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Human Rights

The Other Russia: Sochi Hunger Strike Continues Past 16th Day

posted by eagle on June, 2010 as Human Rights

Sochi Hunger Strike Continues Past 16th Day

Residents facing eviction from their homes in the Black Sea city of Sochi continued a hunger strike for the 16th consecutive day on Thursday, reports. The move is a last-ditch attempt by residents to bring attention to what they say is the unfair amount of compensation being offered to them by the local government in exchange for their property, which the city plans to use to construct the primary facilities for the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Alik Le, head of a union of local residents, said that five of the ten original hunger strikers are currently continuing the protest that they began on May 19.

While local law enforcement representatives and doctors are present on the scene, no local or federal media has even remotely touched on the story, Le said.

"The regional media is blocking all information about us. Nobody in Russia knows ...

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Dzutsev’s Weblog: Famous Russian Musician Shevchuk Demands Freedom For Russia From Putin

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Famous Russian musician Shevchuk demands freedom for Russia from Putin

On the video it can be seen how Putin's face transforms under pressure of having to answer tough questions coming from a tough guy.

Shevchuk question to Putin on freedom of speech, a policeman and March of Dissent.

! From the video cut out a small piece of Putin explains the difference between the types of ...

more about "Shevchuk and Putin is [Full version]", with posted Vodpod

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Human Rights In The North Caucasus: The Most Serious Situation In The Geographical Area Of The Council Of Europe

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Legal Affairs and Human Rights
Human rights in the North Caucasus: the most serious situation in the geographical area of the Council of Europe

Strasbourg, 31.05.2010 – The situation in the North Caucasus region, particularly the Chechen Republic, Ingushetia and Dagestan, is currently "the most serious and delicate situation” from the angle of protecting human rights and affirming the rule of law in the whole geographic area covered by the Council of Europe, as stressed by the text adopted this morning by the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), on the basis of the report drawn up by Dick Marty (Switzerland, ALDE).

The unanimously adopted draft resolution paints a dark picture, particularly in the Chechen Republic, where the current authorities continue to nurture "a climate of pervading fear”, recurrent disappearances of opponents of the Government and champions of human rights "remain widely ...

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RFE/RL: Amnesty International Says Rights Abuses Continue To Plague World

posted by eagle on May, 2010 as Human Rights

Amnesty International Says Rights Abuses Continue To Plague World

Russian police detaining protesters in Moscow in July 2009.

May 27, 2010
Watchdog Amnesty International has warned that human rights abuses continued to plague the world in 2009, with torture or ill treatment, unfair trials and imprisonment, and restrictions on free speech among the most common violations.

The conclusions come in the group's annual "State Of The World's Human Rights" report, which documented abuses in 159 countries.

Long criticized for its human rights record, Russia showed few signs of improvement in 2009 despite pledges from the very top, according to Andrea Huber, Amnesty International's deputy program director for Europe and Central Asia.

"We heard a couple of human rights pledges by President [Dmitry] Medvedev, but unfortunately, those haven't arrived on the ground," Huber said. "One major concern is of course the volatile situation in the North Caucasus. The impunity and the lack of rule of law is ...

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KC: Amnesty International: In Russia As In Usual: Threats, Tortures, Murders, Revanchism, Racism

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Amnesty International: in Russia as in usual: threats, tortures, murders, revanchism, racism

Publication time: 27 May 2010, 20:34 

On May 27, the human rights organization Amnesty International presented the annual report on human rights violations by Russia.


In Russia, everything is very simple: to be a human rights defender, an independent journalist or an opposition activist is dangerous to life, according to a report, devoted to this country.


"Independent civil society remained under threat, especially but not only in the North Caucasus. Human rights defenders, journalists and opposition activists across the Russian Federation were subjected to attacks and threats. Some were killed.


Investigations into such attacks and threats remained inadequate", stated in the Amnesty International. Unlawful killings, extrajudicial executions, excessive use of force, enforced disappearances, torture and other ill-treatment in custody, and arbitrary detention continued to be reported in Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan.


The organization listing in the report that a lawyer Markelov and journalist Baburova, ...

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