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Human Rights

Rasul Kudayev beaten

posted by zaina19 on November, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/1/2005 1:09 AM
Public organizations of Adygeya asks KBR president to give out  bodies of killed in Nalchik
Public organizations of Adygeya "Adyghe Khase", "Circassian congress" and the Spiritual management of Moslems of the republic and Krasnodar territory had sent on October, 31st the letter to the president of Kabardino-Balkaria Arsen Kanokov. The decision on it as IА "AdygeaNatPress" informed, was made three days ago at the "Adyghe Khase" Council where representatives of the named organizations participated. In the reference it was spoken:

"The tragedy happened on October, 13th, 2005 in Nalchik, has not left indifferent all Adygs (Circassians) living in Russian Federation and in the countries of near and far abroad. The reasons and conditions of the event should be eliminated by the whole Adygeyan (Circassian) world. Addressing to you, dear Arsen Bashirovich, we believe that, first of all, it is necessary to return bodies of ...
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bngul3.gif (2249 bytes) Russian Russian

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/9/2005 1:41 AM
bngul3.gif (2249 bytes)     Russian Russian

In the twentieth century there was no single country in the world where as many citizens have been sent to prison as Russia. Ninety-two and a half million people had been exterminated in the USSR from 1917 to 1987; 40 million of them died in the GULAG.

About the scope and consequences of this continuous slaughter one can judge by such a demographic indicator as the gap in the average life expectancy of men and women: it made up not less than 10 years even long after the end of the World War II...

Bngul4.gif (681 bytes)     

One in every four adult men in Russia is a former
prisoner. The prison population has reached the size of the Stalin's GULAG, more than one million people are held in prisons in inhumane conditions, suffering from hunger, disease, and unemployment. Three ...
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Anti-Muslim repressions and kidnappings continue in Russia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/9/2005 3:32 AM

Anti-Muslim repressions and kidnappings continue in Russia

In 2005, in 10 areas of the Russian Federation (Central Russia, the Volga Region, and Siberia) 39 people were held on charges in of so-called Islamic extremism, according to Vitaly Ponomarev, Director of the Central-Asian Program of the Human Rights Center Memorial, at an October 31 press conference, "Anti-Muslim Repressions in Central Russia" at the Independent Press Center.

Scores of people are under investigation. No less than 40 percent of those under investigation undergo torture, noted Ponomarev. Recently in central Russia, terrorist accusations have been manufactured. The most scandalous of them is the Tatarstan matter, where 20 people were accused of preparing terrorist acts for the 1000th anniversary of Kazan.

The kidnapping of former inhabitants of Uzbekistan continues. Vitaly Ponomarev reports that, according to Muslims of the Volga Region, each year 3 - 4 descendants from Uzbekistan disappear.

The ...
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Rasul Kudayev beaten

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/10/2005 5:21 PM
28.10.2005 12:34 MSK
Rasul Kudayev beaten
Rasul Kudayev
Rasul Kudayev
RUSSIA, Nalchik. Emergency workers informed Fatima Kudayeva, the mother of Rasul Kudayev (detained on October 23rd in Nalchik) that her son had been beaten severely. There are marks on his face from the beatings and he cannot move on his own. Fatima Kudayeva has twice requested that doctors grant her Rasul’s medical documents, but they have refused. Arsen Kudayev, Rasul’s brother, informed a correspondent of PRIMA-News of this on October 27th.

The procuratorship forbade emergency doctors to give information about being called to the Organized Crime Squad (UBOP) at the Kabardino-Balkariya MVD. After events in Nalchik on October 13-14th, Emergency Services have been called to the UBOP more than once, according to Arsen Kudayev. The lawyer who represents Rasul Kudayev reported to his mother that the UBOP has been exerting extreme pressure.

Arsen Kudayev reports that UBOP colleagues ...
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Assault on Ivan Starikov

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/10/2005 5:23 PM
31.10.2005 12:52 MSK
Assault on Ivan Starikov
Ivan Starikov
Ivan Starikov
RUSSIA, Moscow. Ivan Starikov, member of the Federal Political Council of the Union of Right Forces (URF) party, was attacked on the night of 28 October by unknown assailants. The assault took place in the apartment block where he lives as he was returning home from a hockey training session. The politician suffered injuries and lost several teeth. The assailants did not take money or any of his possessions.

Ivan Starikov didn’t rule out that the attack was linked to the fact that he had supported Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s candidature to run for the State Duma, URF press service reports. The Union of Right Forces expressed anger in connection with the vicious assault on Ivan Starikov. "We are convinced that the incident was directly linked with his political activities," says the statement by the Presidium of the ...
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