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Human Rights

NatPress: Aslan Bersirov (Adygeya) Took Off His Complaint To Court

posted by eagle on June, 2010 as Human Rights

Aslan Bersirov (Adygeya) took off his complaint to court

25 June 2010 –09:35 am – NatPress

Aslan Bersirov, the head of the family which members died in the car crash accident of November ,4th 2008, with participation of the head of Rospotrebnadzor across Adygeya Aslan Aghirov, called back his complaint from Shovghenovsky area court.

”I had sent a complaint according to clause 125 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation for illegal actions of the senoir inspector of the Investigation division of the Investigatory management at the Ministry of inner affairs across Adygeya lieutenant colonel of justice O.F. Puzankov about his refusal to send a copy of the report of interrogation of witness V.V. Kozlov to the experts of the Expert-criminalistic center of the Ministry of inner affairs of Russia to guide for their actions”, he stated in his new comapliant to court.

In the paper he named the reasons of the calling back: "At present inspector O.F. Puzankov made a decision to satisfy ...

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The Other Russia: Sochi Gov’t Reaches Deal With Hunger Strikers

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Sochi Gov’t Reaches Deal with Hunger Strikers

After 24 days, residents facing eviction from the city of Sochi’s Imeretinskaya Valley have declared an end to their hunger strike.

The Caucasian Knot newspaper reported on Friday that the strikers have reached an agreement with the local authorities, who have promised to look into each individual case of eviction and deal with them accordingly.

A group of ten residents of the valley declared their hunger strike on May 19 to protest what they say is the unfair amount of compensation being offered to them in exchange for their property, which falls within the construction zone for the 2014 Winter Olympics. At least five of the strikers left the protest before Friday’s deal was reached.

Approximately 700 families are being affected by the evictions, which will make way for a number of ice facilities

Human rights advocatesecologistsgeologists, and other experts have been unequivocal in denouncing the ...

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CHECHENPRESS: Statement By Mr. Akhmed Zakaev, Chairman Of The ChRi Cabinet Of Ministers

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Statement by Mr. Akhmed Zakaev, Chairman of the ChRi Cabinet of Ministers

June, 22rd 2010


Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 22 June 2010

I welcome the report from Dick Marty and the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights on the situation in the Northern Caucasus, and in particular in the Chechen Republic, where I have very clear views as one of the parties to the military-political conflict about the underlying causes of the unending state terror.

I would state that no window dressing about the so-called "rejuvenated” Chechen Republic can serve as a compensation for 250 000 lives of our countrymen, sacrificed on the altar of freedom and independence of our motherland – or for the ongoing violence.
Hence the quotation from the esteemed Rudolf Bindig about the "need to establish a war tribunal to provide a legal evaluation in the Chechen Republic over the entire period of hostilities.”

Let me remind you that it is the ...

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Window On Eurasia: Moscow Militia Falsified Reports On Protesters, Prosecutor Says

posted by eagle on as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Moscow Militia Falsified Reports on Protesters, Prosecutor Says

Paul Goble

Vienna, June 17 –Moscow procurator Yury Semin says that militia reports about two groups of protesters detained in the Russian capital earlier this year were falsified and that he is currently seeking to overcome the opposition of senior officials to bringing charges against those responsible for those illegal actions.
Semin’s unusual acknowledgement came in a letter to Lev Ponomaryev, the executive director of the For Human Rights Movement, and was reported today on the portal, subsequently being picked up by other human and civil rights outlets in the Russian capital (
In her report,’s Anastasiya Petrova notes that during the January meeting in memory of Stanislaw Markelov and Anastasiya Baburova, a lawyer and a journalist who were killed for their investigative work detained, 28 participants were detained – including Ponomarev.
The March meeting, which took place on ...

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RFE/RL: Guilty Until Proven Innocent

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

April 14, 2010

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

by  RFE/RL

At first, Aisha Makasharipova says she wasn't sure why she was being followed. 

A resident of Makhachkala, the capital of Russia's North Caucasus republic of Daghestan, Makasharipova began noticing a few weeks ago that she had unwanted company on her way home from work.

"I'm a sales clerk, and when I leave for home at 11 p.m. it's dark. On the way home I began noticing cars with tinted windows and men on foot following and watching me," Makasharipova says.

"I asked a friend to accompany me home because I was afraid. I didn't know what this was connected to. My mother wants me to quit my job and stay home. I feel like my life is in danger."

Soon enough, Makasharipova found out what was going on. The Russian daily newspaper "Komsomolskaya pravda" on April 9 published the photographs of 22 women whose relatives were killed by Russian forces ...

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