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Human Rights

March Against Hatred in Saint Petersburg

posted by zaina19 on November, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/10/2005 5:25 PM
8.11.2005 14:27 MSK
March Against Hatred in Saint Petersburg
Nikolai Girenko
Nikolai Girenko
RUSSIA, Saint Petersburg. A March Against Hatred was held on November 6th in St. Petersburg. The leader of the Petersburg Yabloko Party, Maxim Reznik, reported to a correspondent of PRIMA -News that the Sportivnaya Metro Station, where the participants had gathered, turned out to be closed because of a bomb threat. In spite of this, the march went on, with slogans such as: "No Fascism" and "Russia - without Putin".

Participants included the Yabloko party, the Republican Party of Russia, the League of Voters, Amnesty International, the Association of Foreign Students, and representatives of the National-Bolshevik party—a total of about a thousand people.

The demonstration was dedicated to the memory of scientist- ethnologist and fighter against racism and fascism Nikolai Girenko, and all other victims of neo-Fascism. This is the second march in memory of ...
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Criminal case on Ruslan Nakhushev’s abduction sent to Office of Public Prosecutor of Nalchik

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/11/2005 2:51 PM
Criminal case on Ruslan Nakhushev’s abduction sent  to Office of Public Prosecutor of Nalchik
Criminal case on the fact of abduction of the director of the Institute of Islamic researches Ruslan Nakhushev was sent to the Office of Public Prosecutor of the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria Nalchik for further investigation. It is entrusted to the inspector on especially important issues Rustam Boliev. On November, 11th Ruslan Nakhushev’s relatives met the inspector. He told them that he just received the materials of the case and had not yet time to familiarize with them.

Relatives of Nakhushev asked the inspector to interrogate as witnesses three people: the employee of FSS department Kerim Mikitaev (who was the last who saw Ruslan) in order to ask him, what for within one day he called Руслана to come twice in the FSS department; and two journalists - the correspondent of ...
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Case of national discrimination in Karachaevo-Circassia ended peacefully

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/18/2005 2:44 AM
Case of national discrimination in Karachaevo-Circassia  ended peacefully
In the peace court of Cherkessk city they had considered the first in the whole history of the republic case concerned discrimination to the national attribute at employment. As the local judge of peace of Cherkessk Zaur Hachirov informed on Wednesday "Interfax-South" agency, as an occasion for that trial a statement of claim of a jobless 55-years old citizen, not Slavic origin served.

"In the newspaper of the free-of-charge announcements printed in Cherkessk, in the heading "Work Offers" there was an announcement in which one of firms operating on the real estate market looked for an employee. Among desirable parameters potential employer specified that the future employee should be a Slav. The claimant had seen in that infringement of the constitutional laws and addressed to local peace court", - explained Hachirov. He said that the ...
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What lies behind Ruslan Nakhushev´s Disappearance?

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/18/2005 3:43 AM
What lies behind Ruslan Nakhushev´s Disappearance?
14.11.2005 - 00:16:26

´´ on 7 November quoted Nakhushev as reasoning that the siloviki -- the republic´s law-enforcement and security agencies, whose heads were appointed by Kanokov´s predecessor Valerii Kokov -- have a vested interest in perpetuating the perception of an Islamic threat in order to be able to demonstrate to their superiors in Moscow their success in countering that threat...´´

There is still no sign of Ruslan Nakhushev, a former KBG officer and head of the unregistered Islamic Research Institute in Nalchik, who went missing on 4 November.

His disappearance has shed some light on alleged connections between the Chechen resistance and the djamaats (religious communities) in the Kabardino-Balkariya Republic (KBR).

Local police have identified the participants in the 13 October armed raids on Nalchik as members of the Yarmuk djamaat -- a group with reported links to the Chechen ...
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The legal case against Stanislav Dmitrievski has begun

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/18/2005 4:38 AM
16.11.2005 18:16 MSK
The legal case against Stanislav Dmitrievski has begun
Stanislav Dmitrievski
Stanislav Dmitrievski
RUSSIA, Nizhnii Novgorod. (Society on Russian-Chechen Friendship Information Center). The Nizhnii Novgorod Regional Court at 10 a.m. on November 16 began the review of the criminal case against Stanislav Dmitrievki, editor of “Legal-defense”, and the executive director of the Society on Russian-Chechen Friendship, based on accusations of inciting racial, national and social hostility.

The court subpoenaed members and associates of the Society on Russian-Chechen Friendship and the Nizhnii Novgorod Society of Human Rights, as witnesses in the case. At 12 p.m., due to the absence of some of the witnesses, the court postponed the hearings until November 25.

The two defense lawyers in the case – Russian Urii Sidorov (Nizhnii Novgorod) and Chechen ...
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