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Human Rights

How many Chechens live outside the Chechen Republic?

posted by zaina19 on July, 2005 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/2/2005 7:27 PM
Jule, 02, 2005

How many Chechens live outside the Chechen Republic?

According to the Russian analysts, today from 100 up to 300 thousand Chechens live only in Moscow - nobody knows the exact number. However, there is an exact figure of apartments in Moscow , in which Chechens live - 80 thousand. Such figure of "the Chechen apartments" in the Russian capital was named by the press-service of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow , reporting about the check of a passport system "among the people of the Chechen nationality" after the events in the "Northeast". Taking into account that many Chechens live in Moscow not alone, but with families, it is possible to ascertain confidently, that not less than 200 thousand Chechens live in 80 thousand apartments. Basically they are representatives ...
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On hunger strike in protest of non-payment

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/3/2005 2:30 AM

On hunger strike in protest of non-payment

Twelve residents of the Gulkevichi district in the Krasnodar territory announced on 27 June a no-time-limit hunger strike in protest against the non-payment of compensations for their homes lost during a flood in 2002.

Oleg Bezrodnyi, the territorial vice-governor for construction, architecture and the housing and utilities sector, told Interfax Yug earlier today the situation needed to be examined, as everyone on the list of people who suffered because of the flood in 2002 had been paid according to his information.

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Chechnya: Fleeing Villagers Protest

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/3/2005 8:09 AM

Chechnya: Fleeing Villagers Protest


The plight of a thousand Dagestani villagers fleeing Chechnya has stoked trouble between the two republics.

By Musa Musayev in Kizlyar and Natalya Estemirova in Borozdinovskaya (CRS No. 293, 30-Jun-05)

Tensions between the Chechen and Dagestani authorities remain high as hundreds of ethnic Avars who fled their village in Chechnya for the neighbouring republic say they are too afraid to go home.

The villagers belong to a tiny minority in Chechnya, but in Dagestan where they have sought refuge, the Avars are one of the major ethnic groups.

A pro-Moscow Chechen special forces battalion raided the village of Borozdinovskaya on June 4, and described the operation as a success. Police officials said 11 “guerrilla sympathisers” were rounded up and two guerrillas killed during the fighting.

However, villagers who fled Borozdinovskaya say the unit, which reports to the Vostok special battalion of the Russian defence ...
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Urgent appeal!

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/4/2005 3:29 AM
Urgent appeal!

The Society for the Russian-Chechen Friendship, a human rights NGO monitoring human rights violations in Chechnya, is threatened with closure by the Russian government.

The Society for Russian-Chechen Friendship is a honored human rights NGO which has been active in denouncing human rights violations in Chechnya for the past five years. The SRCF was given a prestigious human rights award by the International Helsinki Federation. For its courageous activity of information, in the period from 2000 to 2004, four volunteers working for the Society for Russian-Chechen Friendship were killed, and in at least two of the incidents there was indisputable evidence that they were executed without trial by members of the Russian forces. The Russian government and its secret services (FSB) are now doing their utmost to close down the SRCF.

Its destiny depends also from the external moral and informative support of ...
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Russian Prosecutor General’s Office considers extradition of "Akromists"

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/5/2005 10:29 AM
4.7.2005 12:29 MSK
Russian Prosecutor General’s Office considers extradition of "Akromists"
RUSSIA, Moscow. 30 June. Members of Uzbek diaspora in Moscow told Memorial Human Rights Centre that Russian security services arrested 14 ethnic Uzbeks in the city of Ivanovo on 18 June, whom Uzbek authorities accuse of involvement in "the events in Andizhan". Many of the arrested had lived in Russia for many years. At present Prosecutor General’s Office of Russian Federation is considering their extradition.

Unofficial sources revealed the names of seven detainees, most of whom were born in Andizhan Region. They are: Kabul Alimzhanovich Kasimkhoudzhayev, Khatam Yakoubovich Khodzhimatov, Makhmoud Roustamovich Roustamkhodzhayev, Obboskhon Zikiriyakhanovich Makhmoudov, Iskandarbek Mamadaliyevich Usmonov, Ulougkhodzhayev Sardobek Kamalkhan ougli and Ilkhomzhon Goulomovich Ismoilov. Almost all the arrested are Uzbek nationals, except Khodzhimatov who holds Russian passport.

Kasimkhoudzhayev who has lived in Ivanovo for more than seven years, is known as the director ...
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