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Human Rights


posted by zaina19 on October, 2005 as Human Rights

Volume 6 , Issue 37 (October 06, 2005)


On the eve of the Russia-EU summit in London, which took place on October 4, Amnesty International released a report entitled "Torture, ‘Disappearances,' and Alleged Unfair Trials in Russia's North Caucasus." The human rights group states in the report that what the Russian government calls its "war on terror" in the North Caucasus "is being used as a pretext for violations that include ‘disappearances', torture, arbitrary detention and incommunicado detention in unacknowledged as well as official places of detention. There are ongoing reports of targeted violence against women by members of the security forces in Chechnya, in particular arbitrary detention, rape, and killing. Such violations are overwhelmingly committed with impunity, as very few perpetrators are ever identified and brought to justice. Chechen armed opposition groups are also reported to have violated international humanitarian law over the ...
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Russian Federation: No end to gross human rights violations in Russia's North Caucasus

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/7/2005 6:16 PM
AI Index: EUR 46/038/2005 (Public)
News Service No: 260
30 September 2005

Embargo Date: 30 September 2005 07:00 GMT

Russian Federation: No end to gross human rights violations in Russia's North Caucasus
Amnesty International releases new findings in lead up to EU-Russia summit

Amnesty International today released disturbing new findings from its latest field research mission which show there is no end to gross human rights violations in Chechnya and Ingushetia with the Russian authorities implicated in the torture, abduction and secret detention of civilians. Amnesty International says Russia's "war on terror" is being used as an excuse for systematic human rights abuses.

The human rights organisation published details of abuses documented by its researchers who returned from the region this week. Their findings were released today simultaneously in London, Brussels and Moscow (see details below) in the lead-up to next week's EU-Russia summit in London on Tuesday 4 ...
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Picket in defense of the Society of Russian-Chechen friendship

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/8/2005 6:26 AM
7.10.2005 12:04 MSK
Picket in defense of the Society of Russian-Chechen friendship
RUSSIA, Moscow. On October 6th, representatives of a number of Russian non-governmental organizations picketed the buildings of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The purpose of the demonstration was to express distress over the illegal actions of tax collectors with respect to the Society of the Russian-Chechen Friendship (SRChF) and to demand the cancellation of measures taken to stifle this human rights organization.

According to the Civil Assistance committee, the interregional public organization, Society of Russian-Chechen Friendship, based in Nizhny Novgorod, has been observing human rights conditions in the region and sending daily news briefings about events in Chechnya, rendering aid to victims of the war, and actively contributing to peace-making in the North Caucasus.

SRChF is not a commercial activity and makes no profits. All donations from international and Russian funds are expended ...
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Russian Classmates of Killed Congolese Student Protest Against Racism

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/10/2005 5:11 AM

Photo from

Photo from
Russian Classmates of Killed Congolese Student Protest Against Racism

Created: 15.09.2005 15:01 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 15:01 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1126782078)); </SCRIPT>


Dozens of students have protested against rising levels of racism in St. Petersburg after one of their classmates died following an attack they believe was racially motivated, Reuters reported.

Epassak Rolan Franz, a 29-year-old from Congo, died on Wednesday in hospital after failing to recover from injuries he received when he was attacked on Friday.

The students gathered outside their university, holding photographs of their dead friend and showing a letter they had written to officials calling on them to pay more attention to the “rising hatred towards people of different skin colours”.

Prosecutors said there was no evidence yet that the attack on Franz had been racist, but the protesters saw it as the latest in a string of racist murders ...
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URGENT ACTION Russian Federation: Further information on: Fear for safety/fear of torture or ill-treatment/"disappearance"

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

Recommend      Message 1 of 1 in Discussion
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/10/2005 7:18 AM

Russian Federation: Further information on: Fear for safety/fear of torture or ill-treatment/"disappearance"

PUBLIC AI Index: EUR 46/034/2005
02 September 2005

Further Information on UA 225/05 (EUR 46/033/2005, 30 August 2005) Fear for
safety/fear of torture or ill-treatment/"disappearance"

Rustam Akhmiarov (m)

Airat Vakhitov and Rustam Akhmiarov were released on 2 September, at 10am
Moscow time. They are now at liberty in the town of Naberezhnie Chelni,
Republic of Tatarstan.

They told Amnesty International that they had not been ill-treated while they
were in custody. They are convinced that their release is due to the attention
of Amnesty International and other media and human rights organizations. Airat
Vakhitov told Amnesty International: "I can’t express enough thanks to your
members, we’re simply in shock, thank you for your understanding of our
situation." Rustam Akhmiarov told Amnesty International: "A very big thank you,
thank you for ...
>> full...

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