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Human Rights

Refugees as a change card

posted by zaina19 on April, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/26/2005 5:02 AM
Refugees as a change card

Frequently callousness of officials injures life and safety of simple people. The real guarantee of safety of a person is geniality, attention and competence of people, especially from the authority.

Conventions, international laws, canons of religion, human customs are the essence only of words and books. But if they have not touched the heart, we suffer from human indifference!

One week ago at attempt to cross the Ukrainian-Slovak boarder 9 people, Chechen refugees, were detained by Ukrainian frontier guards.

1. Hamzatov Edik, born in 1976, the status No. 4731, (the inhabitant of Starye Atagi); 2. Hadisova Liza, born in 1983, the status No. 4731, (the inhabitant of Starye Atagi);

3. Gerihanov Movsar, born in 1977, the status of a refugee No. 5558, (Argun)

4. Dzhamaev Imran, born in 1985, (has left the Chechen Republic )

5. Bashaeva Amnat, 50 years old, from Naur — ...
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Relatives of Slain Chechen Leader Maskhadov to Sue Russia Over Secret Burial

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/26/2005 5:13 AM
Relatives of Slain Chechen Leader Maskhadov to Sue Russia Over Secret Burial

The family of slain Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov is planning to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights and demand that Russian authorities hand over his body which was buried in a secret location, the Associated Press news agency reported citing Maskhadov’s son Anzor as saying.

A senior Russian prosecutor said on Friday that Maskhadov had been buried secretly in line with legislation allowing authorities to refuse to release the bodies of terrorists to their family.

«We still hope that this decision will be revised and the body will be given to us. In case they don’t change their mind we will have to appeal to the Strasbourg court," the Associated Press quoted Anzor Maskhadov as saying.

The European court’s rulings are binding on all 46 members of the Council of Europe, ...
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Rejection Of Russian Extraditions Cools Bilateral Relations

posted by zaina19 on March, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/31/2005 3:59 PM
Rejection Of Russian Extraditions Cools Bilateral Relations

A U.K. court’s recent decision to deny two Russian extradition requests over alleged wrongdoing at oil giant Yukos has strained relations between London and Moscow. The verdict on 25 March was particularly harsh in its characterization of Russian authorities’ legal efforts aimed at former Yukos executives as politically motivated. The decision has fueled criticism in the British media of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his administration, which has seen extradition defeats before at the hands of British authorities.

The British media are rife with reports that President Putin is increasingly angry with the United Kingdom over extraditions.

Moscow has already accused British officials of sheltering Chechen «terrorists» and fugitive white-collar criminals in the past. The London court that acted on 25 March is the same one that previously rejected extradition requests for Chechen rebel envoy Akhmed Zakaev and ...
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Reporters Without Borders: Russian Journalist Faces Expulsion After Court Takes Passport

posted by eagle on January, 2005 as Human Rights

Russian journalist faces expulsion after court takes passport

Published on 20 December 2004

Journalist Yuri Bagrov was fined about 400 euros for forgery on 17 December by the municipal court of Leninski, in Vladikavkaz (the capital of North Ossetia), which refused to accept the validity of the Russian passport he obtained in 2003 as a replacement for his old Soviet passport. Stripped of his ID papers and, as a result, his Russian citizenship, he now risks expulsion from Russia.

A correspondent for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and former Associated Press correspondent, Bagrov said he thought the conviction was directly linked to his work. He has reported on the conditions of Chechen refugees, smuggling in the Caucasus and kidnapping in Ingushetia. He said he would appeal to the North Ossetia supreme court.,11585.html

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Window On Eurasia: Russian Justice Ministry Maintains Quotas For Closing NGOs

posted by eagle on May, 2000 as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Russian Justice Ministry Maintains Quotas for Closing NGOs

Paul Goble

Vienna, May 6 – Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s decision in May 2008 to transfer responsibility for the registration of non-governmental organizations from the Federal Registration Service (FRS) to the Ministry of Justice has not led to the kind of progress toward a law-based state that many activists had hoped.
According to a new analysis of the legal situation in which Russian NGOs find themselves, in many regions exactly the same officials are overseeing the registration process as were before this change was made, and the justice ministry has set quotas for the number of NGOs to be shut down each year (
And what is still worse, Olga Gnezdilova, the legal affairs advisor to the Voronezh Inter-Regional Legal Defense Group who prepared this analysis, says, there is growing evidence that the Russian government plans to target for inspection ...

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