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Committee formed against torture, “cleansings”, and “filtration”

posted by zaina19 on August, 2005 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/1/2005 2:40 AM
29.7.2005 12:24 MSK
Committee formed against torture, “cleansings”, and “filtration”
RUSSIA, Moscow. A press conference entitled "Beaten Cities Take a Stand ", took place at the Independent Press Center (Tverskaya Boulevard, 20) on July 28th. According to the All-Russian Public Movement for Human Rights, an announcement was made concerning the creation of the organizing committee, "Beaten Russia", to fight torture, “cleansings”, and “filtration”.

Human rights activists from Blagoveshchenk (Bashkirya), Kabardino-Balkarii, Kalmykii, Krasnodar, the Kurskaya district, Moscow, Nefteyugansk (Khanty-Mansiyskiy AO), the Tver Region (Bezhetsk and Rozhdestvenno), Sverdlovsk, Stavropol, Tambov, and Tula Regions participated in the conference.

Human rights activists and representatives of areas where police “cleansings”, “filtration” and other forms of collective punishments were perpetrated, responded to the call of victims in Blagoveshchenk to create a united ...
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Red Cross stages one-day strike in Grozny over abduction

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/2/2005 5:01 AM
Aug 2 2005 12:16PM
Red Cross stages one-day strike in Grozny over abduction

MOSCOW. Aug 2 (Interfax) - The Grozny office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) suspended its activities for a day on Tuesday and called on Chechnya's authorities to step up the investigation into the abduction of Red Cross official Usman Saidaliyev.

"The ICRC office in Grozny has suspended its work for one day to draw attention to the fate of Usman Saidaliyev, an ICRC employee in the Chechen republic, who was abducted two years ago," Red Cross Moscow office spokesman Anastasia Isyuk told Interfax.

"The ICRC has repeatedly raised this issue in its contacts with the authorities and asked them to find out what happened to Usman. But no answer has been received yet," Isyuk said.

Saidaliyev was kidnapped by unidentified gunmen from his house in the village of Novy Engenoi ...
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Leading members of the new alliance include Lev Ponomarev´s For Human Rights movement...

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/3/2005 3:46 AM
03.08.2005 - 00:43:56

Leading members of the new alliance include Lev Ponomarev´s For Human Rights movement...

The Soldiers´ Mothers´ Party and several marginal political organizations have formed a League for Abolishing the Draft with the goal of calling a nationwide referendum to end conscription.

Leading members of the new alliance include Lev Ponomarev´s For Human Rights movement,

Valeriya Novodvorskaya´s Democratic Union party, and the Russian Radicals organization, best known for advocating legalization of some drugs and bringing United Nations peacekeepers into Chechnya.

The law on referendums states that a plebiscite cannot be initiated during the final year of a State Duma term, which means that the new league has until December 2006 to collect 2 million signatures and form initiative groups with at least 100 members in at least 45 regions of the Russian Federation.

The alliance is currently setting up its ...
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Moscow ‘pursuing’ Muslims: HR body

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

August 3, 2005     Wednesday     Jumadi-us-Sani 26, 1426
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Moscow ‘pursuing’ Muslims: HR body

MOSCOW, Aug 2: A human rights group accused Russia’s authorities on Tuesday of using their campaign against terrorism as a pretext for an illegal and politicized pursuit of Muslims. “This campaign has either been initiated from the top, or it is a campaign that people have understood they are supposed to carry out,” Svetlana Ganushkina, a campaigner with the human rights organisation Memorial, said at a news conference.

Memorial, which was established in the last years of the Soviet Union to uncover the mass abuses that took place under Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, said it had compiled numerous dossiers on Muslims who had been unfairly treated.

“We are currently involved in 23 judicial inquiries concerning 81 people, all of them Muslims officially pursued for extremist or terrorist ...
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Unauthorised public meeting held in Grozny

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/14/2005 12:41 AM

Unauthorised public meeting held in Grozny

An unauthorised public meeting is being held the capital of Chechnya in front of an office of Rosselkhozbank ("Russian Agricultural Bank"). Around 100 people demand starting payment of compensations for their homes and property lost in military action in Chechnya, RIA Novosti says. Participants in the meeting threaten to go on hunger strike unless their money is paid to them.

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