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Human Rights

Moscow government amends federal laws

posted by zaina19 on September, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/13/2005 3:18 AM


Moscow government amends federal laws

The Moscow City Court has today begun hearing of a lawsuit for declaring invalid the Moscow government directive about rules of registration and deregistration of citizens. As lawyer Igor Trunov acting on behalf of 16 claimants told Caucasian Knot, the Moscow government has passed a huge number of additional rules that regulate this process and make it more difficult and considerably different from the corresponding federal legislation which is effective throughout the rest of Russia.

Mr Trunov believes the Moscow government directive is only to the advantage of corrupted officials. "We have been contacted by dwellers of residence halls who have no money for bribes and other extortion. Therefore, they remain unregistered, foreign workforce without rights," says the lawyer. "Meanwhile, their children suffer because they have no registration either and cannot go to schools or kindergartens ...
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ent: 9/13/2005 7:02 AM Sep 13 2005 2:04PM Prosecutor's office reports on violations in adoption

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/13/2005 7:02 AM
Sep 13 2005 2:04PM
Prosecutor's office reports on violations in adoption

MOSCOW. Sept 13 (Interfax) - The Prosecutor General's Office has submitted a report to Education Minister Andrei Fursenko on violations in extending accreditation to foreign child adoption organizations.

The Prosecutor General's Office found serious violations in the prolongation of accreditation to most of the organizations that were authorized to assist child adoption in Russia.

"It has been stated that 31 out of 52 offices of foreign organizations received accreditation in violation of acting legislation," said the report, signed by Deputy Prosecutor General Mikhail Fridinsky, which was published on the Prosecutor General's Office website on Tuesday.

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Conditional - preschedule release of Michael Trepashkin is cancelled

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/18/2005 6:42 PM
September, 19, 2005

Conditional - preschedule release of Michael Trepashkin is cancelled

The Sverdlovsk regional court has cancelled the decision on Michael Trepashkin's conditional - preschedule release, earlier condemned for 4 years imprisonment for supposedly disclosure for state secret and for both illegal storage and carrying of fire-arms.

Thus, the court has satisfied cassation representation of Office of Public Prosecutor of Nizhni Tagil who asked to cancel the decision on preschedule release, "Interfax" has been informed after the phone conversation of the lawyer Trepashkina Elena Liptser.

"The Court has directed case on new consideration to the first instance - court of Nizhni Tagil", - has told the lawyer.

Lipster has emphasized, that protection by all means will appeal against the decision of Sverdlovsk court in presidium. "However it seems to me, that the court of Nizhni Tagil will consider repeatedly a question on preschedule release faster, than ...
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Russia puts clamps on rights unit

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/18/2005 7:08 PM
International Herald Tribune

Russia puts clamps on rights unit
By Steven Lee Myers The New York Times

NIZHNY NOVGOROD, Russia The Russian-Chechen Friendship Society, a small human rights organization sponsored by American taxpayers, is a rare independent source of information about Russia's war in Chechnya. The authorities here are hounding it out of existence.
The federal tax service accused the nonprofit society of evading taxes, though its financing from foreign grants is supposed to be tax-free, and billed it for $35,000 in back taxes and fines. In late August, the service froze the organization's bank accounts.
The Justice Ministry has scheduled a hearing in late September to nullify its registration on the ground that by law it cannot use "Russian" in its name.
On Sept. ...
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Disastrous living conditions cause health problems

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/19/2005 6:41 AM

Disastrous living conditions cause health problems

The dwellers of a multi-storey block of flats (No 31 A) in Kirov Avenye in Grozny's Leninskii district complain about extremely poor living conditions.

Sewage flows have flooded the basement of the building and muddy puddles have appeared on the premises. Children there have various skin diseases, rash and itch and it is impossible to go out because of the stench. Besides, there are swarms of rats, let alone mosquitoes, according to a local resident.

Yet local officials do take no action, saying there are no funds to replace the sewage system in the building. "We send special machinery there to clean the basements from sewage flows, but this helps little. They are filled again almost immediately. Those who repaired the building should be made accountable, but it is two years and a half since then, ...
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