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Human Rights

Chechnyans protest against Putin in Berlin

posted by zaina19 on November, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/27/2005 5:22 PM


Talking about Chechnya

Urging Germany to Speak Up on Human Rights ...


She said Berlin had been conspicuously silent about the Kremlin's recent clampdown on the freedom of the mass media. The ongoing war in the breakaway republic of Chechnya, she added, remained an added irritation.


Chechnyans protest against Putin in Berlin

Chechnyans protest against Putin in Berlin


"People are still disappearing at an alarming rate, perhaps the highest rate in the world," she said. "We feel that the Russian government should be investigating and prosecuting the troops that are responsible for such atrocities and we would hope that the German government would press to take these steps."


Bogert's demands vis-à-vis Berlin are anything but new. But there's a feeling that a new coalition government under Chancellor-designate Angela Merkel might lead to a real readjustment of this country's foreign policy guidelines towards the Kremlin.


"I think that the recent ...
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About "Version" newspaper journalist Orhan Djemal’s detention in Nalchik

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/1/2005 12:49 AM
About "Version" newspaper journalist Orhan Djemal’s  detention in Nalchik

"I went to Nalchik on October, 17th, during the moment they were very roughly discussing information that many killed insurgents, actually, were simply casually lost people. So I was searching for proof of that. I communicated with relatives of the killed people. And all contacts near the mortuary, the Office of Public Prosecutor were fixed on video. And once I was stopped on the entrance to settlement Hasania: they decided to check up my notebooks, - tells "UR" Orhan Djemal. - Two operative employees – Zaur Krymukov and Beslan Chechenov - having looked through my notebook, run into hysterics: "So you have arrived here to collect all the dirt about our republic? What intelligence are you working for, beast? Who paid you for it?.. All right, now we’ll call witnesses and find in ...
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Deputy of "United Russia" party told about "clearings" in Nalchik: people are tortured in cellars till they “confess their fault”

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/27/2005 12:57 PM
 Deputy of "United Russia" party told about "clearings"  in Nalchik: people are tortured in cellars  till they “confess their fault”

On all territory of Kabardino-Balkaria a large-scale operation on search of the participants of armed attacks at the objects of the law enforcement bodies in Nalchik proceeded. However the description of the event in the city opens an unattractive side of the special action.

From the 6-th subdivision of the Department on struggle against organized criminality (DSOC) of Nalchik after a day of mockeries they released the deputy of the local government body of suburb Hasania, member of party "United Russia" Ramazan Tembotov, detained on October, 23rd. Special troopers had detained him on Sunday afternoon and without any explanations delivered in the Nalchik Department on struggle against organized criminality. The deputy had had time to make a call to familiar FSS employees, and ...
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"Dublin trap"

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/30/2005 2:43 PM
October, 28, 2005

"Dublin trap"

In Warsaw, within the framework of the program "Groups of Movement" was held the meeting with the Helsinki Fund of human Rights - the lawyer organization engaged in protection of the Chechen refugees along the procedure of asylum inquiry.

The professor of the Warsaw University, doctor of right Irena Cheplinska told about the system of asylum inquiry and granting in Poland, about some specific questions concerning the application of the Geneva Convention clauses and the Dublin Agreement after the acceptance of Poland in the Eurounion.

From all refugees who today are in Poland, more than 90 % make up Chechens. For 2004 only 350 persons from them had received the status of the recognized refugee, and 750 - tolerant cards.

The system of tolerant cards came into effect in April, 2004, and this is the most perfidious law used today with respect ...
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Rights Groups say Muslims Unfairly Targeted in Russia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/31/2005 4:56 PM
Rights Groups say Muslims Unfairly Targeted in Russia
01.11.2005 - 00:13:21

The Russian government is fabricating cases against Muslims in order to prosecute them for terrorism, leading Russian human rights campaigners charged today...

Muslims and human rights campaigners in Russia joined forces today to denounce what they describe as a persistent campaign of harassment and detentions targeting Muslims in the country.

Growing numbers of ordinary Muslims, they say, are falling victim to the government´s bid to show successes in fighting terrorism.

The Russian government is fabricating cases against Muslims in order to prosecute them for terrorism, leading Russian human rights campaigners charged today.

Vitalii Ponomarev, an activist at the rights group Memorial, told a press conference that 39 Muslims have been sentenced on terrorism charges since the beginning of this year across Russia, the Caucasus excluded.

Dozens more are awaiting trial.

The first wave of terrorism charges brought against Muslims ...
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