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Human Rights

Tatarstan jury acquitted former Guantanamo inmates accused of terrorism

posted by zaina19 on October, 2005 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/3/2005 6:33 PM
29.9.2005 18:50 MSK
Tatarstan jury acquitted former Guantanamo inmates accused of terrorism
RUSSIA, Kazan. On Sept. 28, the Supreme Court of Tatarstan closed the criminal case against Tumur Ishmuratov, Ravil Gumarov and Fanis Shaihutdinov, accused of blowing up a domestic gas pipe-line in Bugulm. They were declared innocent of all charges and freed. The verdict will be publicly announced on Sept. 30, said the human rights center “Memorial”.

The organization’s press center noted that the defendants were arrested in the beginning of April, 2005. They were accused of illegal possession of explosives and terrorist activity. According to the investigators, the accused ones organized the terrorist act in order to incense violence and to stop the criminal prosecution of “Islamic extremists” in Tatarstan.

The case attracted the attention of the international community, since the two defendants- Ishmuratov ...
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Stanislav Dmitrievskii asked the court to end the criminal case due to lack of evidence

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/3/2005 6:36 PM
27.9.2005 21:11 MSK
Stanislav Dmitrievskii asked the court to end the criminal case due to lack of evidence
Stanislav Dmitrievskii
Stanislav Dmitrievskii
RUSSIA, Nizhny Novgorod. (Infocenter Russian-Chechen Friendship Society) The editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Pravo-zashtita” Stanislav Dmitrievskii reviewed Sept. 26 the documents in the criminal case filed in relation to the publication of statements by Aslan Mashodov and Ahmed Zakaev. When signing the protocol related to the review of the case materials, he addressed investigator Oleg Kirukov with two requests– to exclude as evidence the materials and to end the criminal case due to the lack of further evidence in its support.

Dmitriiski considers the main evidence – based on linguist expertise – has been accepted with major violations of the criminal codex, and, hence, prevented him from the opportunity to defend his legal rights, and that’s why should be excluded from the materials introduced as evidence.

Considering ...
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Frame from NTV Channel Archive

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/4/2005 2:56 AM

Frame from NTV Channel Archive

Frame from NTV Channel Archive
Anti-Putin Rally Dispersed in South Russia

Created: 13.09.2005 14:07 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:11 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1126606289)); </SCRIPT>


Human rights activists staged a protest rally in Vladikavkaz, the capital of North Ossetia, a Russian internal republic bordering on the restive province of Chechnya.

The protesters lashed out at the Kremlin for its move to scrap the direct election of governors in legislation that was adopted a year ago.

The rally was dispersed by a group of six or seven men in civilian clothes, a Gazeta.Ru correspondent reported from the scene.

The men wrestled banners and placards from the activists. Several protesters were arrested.

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New Report on Chechen Refugees and IDPs

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

New Report on Chechen Refugees and IDPs
The Norwegian Refugee Council publishes "Whose Responsibility", an exhaustive report on Chechen IDPs and refugees. CAN interviews the author, Anne Marit Austbo
Chechen IDPs leaving their camps in Ingushetia, spring 2004 (PRIMA News Agency)
    The context
As a result of a decade of war, violence, persecution and discrimination as well as the ensuing socio-economic crisis, hundreds of thousands have left Chechnya. The overwhelming majority of them have moved to other parts of Russia, mostly the Moscow area, where up to 300,000 are said to live. At least tens of thousands of internally displaced people (IDPs) have stayed on in Ingushetia and other North Caucasus republics, hesitant to return home yet unable to fully integrate into their host communities. More than 100,000 have left Russia for neighboring countries, the Middle
East and Europe, with a small trickle reaching the US and Canada. According to the United Nations High ...
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" Camera amid chao"

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/7/2005 4:42 AM

Camera amid chaos

Markha Mutalipova, one year after she lost her legs during a rocket attack on her village. Her mother's embrace saved her life, but the child's legs, which were sticking out behind her mother, were blown off.

Alaska-bred photographer's images bring Chechnya war into grim focus

Just as Heidi Bradner has made painful portraits of Chechen parents whose sons have been "disappeared," she has photographed Russian mothers searching battlegrounds for their missing boys. Just as she has shown the agony of a Chechen man burned in an explosion, she has captured the vacant stare of a wounded Russian soldier after an ambush in which many of his comrades were killed.

Those who have seen her photographs of Chechnya are struck by her ability to show compassion for both sides in this drawn-out war.

Bradner, 41, now living in London, is a graduate of Service High ...
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