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Chechen Separatist Denied Amnesty

posted by zaina19 on December, 2005 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/18/2005 4:22 PM
16.12.2005 23:34 MSK
Chechen Separatist Denied Amnesty
RUSSIA, Moscow. The European Court for Human Rights accepted to review a complaint from the former Chechen separatist Zaur Musikhanov that the Russian courts rejected to give him amnesty in accordance with existing legal norms. For now Musikhanov is serving a nine-year prison sentence, reported his lawyer Stanislav Markelov on December 15.

Markelov said that in 2002 Zaur Musikhanov, a resident of Urus-Martana, joined an illegal armed unit. This occurred after a missile explosion killed nine of his relatives, including a three year-old brother. Musikhanov did not participate in any fighting and after six months, in the beginning of 2003, decided to give himself up to officials. Such violations of the law as possession of arms, wearing illegal ...
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Murder is the leading cause

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/18/2005 7:38 PM

New York, May 2, 2005—Murder is the leading cause of job-related deaths among journalists worldwide, and the Philippines is the most murderous country of all, a new analysis by the Committee to Protect Journalists has found. Iraq, Colombia, Bangladesh, and Russia round out CPJ's list of the "Most Murderous Countries for Journalists."

In issuing its analysis to mark World Press Freedom Day, May 3, CPJ called murder with impunity the most urgent threat facing journalists worldwide. CPJ studied more than five years of death records beginning January 1, 2000, and found that the vast majority of journalists killed on duty did not die in crossfire or while covering dangerous assignments. Instead, 121 of the 190 journalists who died on duty worldwide since 2000 were hunted down and murdered in retaliation for their work.
Facts at a glance
The Five Most Murderous Countries:
1. Philippines  2. Iraq  ...
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Russian Constitutional court confirmed Putin's right to appoint governors

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/23/2005 1:53 AM
Russian Constitutional court confirmed Putin's right  to appoint governors
On December, 21st the Constitutional Court of Russia announced the decision on the case about check of constitutionality of positions of the Federal law "About general principles of organization of legislative (representative) bodies and agencies of governments of the federative subjects of Russian Federation" (in edition from December, 11th, 2004), concerning order of Russian citizens’ coming into powers of high officials of subjects of Russian Federation (heads of supreme body of governments of subjects of Russian Federation) in connection with V.F.Grishkevich's complaint and collective complaints of some citizens.

The constitutional court of Russian Federation confirmed that the present mechanism of governors’ appointment corresponds to the Constitution of Russian Federation and can not be considered ...
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Russian MPs approve NGO controls

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/23/2005 2:15 AM
Russian MPs approve NGO controls
Friday, 23 December 2005
Russian police remove a human rights activist protesting against the bill outside the Duma. File photo
Human rights activists have been campaigning against the bill
The Russian lower house of parliament has passed a controversial bill to tighten controls on non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

The bill - criticised by human rights groups and Western governments - easily passed its third and final reading.

It was backed by 357 members of the Duma and rejected by just 20. Pro-Kremlin MPs dominate the Duma.

The Russian government argues that the legislation is necessary to ensure the security of the state.

'Foreign spies'

The bill is expected to be passed by the upper house - the Federation Council - before being signed into law by President Vladimir Putin.

It is one of the most controversial bills to be debated in the Russian parliament since President Putin came ...
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Antifascists attacked in Moscow

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/23/2005 2:19 AM

Antifascists attacked in Moscow

A group of anarchists who took part in yesterday's demonstration and public meeting titled Moscow without Fascism were attacked by young right-wing radicals in Bolshaya Bronnaia St after the end of the action at about 3:00 p.m. yesterday, Autonomous Action activist Olga Miriasov and some of the victims told Caucasian Knot's correspondent.

Two young men pretended to be organising a meeting with a group of "antifa" movement activists and thus deceived 15 anarchists into an ambush arranged by nationalistic extremists. When they came to the prearranged place, there happened to be about a score of guys. They shouted "Antifa assholes!" and "Die antifa!" and threw Molotov cocktails at the antifascists, after which they began to fight with them. One cocktail hit the head of an activist from Kaliningrad whose name was Anton.

Security guards from a nearby shop ...
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