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In 2005 the International Day of Refugees is celebrated under the slogan "Courage"

posted by zaina19 on June, 2005 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/24/2005 8:40 PM
June, 23, 2005

In 2005 the International Day of Refugees is celebrated under the slogan "Courage"

The International Day of Refugees will be celebrated under the slogan "Courage" this year.

"The International Day of Refugees is a display of respect for staunch spirit and courage of refugees all over the world. This year this day will be celebrated under the slogan "Courage", - they said in the UVKB of the United Nations.

"Millions of refugees all over the world need courage to overcome all problems and not to lose hope. Courage to begin a new life", - they emphasized in the representation.

For today the Management of the Supreme Commissioner of the United Nations of the affairs of refugees helps more than 17 million refugees all over ...
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There are thousands of Chechen refugees in the Kizlyar region

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/24/2005 9:06 PM
June, 23, 2005

 There are thousands of Chechen refugees in the Kizlyar region

IA REGNUM informs that in the Kizlyar region, on the frontier of Ichkeria and the Russian Federation , about 250 families from village Borozdinovkaya of the Shelkovskiy region of Ichkeria, settled down open-air.

All immigrants are citizens of the ChRI, ethnic Avarians. There are a lot of children and pregnant women among the refugees. There are two tents in the spontaneous camp. Refugees have transported with them all house belongings and cattle. According to the refugees, during a retaliatory "cleaning", carried out in Borozdinovskaya by one of the gangs of the occupational formations, under the leadership of Sulima Yamadaeva, not eleven, as it was informed earlier, but thirteen local residents, including children of 14-17 years, were missing. Relatives do not have any information about the kidnapped by the invaders.

According to the information, ...
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Demonstration against police arbitrariness

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/25/2005 5:14 AM
24.6.2005 15:42 MSK
Demonstration against police arbitrariness
RUSSIA, Moscow. On June 23rd, in Moscow’s October Square, near the Lenin monument, and opposite the Ministry of Internal Affairs Building, a demonstration took place against the arbitrary actions of police in Russia. The organizers of the demonstration were the Human Rights Movement, the We Movement, the Pacifist Committee, and the White Movement.

The Executive Director of the Human Rights Movement, Leo Ponomarev, Human Rights Movement analyst Yevgeny Ikhlov, and leader of Civil Liberties Committee, Andrey Babushkin, all spoke about the massive fundamental police violations of citizens’ rights in Bashkirya, the Tver region, the Stavropol territory and other places, reinforced by internal MVD orders about "actions in extraordinary situations".

Demonstrators held posters reading: " No to police arbitrariness", "Events in Blagoveshchenk – a rehearsal for all of Russia", "Divayeva must be tried!", “Nurgaliyeva must resign!"," Paramilitary police in masks ...
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Human rights defenders begin investigations in Stavropol Territory

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/24/2005 9:19 PM
23.6.2005 21:08 MSK
Human rights defenders begin investigations in Stavropol Territory
RUSSIA, Stavropol. On 27 June, members of Nizhny Novgorod human rights organisation, Committee Against Torture, backed by Obshchestvenny Verdikt (Public Verdict) foundation will begin their work in Stavropol Territory. Joint mobile group of human rights defenders will visit the Territory to carry out checks in connection with a ‘clean-up’ operation by special militia force in the village of Ivanovka, Obshchestvenny Verdikt foundation reported on 21 June.

There have been media reports that during the militia raid some 40 young men were detained many of whom later reported beatings. Operational officers and jurists of Committee Against Torture plan to complete provisional checks in the course of the week.

Translated by Olga Sharp
PRIMA-News Agency [2005-06-21-Rus-22]

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1100 refugees in camp near Kizlyar

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/24/2005 9:26 PM
21.6.2005 13:16 MSK
1100 refugees in camp near Kizlyar
RUSSIA, Kizlyar. From the 16th to the 19th of June 204 families from the village of Borozdinovskoy in Chechnya arrived at a refugee camp near the Daghestani city of Kizlyar, making a total of 1100 refugees. 50 additional families may arrive in the very near future. A representative of the Kizlyar administration is always present at the camp. Local authorities have set aside four large areas for the refugees, according to the director of the Migration Information Agency, Lydia Grafova.

She discussed the June 4th “cleansing operation” carried out in Borozdinovskoy. Chechen forces killed one local resident and burnt his corpse. Subsequently, the inhabitants of the village found three additional burned bodies. Four houses were burnt. 11 people disappeared. Local residents suspect that they were also killed.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2005-06-20-Rus-03]

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