or called for human rights improvements there.  The next Winter Games are scheduled to take place in the Russian town of Sochi, where preparations for the Olympics have already generated concerns about the potential for rights violations linked to these preparations, Human Rights Watch said.

In view of the murders of human rights defenders and journalists in Russia in 2009, Human Rights Watch is particularly concerned about possible rights violations ahead of the 2014 Winter Games.  Human Rights Watch also issued a recent reportdocumenting thousands of extrajudicial killings ...

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