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Human Rights

The Tender has Taken Place

posted by zaina19 on July, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/3/2005 7:14 AM
Jule, 03, 2005

The Tender has Taken Place

Practically from the very beginning of the war Chechen refugees became the greatest headache of the Kremlin and puppet authorities, whereas their number became enormous - more than a half a million people! We shall emphasize, that these are refugees from the war, which the Kremlin in any way does not wish to recognize to be such, craftily naming the event to be an "internal affair of Russia ". This number itself has begun to specify that "the internal affair" got such unreasonable scales, that it began to be splashed out from Russia, right on the territory of safe Europe.

Such development of events, in any way did not correspond to the script, worked out in lobbies of the high authorities of Russia and Europe, when civil Europeans agreed with Russian barbarians, that they would not undertake ...
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"Clean-up" in Chechen refugee camp

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/3/2005 8:37 AM

"Clean-up" in Chechen refugee camp

Armed people in masks and camouflage uniforms came to the temporary accommodation point (TAP) for Chechen refugees on the premises of a former dairy farm in Ingushetia. Without introducing themselves or explaining the purpose of their visit, the military began to search rooms where refugees live. In one of such rooms, they detained three young men and brought them away without indicating the destination.

TAP dwellers say the military men numbered some 20-25 and nearly all of them wore masks. They were mostly federal servicemen, but there were also some Chechens. They detained Taus Dadayev, Mussa Saidumov and Suleiman Chachayev, a Chechnya resident who is reported to be an officer of Chechnya's Internal Affairs Ministry.

Dadayev and Chachayev were released on the same day, but the whereabouts and destiny of Saidumov remain unknown.

The Karabulak Division of Internal Affairs declines comment.

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Protest in Lgov colony continues

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/5/2005 10:25 AM
4.7.2005 12:36 MSK
Protest in Lgov colony continues
RUSSIA, Moscow. 29 June. The latest reports by human rights defenders’ commission from Lgov, Koursk Region, reveal that some 150 relatives of inmates gathered outside the penal colony in Primakov Street, Lgov, where prisoners and their families have held protests for the last three days. Emergency road works have started outside the building and hot tar has been poured. Traffic militia has closed off roads near the colony and surrounding area to traffic on the pretext of road maintenance works.

All-Russian Public Movement For the Human Rights reports that some relatives were given an opportunity to visit prisoners. The movement learnt that the inmates’ protest continued on 28 June, and another estimated 200 prisoners sustained self-inflicted injuries, although the latter has not been confirmed. Despite the assurances given by security forces colonel Yury Mikhailovich Kostikov (Ombudsman of ...
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Genrikh Altounyan died

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/5/2005 10:33 AM
4.7.2005 13:00 MSK
Genrikh Altounyan died
Former political prisoner, member of the human rights movement in the USSR, Genrikh Ovanesovich Altounyan died on 30 June.

He was born in 1933. He worked as a radio engineer, belonged to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and had the rank of major. In 1969 Genrikh Altounyan together with a mathematician from Kiev, Leonid Pliushch, joined Moscow Action Group for the Human Rights. It was then that he was sentenced to 3 years in regular security penal colony for speaking out in defence of dissident general Pyotr Grigorenko and signing a collective letter to the UN. Genrikh Ovanesovich served his sentence in a penal colony in Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In 1981 Kharkov Regional Court sentenced him to seven years in prison and five years in exile for circulating anti-Soviet samizdat publications and works by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Between 1981 and ...
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Racism in Russian

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/6/2005 2:14 AM

    </NOINDEX>Photo: Reuters

Photo: Reuters
Racism in Russian

Created: 05.07.2005 19:28 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 19:29 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1120577342)); </SCRIPT> , 17 hours 40 minutes ago

Alexei Terekhov, Anastasia Berseneva

Novyie Izvestia

On Sunday in Voronezh a citizen of Rwanda studying at a local institute was beaten and robbed. This is just another episode in a long chain of attacks on foreign students that happen in various Russian cities almost every day.

Three months ago, Novyie Izvestia wrote that many young people having come from Africa and Asia to study are ready to leave Russia forever unless law enforcement here starts taking their security seriously. Since then, a large number of students, paying considerable money for their education, have left the country. However, it turned out that federal authorities consider the problem exaggerated in the minds of the public, and do not intend to take special measures to protect ...
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