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Human Rights

The Other Russia: Moscow Theater Stages Play Of Magnitsky’s Death

posted by eagle on July, 2010 as Human Rights

Moscow Theater Stages Play of Magnitsky’s Death

Seven months on, the tragic death of Hermitage Capital Management lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in a Moscow detention center continues to resonate throughout Russian civil society. And understandably so: that the Federal Penitentiary Servicepartially admitted guilt in the matter, and that Moscow businesswoman Vera Trifonova died in the same facilityunder startlingly similar conditions just months later, attests to the systematic nature of Russia’s mistreatment of detainees.

In a particularly unique expression of civil discontent, a Moscow theater has staged an unexpectedly successful play based on Magnitsky’s daily journal. Radio Free Liberty/Radio Europe reports:

The small theater stage is the world and all the people on it are to be judged, says the director ofa play based on the diary of a Russian lawyer who died in prison last year.

The production — based on the daily writings of Sergei Magnitsky, who died in a Moscow prison in ...

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KC: Parisian prosecutor's Office 'Explained' Why It Imprisoned Two Chechen Refugees On A Tip By The terrorist Gang Of The FSB

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Parisian prosecutor's office 'explained' why it imprisoned two Chechen refugees on a tip by the terrorist gang of the FSB

Publication time: 16 July 2010, 21:23 

A French political magazine L'Expressreports that "three Russians of Chechen origin were arrested in Mans (province of Sarthe) on July 5 in the course of the investigation, started by the Russian authorities against alleged terrorist activities, the Paris prosecutor's office reported.


Two of them were arrested by an anti-terrorist investigatory judge, and the third one was released under a legal control. All of them are suspected in involvement in "criminal association in preparation for a terrorist act".


The fourth person arrested was released by the judge without opening any investigation against him- This investigation is being conducted as a result of information provided by Moscow in relation to a case of assassination attempts, which led to 40 deaths in March in the Moscow metro.


"The investigation is conducted as a result of information received by the ...

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Jamestown Foundation: Rights Violations Reported In Dagestan, Ingushetia And Kabardino-Balkaria

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Rights Violations Reported in Dagestan, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria

Publication: North Caucasus Analysis 
July 16, 2010 06:11 PM 

As Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, this week announced a new strategy to bring prosperity to the North Caucasus, people across the region publicly accused local authorities of abusing human rights.

Putin said in the city of Kislovodsk in Stavropol Krai on July 6 that while rebels in the North Caucasus are still carrying out terrorist acts, the insurgents are "more and more degenerating into common criminal groups” and time is running out for them. "We will with all our force protect the life, rights and security of our citizens,” he declared, calling for the creation of 400,000 extra jobs in the North Caucasus within the next decade. "We all need a peaceful, prosperous Caucasus,” Putin said, adding that the state-owned Vnesheconombank would set up a branch in the North Caucasus to help with investment ...

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KC: Russian Terrorists Again Concerned How To Suppress Truth On Kavkaz Center...

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Russian terrorists again concerned how to suppress truth on Kavkaz Center. They are going to adopt a new law to do it

Publication time: 30 June 2010, 23:24 

According to Russian terrorist media outlets, the ministry of communications of the KGB junta has a idea "how to restore order in Russian-language sphere of the Internet". Foreign websites are supposed to be "liable if the inflict a damage on the territory of Russia".


Amendments to a Russian terrorist "law" with such plans were suggested by a certain "working group of Russian ministry of information, technologies and communications", which is preparing a "law regulating relationships on the Internet".


Russian media outlets report:


The problem of jurisdiction arises for Moscow, where "law enforcement agencies" have to deal with websites registered abroad. Thus, according to the Russian "law enforcement agencies", the website Kavkaz Center is now operating from Sweden, and its closure is the responsibility of the Swedish authorities.


After the adoption of the amendments, it will be ...

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Toronto Sun: Watchdog NGO Speaks Out On Silence Of United Nations Following Atrocities

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

June 28, 2010

Watchdog NGO speaks out on silence of United Nations following atrocities

By Peter Worthington, QMI Agency

One of the more interesting organizations concerned with both the fate of the world and the people in it is UN Watch.

Set up in 1993, it’s a Geneva-based non-governmental organization in place to monitor the UN itself.

What’s significant is UN Watch uses the UN Charter itself to scrutinize what goes on inside that body. In other words, UN Watch doesn’t set the standards, the UN does. UN Watch simply judges the UN by its own yardstick.

Governed by an international board, the Canadian representative is Irwin Cotler, former minister of justice and attorney general.

As a quick summary, the UN Charter’s aim is: 1. To avoid the "scourge” of war; 2. To advance human rights and equal treatment; 3. To establish justice and allegiance to international law; 4. To promote social progress and enhance freedom.

To achieve ...

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