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Human Rights

Window On Eurasia: Moscow Seeks Lawyers To Oppose Human Rights Appeals To Strasbourg

posted by eagle on May, 2010 as Human Rights

THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2010

Window on Eurasia: Moscow Seeks Lawyers to Oppose Human Rights Appeals to Strasbourg

Paul Goble

Vienna, May 27 – Stung by the victories Russian citizens have won against it in the European Court of Human Rights and infuriated by a recent decision of that court against a Soviet Russian soldier who had killed civilians in Latvia during World War II, Moscow is seeking lawyers who will "defend the interests of Russia in Strasbourg.”
The Ministry of Justice is seeking two such lawyers and will select them on the basis of an open competition in which interested legal specialists will prepare a notional "defense memorandum” against appeals by Russians concerning violations of their rights, "Kommersant” reports today (
The ministry is prepared to conclude contracts with the two victors for the period extending to December20, 2010, and to pay each of them as much as 7,500,000 rubles (250,000 US dollars) for their ...

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Radio Adiga: Sochi Olympics Offer A Lever On Russia And Rights

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

28 05 2010 
Sochi Olympics offer a lever on Russia and rights

By Kurt Volker 

With summer arriving, it might seem early to be thinking through the politics of the 2014 Winter Olympics. But the next Winter Games are to be held in Sochi, Russia, just a few miles from Abkhazia, a territory Russia broke off from Georgia by military force in 2008. Simply put, this will be tricky. Preparations need to begin as soon as possible. 

Few are suggesting that the United States and Europe boycott the Sochi Games, a la Moscow in 1980. But attending the 2014 Olympics under today's circumstances would make all of us complicit in cementing in practice Russia's changing European borders by force, even if we reject those changes in principle. 

Imagine the practicalities. Abkhazia is a part of sovereign Georgian territory according to every country in the world except Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Nauru. Already, Olympic construction workers ...

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Moscow Times: in Hot Water Over Prison Death

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Investigator in Hot Water Over Prison Death

The Moscow Times

A Moscow region investigator faces negligence charges after businesswoman Vera Trifonova, 53, died in pretrial detention, the Investigative Committee said Tuesday.

A criminal investigation has been opened into Sergei Pysin, who worked on Trifonova’s case, the committee said in a statement. If charged, Pysin could be sentenced to up to five years in prison.

"Trifonova’s lawyer repeatedly appealed to the investigator asking to change her pretrial restrictions because of her worsening health condition,” the statement said.

Trifonova’s lawyer, Vladimir Zherebyonkov, has accused Pysin of keeping Trifonova — who was diabetic, nearly blind and suffered fr om kidney failure — in jail to force a confession.

Trifonova died Friday at the same prison hospital wh ere Sergei Magnitsky, 37, a lawyer for Hermitage Capital, died under similar circumstances in November.

President Dmitry Medvedev ordered Investigative Committee chief Alexander Bastrykin to investigate Trifonova’s death on Saturday. Trifonova ...

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TheOtherRussia: Slain Moscow Judge Is A Lesson For Russian Gov’t

posted by eagle on April, 2010 as Human Rights

Slain Moscow Judge is a Lesson for Russian Gov’t

The surge in Russian nationalism has been endorsed in no small part by a variety of government representatives. At the same time, Russian rights activists and oppositionists have been repeatedly targeted by ultranationalist groups, and accuse the government for turning a blind eye. The editorial team at points out that with Chuvashov’s murder, they’re going to have to either start make some ...

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NatPress: "Memorial" Demands To Stop The Case Against Defendant In Nalchik Attack Case

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

"Memorial" demands to stop the case against defendant in Nalchik attack case 

24 April 2010 – 12:23 - NatPress 

The Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" believes that the evidential base in the case about the militants' attack on power structures of Kabardino-Balkaria on October 13, 2005, is invalid, and demands to stop the criminal case against Kazbek Budtuev and release him from custody. This is stated in the message of the Centre, which had provided an advocate to defend Kazbek Budtuev and Rasul Kudaev.

The HRC "Memorial" asserts that the materials of the case were forged, and Kazbek Budtuev and Rasul Kudaev are innocent of the incriminated crimes. According to the Centre, Rasul Kudaev was seriously ill after his return home to Nalchik from the Guantanamo prison; he could not move without help; hence, even if he had wished a lot, he was physically unable to take part in the attack.

The HRC "Memorial" also has a number of arguments in favour of Kazbek ...

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