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Human Rights


posted by zaina19 on October, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/7/2005 5:20 AM
Volume 6 , Issue 37 (October 06, 2005)


On the eve of the Russia-EU summit, October 3, a group of Russian human rights activists testified in Brussels before the European Parliament's sub-committee on human rights. The subject was human rights in Russia, particularly in the North Caucasus. Afterward, one of the participants, Tanya Lokshina, chairwoman of the Demos Center for Information and Human Rights Research, told Kavkazky Uzel that she had just returned from Chechnya and spoke in Brussels almost exclusively about the situation in the republic and the North Caucasus more generally. "I spoke about how undoubtedly for a person who saw Chechnya in 1999–2000 there are evident signs of life now," Lokshina told the website. "And a person who remembers Grozny back then cannot but notice certain outward improvements, cannot be but happy ...
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US Raises Questions about Russia's Commitment to Democracy and Human Rights

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/8/2005 2:53 AM
US Raises Questions about Russia's Commitment to Democracy and Human Rights
By Ivana Kuhar
08 October 2005

Lorne Craner
Lorne Craner (file photo)
During the recent annual OSCE Conference (The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) on human rights in Warsaw, Poland (Sept 19-30), the United States raised questions about the commitment of Russia to the rule of law and to international humanitarian standards. The head of the U.S. delegation Lorne Craner spoke with VOA's Ivana Kuhar upon his return from Warsaw.

Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Lorne Craner, says Russia's democratic development has stalled. Mr. Craner, who led the U.S. delegation to the Warsaw conference said while initial democratic reforms during the era of President Boris Yeltsin had shown promise, Russian authorities are now increasingly showing signs of reverting to totalitarian ways of governing.

"Earlier in this decade, you ...
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Human rights defenders rally in Moscow in support of persecuted NGO

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/8/2005 6:30 AM
Human rights defenders rally in Moscow in support of persecuted NGO

October 6th 2005

(Prague Watchdog) - About thirty people, mostly prominent Russian human rights activists, took part in a rally today that was held in central Moscow. It was in support of an NGO whose reports on the conflict in Chechnya resulted, amongst other things, in criminal charges and frozen accounts.

The Society of Russian-Chechen Frienship, based in Nizhny Novgorod, has been charged with tax evasion and ordered to pay over one million roubles to the state for alleged tax arrears and fines. Based on various charges the Society‘s chairman and editor of the "Pravozashchita" newspaper, Stanislav Dmitriyevsky, faces a prison sentence.

The Russian human rights groups believe this is all politically motivated and the real reason for the persecution is to get rid of one of the few sources left who‘ve been writing uncensored ...
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Alexei Terekhov, Anastasia Berseneva

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/10/2005 5:28 AM
Racism in Russian

Created: 05.07.2005 19:28 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 16:39 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1124541598)); </SCRIPT>

Alexei Terekhov, Anastasia Berseneva

Novyie Izvestia

On Sunday in Voronezh a citizen of Rwanda studying at a local institute was beaten and robbed. This is just another episode in a long chain of attacks on foreign students that happen in various Russian cities almost every day.

Three months ago, Novyie Izvestia wrote that many young people having come from Africa and Asia to study are ready to leave Russia forever unless law enforcement here starts taking their security seriously. Since then, a large number of students, paying considerable money for their education, have left the country. However, it turned out that federal authorities consider the problem exaggerated in the minds of the public, and do not intend to take special measures to protect foreign students.

“It only seems as though the number of ...
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Mikhail Trepashkin legal process continues

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/15/2005 7:44 AM
14.10.2005 13:29 MSK
Mikhail Trepashkin legal process continues
Mikhail Trepshkin
Mikhail Trepshkin
RUSSIA, Lower Tagil. The court which will once again examine Mikhail Trepshkin’s petition for conditional early release has been postponed until October 26th, because some of the documents demanded by the court have not yet been obtained, reported a representative of the organization For Human Rights to a PRIMA- News correspondent on October 13th.

The administration of IK -13 Lower Tagil initially want to allow Executive Director of the For Human Rights organization, Lev Ponomarev, onto the territory of the colony as an authorized expert on human rights in Russia. Ponomarev, as the result of a court order, was eventually allowed onto the territory of IK -13.

For Human Rights notes that the process is being held in open court—all journalists are allowed.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2005-10-13-Rus-36]

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