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Human Rights

CK: Participants Of Petersburg Dialogue Demand From Russian Authorities To Strain Efforts In Solving Estemirova's Murder

posted by eagle on July, 2010 as Human Rights

Participants of Petersburg Dialogue demand from Russian authorities to strain efforts in solving Estemirova's murder

Jul 15 2010, 22:10

In the course of the 10th Petersburg Dialogue held in Yekaterinburg its participants noted that the inquiry of the murder was not persistent enough. They demanded that Russia's authorities do the utmost to solve the murder of Natalia Estemirova, an employee of the HRC "Memorial", and stop the criminal case against the head of the HRC "Memorial" Oleg Orlov.

"Today, exactly one year after the murder, during the 10th Petersburg Dialogue in Yekaterinburg, we have to regretfully ascertain that the investigation, most likely, was insufficiently persistent. The murder is not solved. The killers and those behind them are not established and are at large," runs the statement.

Also, the participants of the Dialogue reminded that President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov "says on air of the Chechen TV that employees of the "Memorial", that is, Natalia Estemirova's colleagues, are ...

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NatPress: Tuhuzhev: Situation About Human Rights Protection In KBR Is Catastrophic

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Tuhuzhev: situation about human rights protection in KBR is catastrophic

15 July 2010 - 08:05 pm - NatPress 

"Catastrophic” was named by lawyer of the legal expert center "For Human Rights" Timur Tuhuzhev according to whom monthly the center receive several complaints in relation to the situation with protection of human rights in Kabardino-Balkaria.

"People address to our center, basically, with complaints about militian illegal activities - every month we work with two - three applications though there are much more real cases than that", the legal expert explained in his interview to correspondent "Caucasian uzel".

Such insignificant quantity of the addressing for help Tuhuzhev explains with two reasons: absence of belief that they can struggle with authority, and a lack of information about the legal expert center.

"People trust radical Islamites more than the legitimate authority, Timur Tukhuzhev considers. Recently in the Internet a video record appeared in which one leader of the armed underground of Baksansky area Tashuev called people, who had ...

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Clinton: ‘Steel Vise’ Clamps Down On Activism In Russia

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Clinton: ‘Steel Vise’ Clamps Down on Activism in Russia

The Russian press is reporting strong statements from United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the suppression of civil activists who work to develop democracy around the world, but in Russia in particular. The Moscow Times reports:

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton challenged what she calls a global crackdown on human rights during a trip through former Soviet republics over the weekend, lamenting a "steel vise” squeezing the life out of social activism.

Clinton arrived in Azerbaijan on Sunday after declaring in Poland that intolerant governments, including Russia’s, are undercutting rights groups whose work is vital to the development of democracy. She said the trend is apparent and growing worse, even in countries that call themselves democracies.

At the palatial residence of President Ilham Aliyev, overlooking the vast, glimmering Caspian Sea, Aliyev and Clinton spoke briefly before reporters and television ...

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The Other Russia: Russia’s Crumbling Roads ‘Connected With Our Poverty’

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Russia’s Crumbling Roads ‘Connected With Our Poverty’

Russian automobile owners will have to pay nearly $1000 a year in taxes if the country’s crumbling transportation infrastructure is to be maintained – and that before plans for any new construction. Such was the conclusion announced at Monday’s press conference by Director Alexander Sarychev of the Scientific Research Institute (NII) for Transportation and Road Maintenance.

According to Sarychev, the fact that emergency repairs are often needed for unsafe bridges and roads in Russia "is connected with our poverty.” Even before any new roads are built, he said, routine maintenance of the existing transportation system would require one trillion rubles a year – about $32.2 billion.

"At the very height of development, in 2008, 300 billion ($9.67 billion) was spent on repairs and 270 billion ($8.7 billion) on construction. Automobile owners’ share of this sum is 200 billion ($6.5 billion),” said Sarychev.

The ...

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The Other Russia: Opposition Leader Gets 10 Days Confinement, No Explanation

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Opposition Leader Gets 10 Days Confinement, No Explanation

A leading opposition activist in the south Russian city of Orel has been sentenced to ten days of police detainment despite a row of contradictory circumstances, testimony, and questionable behavior on the part of the judge and police involved in the oppositionist’s arrest, reports.

Georgy Sarkisyan, a leader in the regional branches of both the United Civil Front and Solidarity opposition movements, was first arrested on June 30. At the time, police blamed the activist with attempting to steal a cell phone – a charge that Sarkisyan and his representative, civil rights advocate Dmitry Krayukhin, dismissed as a "provocation.” On July 1, Judge Svetlana Sandulyak sent word to local police that the files submitted on Sarkisyan’s arrest were not in order. Beginning on the evening of July 5, police repeatedly attempted to enter the oppositionist’s apartment, and detained him ...

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