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Human Rights

The Scotsman

posted by zaina19 on September, 2005 as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/2/2005 4:24 AM
The Scotsman
Fri 2 Sep 2005
A grandmother weeps at the grave of one of the children who died in the siege at the Beslan school a year ago.
Picture: Yuri Kadobnov/ AFP/ Getty Images
Beslan parents seek asylum in a country 'that values human life'


VLADIMIR Putin received a slap in the face from the residents of Beslan yesterday as they marked the anniversary of the school massacre by demanding asylum abroad.

Hundreds of Beslan's people, claiming that the government mishandled the siege, begged foreign nations to save them from a country "where a human life means nothing".

The protest comes as a delegation of Beslan parents was due to make their complaints to the Russian president in person at the Kremlin today.

In a letter, the people of the small south Russian town said: "We, the parents and relatives of the victims of the ...
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The appeal of the Chechen refugees in Poland

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/3/2005 1:01 AM
September, 3, 2005

The appeal of the Chechen refugees in Poland

To the Supreme Commissioner of the United Nations on affairs of refugees
In the International Red Cross
To all International, public, political organizations engaged in protection of human rights

To management of CHRI
To management of Poland

Dear ladies and gentelmen!

Today 15th day as we, the Chechen refugees who are taking place in Poland, in city of Lublin, refuse the reception of food. We were compelled to declare the beginning of the action of termless hunger-strike in connection with the critical situation which has been usual today in Poland and in particular, in our centre on reception of refugees.

Our problems are connected to full absence of legal, social, and any other protection for the Chechen refugees in Poland, and in particular in our centre.

Today is the 15-th day as 7 persons are in a condition of hunger-strike, two ...
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Committee for Lawyers’ Rights set up

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

5.9.2005 17:51 MSK
Committee for Lawyers’ Rights set up
RUSSIA, Moscow. On 1 September, All-Russian Public Movement for the Human Rights set up the Committee for the Rights of Lawyers. Mikhail Trepashkin was elected Chairman of the Committee. On 31 August he was granted an early conditional release from prison where he had been serving sentence for divulging state secret — a charge that Trepashkin and his lawyers believe to be politically motivated. Besides Trepashkin the Committee members include lawyers Rouslan Koblev, Yelena Liptser, Stanislav Markelov and Roustam Chernov.

Speaking at the press conference at Independent Press Centre on 2 September, Mikhail Trepashkin and Lev Ponomaryov, Executive Director of All-Russian Public Movement For the Human Rights, revealed the Committee’s purpose and goals. They include publicising every case of unlawful and unfounded persecution against lawyers; alerting higher executive and judicial bodies to violations of lawyers’ legitimate rights in the context of criminal investigations; protecting ...
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Politician Suggests Ban on Foreign Travel for Young Russian Girls

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/10/2005 2:30 AM

Photo from

Photo from
Politician Suggests Ban on Foreign Travel for Young Russian Girls

Created: 09.09.2005 15:58 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 15:58 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1126267094)); </SCRIPT> , 21 hours 29 minutes ago


To mark International Beauty Day Nikolai Kurianovich, a State Duma deputy with the nationalist <NOBR>LDPR</NOBR> party, suggested introducing a ban on foreign travel for Russian girls under 21, Itar-Tass news agency reported.

In his opinion, young Russian girls must not visit other countries as tourists, even if they are accompanied by men.

Moreover, Kurianovich asked colleagues to legally reduce rights of Russian girls to marry foreigners, saying it would help preserve the nation’s gene pool.

Russia’s Central Eastern neighbor Turkmenistan has already applied restrictions to foreigners who want to marry Turkmen women. An outsider wishing to wed a female citizen of the state has to render a $50,000 tribute to the country’s budget.

Also, earlier this ...
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Former Russian Guantanamo Prisoners to Sue U.S.

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/10/2005 7:19 AM

Photo: AFP

Photo: AFP
Former Russian Guantanamo Prisoners to Sue U.S.

Created: 09.09.2005 17:24 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 17:24 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1126272248)); </SCRIPT>


Eight former Russian Guantanamo prisoners are going to sue the U.S. for holding them illegally, Ekho Moskvy radio station reported.

The most active of the group, Airat Vakhitov, who has been closely cooperating with Russian rights activists and writing a book about Guantanamo, told the radio station that the current life of the former inmates is very difficult.

Two of them have been under examination facing charges of terrorism in Russia. One is dying of injuries he sustained in the notorious prison.

Vakhitov also said he has filed his own lawsuit on charges that he was subjected to torture and is awaiting the trial.

Eight Russians were seized in a counter-terrorist operation in Afghanistan and kept at the Guantanamo base in Cuba with other Taliban and terrorist ...
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