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Human Rights

Russia: Visiting Leaders Should Be Firm on Rights

posted by zaina19 on May, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/7/2005 2:26 AM
Russia: Visiting Leaders Should Be Firm on Rights

(Moscow, May 7, 2005)—U.S. President George W. Bush and EU leaders should voice concern about human rights violations in Russia during their upcoming summits in Moscow, Human Rights Watch said today. The summits will take place against a background of continuing government abuses in Chechnya and a rollback of civic freedoms throughout Russia.
On Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with Bush; on Tuesday, he will hold a summit meeting with EU leaders. The EU-Russia summit is widely expected to conclude long-running negotiations with an agreement on the European Union’s strategic partnership with Russia that will define relations between the two for many years ahead.  
“The summits are a rare opportunity for leaders on both sides of the Atlantic to speak out in a unified voice,” said Rachel Denber, acting Europe and Central Asia director ...
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Wider crackdown feared in Uzbekistan

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/17/2005 1:33 AM
Wider crackdown feared in Uzbekistan

Following massive demonstrations on Friday and Saturday in eastern Uzbekistan, Human Rights Watch is concerned that the Uzbek government may again use excessive force against demonstrators and unleash a broader crackdown on peaceful protesters and dissidents.

With the possibility of protests continuing, Human Rights Watch called on the government not to use lethal force to disperse demonstrators. «International law is very clear on the use of excessive force," said Holly Cartner. «It’s the government’s duty to maintain civic order but it is also obligated to uphold the law."

According to press reports, government troops violently dispersed demonstrations on Friday in the city of Andijan, opening fire on crowds of protesters numbering as many as 10,000 on the city’s main square. The death toll is unknown, but eyewitnesses estimated that as many as several hundred were killed and many more injured, ...
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Suspects Can Now Be Put On Trial Twice for 1 Crime

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/18/2005 4:24 AM
Suspects Can Now Be Put On Trial Twice for 1 Crime

By Anatoly Medetsky
MOSCOW - The Constitutional Court has opened the door to suspects being tried twice for the same crime, even after an acquittal, by issuing a ruling that brings the law into line with Western norms but could allow authorities to muzzle opposition and rights activists.

The Constitutional Court on Wednesday struck down Article 405 of the Criminal Procedural Code, which banned courts from reconsidering cases if the review might lead to stricter verdicts.

The court's ruling means that a prosecutor or crime victim who believes a lower court's decision was too lenient will be able to appeal to a panel of judges in top regional courts or the Supreme Court to order a review.

If the review finds that the lower court made "tangible and fundamental" violations of the law by handing ...
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Keep Chechen Refugees in Poland

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN Nicknameshml_blue  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/19/2005 10:25 AM
Keep Chechen Refugees in Poland

H.E. Gerhard Schroeder
Federal Republic of Germany
Fax: 9-011-49-30-4000-1818

H.E. Joschka Fischer H.E. Otto Schily
Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Interior
Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
Fax: 9-011-49-1888-173402
Fax: 9-011-49-1888-681-2926

Dear Excellencies:

I write to request that the German Government rescind its decision to deport Chechen Refugees currently residing in Germany. Under the current circumstances, their deportation into the hands of the Russian Federation would violate their basic human rights under the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as under several treaties to which Germany is a contracting party. To wit:


First, for Germany to deport these Chechen Refugees into the hands of the Russian Federation would violate the basic principle of customary international law and international human rights law known as non-refoulement, as set forth in Article 33, section 1 of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and ...
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Ukrainian Special Services are at FSB's beck and call?

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

May, 25, 2005

Ukrainian Special Services are at FSB's beck and call?

At about 10 p.m. on 4 May, a citizen of Japan Junsei Terasawa, the Buddhist monk and well-known peacekeeper, was detained at the Mostitska-2 frontier railroad crossing.

Mr. Terasawa was making his way from Warsaw to Kiev by train, and he had a valid exit visa to Ukraine . The frontier guards headed by the chief of the duty detail Senior Lieutenant Oleg Nikolayevich Pyts made him get off the train, having referred to the instruction of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU).

Referring to this instruction, the Junsei Terasawa's visa to Ukraine was annulled, and a seal appeared in his passport forbidding him the country for five years.

After that Mr. Junsei Terasawa was deported to Poland .

As is known, the name of Mr. Terassawa is registered in the black-list of the FSB, probably, owing to the fact that he was an ...
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