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Human Rights

AI concerned about legal action against RCFS director

posted by zaina19 on November, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/22/2005 3:31 AM

AI concerned about legal action against RCFS director

Below is a public statement by Amnesty International concerning a criminal case against Stanislav Dmitrievskii, Executive Director of Russian-Chechen Friendship Society.

Executive Director of Russian-Chechen Friendship Society, Stanislav Dmitrievskii, possible prisoner of conscience

Stanislav Dmitrievskii is facing up to five years' imprisonment for his decision to publish articles written by a former Chechen separatist leader and his envoy. Stanislav Dmitrievskii is Executive Director of the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society (RCFS) and editor-in-chief of the Pravo-zashchita newspaper (Rights defence, a human rights-oriented newspaper), which is published jointly by RCFS and another Nizhnii Novgorod based human rights organization. Amnesty International is concerned that the criminal prosecution is a violation of his right to freedom of expression, and seems to be part of a campaign of harassment aimed at closing down the work of the RCFS. If imprisoned ...
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Villager released after torture

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/23/2005 1:37 AM

Villager released after torture

Abducted by unidentified persons from his own home on 18 November, Khamdulla Abuyevich Naurdinov, b. 1960, resident in Pamiatoi, Shatoi district, was released on 19 November. On 20 November, a correspondent of the Russian-Chechen News Agency (RCNA) met Mr Khamdulla Naurdinov and learnt from him about some of the circumstances of his abduction and subsequent release. It was established that a group of unidentified persons driving several VAZ 2110 vehicles had brought Mr Naurdinov away from his own home in the evening on 18 November.

The strangers introduced themselves as officers of the 2nd regiment of the checkpoint and patrol service of the police. At about 6.00 p.m. on 19 November, the abducted man was found outside the Shatoi district, beaten severely. Because of his poor condition, he was not able to recollect the exact place of ...
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Public meetings held in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights


Public meetings held in Chechnya

A public meeting of about 200 was held in front of the House of Government of Chechnya in Grozny on 17 and 18 November 2005. The key demand of the participants was payment of money compensations for their homes destroyed in the course of military action. Representatives of Chechnya's Money Compensations Payment Commission addressed the public meeting on 18 November. In particular, they explained to the participants that a commission of the Federal Migration Service of Russia was currently working in Grozny, examining the correctness of documents submitted with a view to obtaining compensations. In conclusion, the officials promised the people that those citizens whose papers for obtaining compensations were correct would receive the money before New Year, the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society reports.

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Cool Welcome for Meskhetians

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/23/2005 2:01 AM
Cool Welcome for Meskhetians


Muslims exiled by Stalin are to be legally entitled to go back at last, but convincing many Georgians this is a good idea is likely to be a difficult task.

By Fati Mamiashvili in Tbilisi (CRS No. 315, 23-Nov-05)
After almost six years of wrangling with the Council of Europe, Georgia is finally taking steps to allow the Muslim Meskhetians to return home after a 60-year exile.

However, convincing Georgians to welcome back the community – deported by Stalin towards the end of the Second World War – will prove difficult. Many local people are suspicious of what they regard as an alien group who will not be easily assimilated. There is also the more pragmatic consideration of absorbing extra immigrants for a state already beset by numerous economic and social problems.

Making provision for the Meskhetians is a condition of Georgia’s membership ...
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State Duma adopted law-limiting rights of NGO’s in Russia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/28/2005 1:27 AM
State Duma adopted law-limiting rights of NGO’s in Russia

The State Duma considered in the first reading a bill about toughening registration rules for noncommercial nongovernmental organizations.

With necessary 226 voices 370 deputies voted for the bill, against - 18, as 3 deputies refrained. They had stipulated that amendments to the bill should be sent to the profile committee till December, 4th then it would pass its second reading, "Interfax" reported.

Earlier substantive principles of the bill and the civil society’s reaction to it were commented to the correspondent of "Caucasian unit” by the member of the Advisory council by the Representative under human rights of Russian Federation, the president of the Center of development of democracy and human rights, member of the Secretary of the Coalition of public associations "For democratic alternative civil service" Jury Dzhibladze.

"The project is conceptually unacceptable. It contradicts the ...
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