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Human Rights

Chechen human rights ombudsman “parts company” with Memorial

posted by zaina19 on June, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/17/2005 6:35 AM
Chechen human rights ombudsman “parts company” with Memorial
June 16th 2005 · Prague Watchdog / Ruslan Isayev

By Ruslan Isayev

GROZNY, Chechnya – Lyoma Khasuyev, the Chechen Republic’s human rights ombudsman, will no longer collaborate with the human rights centre Memorial. Khasuyev announced this on June 15 at a closed session of the Chechen Republic’s State Council devoted to human rights violations.

According to Khasuyev, Memorial “exaggerates the figures for Chechnya, and the work of this NGO is directed against the Russian state.”

At the meeting Khasuyev said that special representations of the human rights ombudsman will be created in every district of Chechnya, where any resident will be able to file a complaint about the violation of his or her rights. For example, a representation of this kind was created yesterday, Wednesday, in the Kurchaloysky district.

Meanwhile human rights defenders at Memorial called the data cited at ...
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Appeals court quashes Pavel Liuzakov’s sentence

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/17/2005 6:46 AM
16.6.2005 18:14 MSK
Appeals court quashes Pavel Liuzakov’s sentence
RUSSIA, Moscow. Moscow City Court considered the appeal by lawyers representing journalist Pavel Liuzakov and quashed the sentence sending the case back to the court for re-trial. The case will be heard in Moscow’s Ostankinsky District Court but this time by a different Federal judge.

Journalist Pavel Liuzakov, editor-in-chief of Svobodnoye Slovo (Free Speech) newspaper and permanent contributor to Chechen website Kavkaz-Tsentr, was sentenced by Moscow’s Ostankinsky District Court to two years in custody in penal colony settlement for illegal purchase, possession and bearing of firearms.

Moscow City Court’s judicial collegiate for criminal review heard the defence and the prosecutor and withdrew for consultations. Anna Stavitskaya, defending, asked the court to send the case for re-trial as the sentence contains unrectifiable contradictions. Abu Gaitayev, defending, stated that the sentence fell short of the principles of justice and ...
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Civil Liberties Foundation’s Russian office to suspend work

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/17/2005 6:48 AM
16.6.2005 18:00 MSK
Civil Liberties Foundation’s Russian office to suspend work
RUSSIA, Moscow. The Russian office of Civil Liberties Foundation will suspend its work as of 30 June. Foundation’s representative told PRIMA-News that the suspension is due to reorganisation and it is yet unknown when the office will resume its work, if at all.

The office of Civil Liberties Foundation established by Boris Berezovsky opened in Moscow in 2001. During this time the Foundation financed hundreds of human rights and environment-related projects through its Russian office. Over the past year the Foundation’s office paid special attention to funding human rights projects aiming to exercise citizens’ right to free and peaceful street marches and demonstrations.

Translated by Olga Sharp
PRIMA-News Agency [2005-06-130Rus-19]

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From Russia With Love

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/17/2005 11:35 AM
From Russia With Love
By Eleanor Stables
Published 6/17/2005 12:07:59 AM

RUSSIA -- In a new campaign to increase adoption of its estimated 700,000 orphans, the Russian government this month started airing national TV advertisements and launched a website with 180,000 children searchable by sex, age, hair color and eye color. Profiles include a photo and a description of the child's personality, such as sociable, lively, shy, and calm.

The campaign comes as overall adoptions decreased in 2004, but particularly those by Russians. Over the past decade foreign adoptions have been increasing and domestic adoptions decreasing, and many Russians, out of a sense of nationalistic pride, do not want foreigners adopting Russian orphans. Rumors spread that many American adoptive parents are murdering or abusing their Russian-born ...
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June 17th 2005 · Prague Watchdog / Ruslan Isayev

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/17/2005 2:44 PM
June 17th 2005 · Prague Watchdog / Ruslan Isayev
Court orders new expert analysis of ChKNS material

By Ruslan Isayev

NAZRAN, Ingushetia - Another round of hearings in the case of the human rights organization Chechen Committee for National Salvation (ChKNS) took place today in the Nazran court.

The court decided to get new expert opinion of ChKNS's press releases in order to determine whether or not they promote extremism and hatred between nations. So as a result, local linguists from Ingushetia, Ossetia, or Kabardino-Balkaria will examine the press releases and state their conclusions.

"By this decision, the Nazran court cast doubt on opinions made by linguists from such renowned institutes as the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU) and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) who are well-known Russian language centers. And to assume that the Ingush, Ossetian, or Kabardian linguists know the Russian language ...
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