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Human Rights

Russia's youth faces worst crisis of homelessness and substance misuse since second world war

posted by zaina19 on June, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/11/2005 11:56 PM
Russia's youth faces worst crisis of homelessness and substance misuse since second world war

BMJ  2005;330:1348 (11 June), doi:10.1136/bmj.330.7504.1348-b

Moscow Andrew Osborn

Russia’s youth is caught up in one of the worst health crises in the country’s history, with unprecedented numbers of children and teenagers turning to cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs, Russia’s interior minister has warned. Rashid Nurgaliyev blamed the situation on the virtual collapse of the Russian health service in 1991, when the Soviet Union fell, and on the economic misery and moral crisis that has affected the country ever since.

He said that four million Russian teenagers were drug users (of a total of 144 million) and that one million of those were hardened addicts. The average age of drug users has fallen from 17 to 11 in recent years, he added, and addiction rates in the young are now 2.5 times higher than ...
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Blair Presses Investor Concerns, Human Rights Issues With Putin

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/13/2005 4:01 AM
Blair Presses Investor Concerns, Human Rights Issues With Putin

June 13 (Bloomberg) -- U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair is in Moscow today where he will press Russian President Vladimir Putin to address human rights concerns and issues raised by investors after the conviction of billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky on fraud and tax charges, Blair's spokesman said.

``There is a need for them to address human rights concerns and the concerns of investors after the Yukos trial,'' said Blair spokesman Tom Kelly.

The jailing of Khodorkovsky, the former head of OAO Yukos Oil Co., is one of the most visible signs of Putin's tightening grip on power since he won a second four-year term in March 2004.

Investors pulled $9.5 billion out of Russia last year after Putin's government prosecuted Khodorkovsky for fraud and slapped Yukos with a tax bill for $28 billion. BP Plc, Europe's biggest oil ...
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New report on Chechen IDPs, asylum seekers and refugees.

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/16/2005 4:01 PM

New report on Chechen IDPs, asylum seekers and refugees.

78 European organizations oppose the return of Chechen asylum seekers

•Grave human rights abuses continue with almost impunity in Chechnya.

•Chechens who seek refuge in other parts of the Russian Federation are not granted the protection they are entitled to under international standards.

•Returns of Chechen asylum seekers cannot happen in safety

and dignity at the present time.

These are some of the main conclusions in a new report on protection of Chechen internally displaced persons (IDPs), asylum seekers and refugees.

The report is produced by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) with the support of the ECRE-network (European Council for Refugees and Exiles) which represent 80 non-governmental organizations in 30 European countries. ECRE stands behind this position, strongly warning against forced or mandatory return of Chechen asylum seekers to the Russian Federation in a set of guidelines on the treatment ...
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Applicants to the European Court of Human Rights are again killed in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/17/2005 3:55 AM
Justice unwelcome
14.06.2005 - 00:00:05

Applicants to the European Court of Human Rights are again killed in Chechnya

Said Hussein´s relatives believe it is the complaint that caused his son´s and his abduction and further extrajudicial execution.

´´His execution is nothing but a political killing and open intimidation of people who might have planned applying to Strasbourg with a complaint about the abuse of the Russian military and local law enforcement and security agencies,´´ a human rights activist said.

Justice unwelcome

Applicants to the European Court of Human Rights are again killed in Chechnya

Local residents found the mutilated body of an unknown man on the outskirts of Iliinskaia, Grozny, on 8 May 2005.

The dead man was later confirmed as Said Hussein Elmurzayev, resident in Duba Yurt, Shali district, one of the few residents of the republic who have lodged a complaint with the Strasbourg based European Court of ...
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This happens routinely at the border with Ukraine.

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/17/2005 4:00 AM
Norwegian Refugee Council Report on Chechen refugees
15.06.2005 - 00:00:19

New report on Chechen IDPs, asylum seekers and refugees.

78 European organizations oppose the return of Chechen asylum seekers.

Grave human rights abuses continue with almost impunity in Chechnya.

Chechens who seek refuge in other parts of the Russian Federation are not granted the protection they are entitled to under international standards.

Returns of Chechen asylum seekers cannot happen in safety and dignity at the present time.

New report on Chechen IDPs, asylum seekers and refugees.

78 European organizations oppose the return of Chechen asylum seekers.

Grave human rights abuses continue with almost impunity in Chechnya.

Chechens who seek refuge in other parts of the Russian Federation are not granted the protection they are entitled to under international standards.

Returns of Chechen asylum seekers cannot happen in safety and dignity at the present time.

These are some of the main conclusions in a new ...
>> full...

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