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Scandalous Russophobic fairy stories in supposedly prestigious news outlet

posted by zaina19 on November, 2005 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/29/2005 4:58 AM
Racism in Russia: BBC blames Putin
<NOBR>11/28/2005 10:22</NOBR>

Scandalous Russophobic fairy stories in supposedly prestigious news outlet

Read the "bought" press these days and you will find the package of stories which has been carefully chosen and tailored to meet the cozy vision of the world which the controllers of its wealth want you to find: The USA and her allies globetrotting, braving the wilderness with the bullet and the Bible, civilizing the savages (while ransacking their resources and setting up pro-western regimes across the globes). A constant factor in this formula is a hysterical, hostile and histrionic anti-Russian stance.Racism

Once again, this Sunday's BBC website brings us a classic example of this Russophobic slant among the world's "bought" press - the article "UK students fear ...
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Mother of Guantanamo ex-prisoner Kudaev returned to Kabardino-Balkaria from London

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/29/2005 2:38 AM
Mother of Guantanamo ex-prisoner Kudaev returned  to Kabardino-Balkaria from London
Mother of the former prisoner of Guantanamo, native of Kabardino-Balkaria Rasul Kudaev – Fatima Tekaeva - had taken part in the international conference in London devoted to infringements of human rights and tortures in the U.S. prisons. Representatives of 40 countries took part in it totally. The conference was organized by the International legal expert organization “Amnesty International” with participation of the UN commissariat against tortures.

From among seven former Russian prisoners of Guantanamo at the conference only two persons could arrive and she - as the representative of her son Rasul Kudaev. The Guantanamo former prisoner now is being detained in the Nalchik investigatory isolator on charge in participation in the Nalchik ...
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Meeting with Representative UNHCR in Slovakia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/30/2005 6:14 AM
November, 30, 2005

Meeting with Representative UNHCR in Slovakia

"Action Group" has met the Representative of the Supreme Commissioner of the United Nations in Slovakia mister Perfranchesko Maria Natta concerning a critical situation with refugees from the Chechen Republic in this country.

Since 1992 in Slovakia are registered 47 637 applicants of a refuge, from them 574 persons have received the status of the refugee that makes only 1,8 percents of the general number. The last year it was given 11 statuses, and only one person from the Chechen Republic has found refuge.

- The Chechen refugees frivolously concern to procedure of inquiry of a refuge in Slovakia. Authorities too are convinced, that this category of refugees uses the country as a transit zone and, accordingly do not make attempts to understand in essence with applications of refugees from Chechen Republic - regretfully marks mister Natta.

The ...
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Scandalous Russophobic fairy stories in supposedly prestigious news outlet

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/29/2005 4:58 AM
Racism in Russia: BBC blames Putin
<NOBR>11/28/2005 10:22</NOBR>

Scandalous Russophobic fairy stories in supposedly prestigious news outlet

Read the "bought" press these days and you will find the package of stories which has been carefully chosen and tailored to meet the cozy vision of the world which the controllers of its wealth want you to find: The USA and her allies globetrotting, braving the wilderness with the bullet and the Bible, civilizing the savages (while ransacking their resources and setting up pro-western regimes across the globes). A constant factor in this formula is a hysterical, hostile and histrionic anti-Russian stance.Racism

Once again, this Sunday's BBC website brings us a classic example of this Russophobic slant among the world's "bought" press - the article "UK students fear ...
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Russia: Human Rights Groups Spurn Chechen Poll

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/29/2005 8:58 AM
Russia: Human Rights Groups Spurn Chechen Poll
Tuesday, 29 November 2005
By Claire Bigg
Chechnya -- elections (par 27 Nov 05) girl waits/posters
A girl waits for her mother at a polling station in Grozny on 27 November
Russia's leading human rights organizations refused to monitor the 27 November parliamentary elections in Chechnya, the first to be held in the war-torn republic since the Kremlin launched its second campaign to crush separatists in 1999. Rights groups have said monitoring the election process would equate to giving legitimacy to a poll that they charge was flawed from the start.

Moscow, 29 November 2005 (RFE/RL) -- Chechnya's legislative elections should have taken place two years ago, but they were postponed several times for fear separatist rebels may disrupt the vote.

The poll, however, passed without violence. Officials have hailed the vote as a sign that things are returning to normal in ...
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