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Human Rights

CNM Press Release

posted by eagle on March, 2013 as Human Rights

CNM Press Release

The Circassian Nationalist Movement, a committee entrusted with following up the Circassian issues by the Association of  Caucasus Circassian Friends, addressed the Chairman of the Russian State Duma, The President of the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament and the president of the European Union  in a letter (about recent fallacies of the Russian state regarding the repatriation of Circassians of Syria to their historical homeland Circassia) the following is the text of the letter: 


Jordanian Association of Caucasus Circassian Friends(JACCF)

Circassian Nationalist Movement


(Circassian Nationalist Movement’s statement about recent fallacies of the Russian state against Circassians of Syria regarding repatriation to their historical motherland Circassia)

News reports from the Russian capital, Moscow and the central government stated that the response of the Russian Duma to the request made by the Head of the Adigha Khasa, the Circassian Association in the Republic of Adygea, Adam Shoaib Boghos about helping Circassians ...

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Continuing Human Rights Abuses Force Chechens to Flee to Europe

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Continuing Human Rights Abuses Force Chechens to Flee to Europe

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 10 Issue: 43
March 7, 2013 04:34 PM 

Adam Isaev, ethnic Chechen elected to the city council of Berlaar, Belgium (Source:

The massive relocation of North Caucasians to Europe is still under way, producing concerns among both the regional authorities in the North Caucasus and Western European countries. While in 2000, at the beginning of the second Chechen war, only ethnic Chechens were found among the refugees, today a significant percentage of them are from Ingushetia and Dagestan. This is understandable since the situation in these republics is highly volatile, with violence and human rights abuses widespread ( Rights organizations in the West remain deeply concerned about kidnappings and disappearances of people in the North Caucasus.

Ethnic Chechens remain the largest group of refugees from the North Caucasus. According to unconfirmed reports, about 60,000 people left Chechnya for ...

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U.N. Panel Criticizes Russia on Human Rights Treaty

posted by eagle on November, 2012 as Human Rights

GENEVA -- United Nations officials issued a scathing assessment of Russia's compliance with an international treaty against torture and cruel and degrading punishment, highlighting, among a number of "troubling trends," the increasing intimidation of people and organizations trying to monitor human rights.

The officials, members of the United Nations Committee Against Torture, said here on Friday that they were seriously concerned about "numerous and consistent reports" of threats, reprisals and deaths of human rights defenders and journalists in Russia. They also said that legal amendments recently enacted by President Vladimir V. Putin "undermined" the United Nations convention.

The committee's comments concluded a two-day review conducted here at which the Russian Deputy Minister of Justice Georgiy Matyushkin, leading a delegation of officials from nine ministries and government departments, said the Russian authorities had "moved further toward the ...

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Under siege!!!!!!!! HELP>>>>SOS

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Under siege!!!!!!!! HELP>>>>SOS

A call from Syrian Circassians and Circassians of Diaspora to the international body represented by the United nations, to all human rights organizations of the world, all NGO's, any entity claims it has conscience and cares for humanity, wake your conscience up and send relief to hundreds of men,women, children and elderly who have been under siege for seven days in the villages of Beer Ajam and Bariqa in the Golan Heights ; trapped in shelters surrounded by violent activities including shelling and mortar, they ran out of food, water, medicines and baby milk, so far several of them were killed.

The world must interfere to save them, to provide them with safe passage, anybody with access to official channels feel free to help in getting this message to any entity that might be able to ease the suffering of our fellow humans in the two villages in Syria.

Please ...

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Russian 'rendition': Kremlin grabs opposition figure from Ukraine streets

posted by eagle on October, 2012 as Human Rights

Russian 'rendition': Kremlin grabs opposition figure from Ukraine streets

Analysts worry that Leonid Razvozzhayev's alleged kidnapping from a Kiev street and subsequent imprisoning is start of a full-scale, no-holds-barred crackdown by Putin's Kremlin.

Russian secret services have allegedly carried out a "rendition" by plucking a Russian opposition figure, Leonid Razvozzhayev, from aKiev street in broad daylight last Saturday and transferring him to Lefortovo prison in Moscow.

The alleged kidnapping occurred just as Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was heading to Moscow to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin on a variety of bilateral issues, including the price Russia charges Ukraine for natural gas.

The episode has Ukrainian human rights activists in an uproar over what looks like the completely illegal seizure of a foreign national on Ukrainian soil, and it has left many Russian experts fearful that the much-predicted, full-scale, no-holds-barred crackdown against the anti-Kremlin opposition has begun.

How much do you know about Vladimir Putin? Take our quiz.

"When you think of the things that have happened in the past few ...

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