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Human Rights

Loubna Freih and Joanna Weschler International Herald Tribune

posted by zaina19 on April, 2005 as Human Rights

Back Annan's call for a new human rights body
Loubna Freih and Joanna Weschler International Herald Tribune
Saturday, April 9, 2005

UN reform II
GENEVA On Thursday, the secretary general of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, did what was once unthinkable: He told the UN Commission on Human Rights that the best way to improve the organization was simply to throw it away and start from scratch.

Annan's bombshell, delivered to a packed room here, could have a transformative impact on human rights worldwide. The commission has indeed suffered, as Annan understatedly put it, a "credibility deficit" over the last few years, as the world's most abusive governments flocked to Geneva each year for six weeks only to give each other passes for their egregious records of human rights violations.

This year some observers felt that the organization had a choice of proving its critics wrong by taking on the worst violators, or collapsing under the ...
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posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/11/2005 6:23 AM
The Society for Russian-Chechen Friendship is a honored human rights NGO which has been active in denouncing human rights violations in Chechnya for the past five years. The SRCF was given a prestigious human rights award by the International Helsinki Federation. For its courageous activity of information, in the period from 2000 to 2004, four volunteers working for the Society for Russian-Chechen Friendship were killed, and in at least two of the incidents there was indisputable evidence that they were executed without trial by members of the Russian forces. The Russian government and its secret services (FSB) are now doing their utmost to close down the SRCF.

Its destiny depends also from the external moral and informative support of the outer world. The more the case of the SRCF becomes known and is supported from the international community and the mass media and ...
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A new exhibition sheds light on a rarely discussed aspect of World War II.

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/13/2005 3:01 AM

Forced Into Slavery

A new exhibition sheds light on a rarely discussed aspect of World War II.

By Stephen Boykewich
Published: April 8, 2005

Museum of the Contemporary History of Russia

"Slaves of the Third Reich" depicts the lives of ordinary citizens caught in Nazi camps.

Many Europeans -- and Russians are no exception -- scoff at the U.S. system of legal liability that generates $2.9 million damages awards for burns from spilled coffee. But one of the most staggering results of any case to emerge from U.S. courts had Russians among its main beneficiaries -- and nobody dared called it excessive.

In 2000, the governments of Germany and the United States announced the establishment of a $5 billion fund meant to compensate prisoners of the Nazi regime used as slave labor for Hitler's war machine. Nazi Germany conscripted over 8 million such laborers -- the vast majority of ...
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posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

18.04.2005 - 19:49:28

European Court finds Georgia guilty of violating human rights of extradited Chechens.

ECHR: Georgia to Pay EUR 84,500 to 13 Chechens.


European Court finds Georgia guilty of violating human rights of extradited Chechens.

ECHR: Georgia to Pay EUR 84,500 to 13 Chechens.

The Strasbourg based European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled against Georgia in a case submitted to the court by 13 Chechens who were detained by the Georgian border guards in August 2002 near the Russian border.

According to the ECHR ruling Georgia has to pay 13 applicants, for non pecuniary damage, the overall sum of 80,500 euros, in awards ranging from EUR 2,500 to EUR 11,000, and EUR 4,000 to the applicants jointly for costs and expenses.

5 Chechens out of 13 were extradited to Russia in October, 2002.

Applicants complained extradition to Russia, where capital punishment had not been abolished, exposed them to ...
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NGO leader detained

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/20/2005 12:57 AM

NGO leader detained

The Information Centre at the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society obtained more accurate information about the number of those killed in a special operation in Grozny's Ippodromnyi micro-district on 15 April 2005. Eyewitnesses from among local residents say the military loaded in cars a total of fourteen bodies after the operation. Apparently, those were the bodies of not only federal law enforcement and security agents, but also civilians.

Milana Yunusovna Shidayeva, b. 1975, living in the immediate vicinity of the scene, was wounded during the combat. Other news agencies say a local resident, Musa Matayev, died in his own flat on the floor above the one where the rebels were hiding. He was poisoned by the smoke of the arising fire.

The Information Centre also learned today the leader of the Let's Save the Generation NGO, Murad Khamidovich Muradov, b. 1976, was detained by ...
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