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Human Rights

"Globalization or ethnic self-identification" - conference of "not recognized countries" takes place in Switzerland

posted by zaina19 on November, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/30/2005 11:59 PM
 "Globalization or ethnic self-identification" -  conference of "not recognized countries" takes place in Switzerland
The vice-speaker of Abkhazian parliament Alexander Stranichkin and the chairman of the committee on inter-parliamentary and external communications of Abkhazia Beslan Butba, as well as representatives of Mountain Karabakh, Pridnestr, South Ossetia would take part in the international scientific-practical conference "Multiculturism and ethno-political models of the XXI century". The conference is organized by the NGO "the Free Europe". It opens tomorrow, on December, 1st, in Switzerland.

As IА REGNUM correspondent in Sukhumi informed, participants of the conference would consider some contemporary questions - "Globalization or ethnic self-identification", "Integration or self-determination of nations", "Peace-making process or intervention in affairs of sovereign states", and discuss, whether they could avoid such oppositions. It is supposed to lead within the work of the conferences three plenary sessions on the themes: "Multiculturism in the epoch ...
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Below is a full-text version of a Human Rights Watch report of ill-treatment with respect to Nalchik attack suspects.

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/1/2005 2:06 AM

Suspects in Nalchik attack ill-treated - HRW

Below is a full-text version of a Human Rights Watch report of ill-treatment with respect to Nalchik attack suspects.

Russia: Suspects in Caucasus Attack Ill-Treated
Lawyers Illegally Removed From Cases of Abused Suspects in Nalchik

(Moscow, November 18, 2005)–Russian law enforcement officials have used ill-treatment to coerce confessions from suspects in the October 13 armed attacks in the Northern Caucasus city of Nalchik, Human Rights Watch said today.

During a fact-finding trip to the region, Human Rights Watch researchers collected convincing evidence that at least eight persons who were detained on suspicion of participation in the attacks were subjected to ill-treatment that in some cases may amount to torture.

"Russian law enforcement routinely uses torture in its counterterrorism operations," said Holly Cartner, Europe and Central Asia director for Human Rights Watch. "The illegal practice of fighting one human ...
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The German newspaper about the Chechen refugees in Poland and Lithuania

posted by zaina19 on October, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/3/2005 9:45 AM
October, 3, 2005

The German newspaper about the Chechen refugees in Poland and Lithuania

The newspaper printing in Berlin "Noies deuchland" in today's issue stops on the situation of the Chechen refugees in Poland and Lithuania.

As Chechens as "citizens of Russian Ferderation" legally may go to Byelorussia, there they pass border of Poland, Lithuania or Latvia. But in Germany after May, 2004 when a political asylum began to be give or to not given only in the country of the first entrance, they may get with hope to find refuge only by a balloon, representatives of refugee organizations in Germany speak.

In Poland 90 % of all refugees in the country - are Chechens, in Lithuania 73 %. In both countries of refugees who have no the passport, and among Chechens of those the majority, place in prison. In Lithuania they remain in prison before ...
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Human Rights Groups Sound Alarm Over Chechnya Kidnappings, Urge EU to Act

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/4/2005 2:47 AM

Frame from NTV Channel Archive

Frame from NTV Channel Archive
Human Rights Groups Sound Alarm Over Chechnya Kidnappings, Urge EU to Act

Created: 30.09.2005 16:20 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 17:07 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1128085641)); </SCRIPT>


Russian and international rights groups believe that official reports on kidnappings in Chechnya understate the true figures. As many as 3,000 to 5,000 people have been arbitrarily detained in the restive region since the beginning of the second war in 1999, according to rights advocates.

At a joint conference held in Moscow on Friday, the world’s leading rights group, Amnesty International, and Russia’s Memorial Human Rights Center presented disturbing findings from their latest field research mission which show there is no end to gross human rights violations in Chechnya and Ingushetia with the Russian authorities implicated in the torture, abduction and secret detention of civilians.

Amnesty International said in a report released prior to ...
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Amnesty International: "Russian authorities are involved in tortures and kidnappings"

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/6/2005 3:09 AM
October, 6, 2005

Amnesty International: "Russian authorities are involved in tortures and kidnappings"

International right protecting organization Amnesty International has made attempt to draw attention to the Chechen problem on the eve of the London summit EU - RUSSIA, hoping, that at summit the theme of infringement of human rights in the Chechen Republic will be brought out for discussion.

Bloodshed in Ichkeria continues, and Putin does not have other plan of action to settle down the conflict, which has been continued in the Chechen Republic for 10 years, except for as military means. As a result of it people of the Chechen Republic suffers more and more from terrorism which is sponsored by the state, emphasizes the international right protecting organization Amnesty International.

As the English-speaking newspaper issued in OAE and making the coverage of events in Bahrein, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and other parts ...
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