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Human Rights

Ekaterinburg protest meeting against illegality in prisons

posted by zaina19 on December, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/14/2005 2:35 AM
13.12.2005 13:50 MSK
Ekaterinburg protest meeting against illegality in prisons
RUSSIA, Ekaterinburg. (Ekaterinburg Movement Against Violence.) On December 12th, Constitution Day, at the office of the Representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the Ural Federal Region, a protest meeting took place against the arbitrariness of law-enforcement agencies. Participants presented Representative Peter latysheva with documents confirming the facts of illegality in the regions prisons.

Protest participants included victims, and relatives, and friends of those who suffered due to the actions of law-enforcement agencies.

Activists of the Ekaterinburg Movement Against Violence came forward in defense of political prisoners serving sentences in the Urals. Posters read "Freedom to Mikhail Trepashkin!", "Freedom to Pavel lyuzakov!", "Freedom to political prisoners!” Others came forward in defense of prisoners who are not political: "Criminal cases are prepared at the IK 2 "Factory”; "You can’t force respect for the law by ...
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Chechnya After Beslan: A Discussion with Anna Politkovskaya

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/14/2005 1:47 PM
Last updated: Wed Dec 14 23:43:44 UTC+0200 2005
current events

Friday, February 11, 2005
Chechnya After Beslan: A Discussion with Anna Politkovskaya

During the September tragedy in Beslan, award-winning journalist Anna Politkovskaya, while attempting to report and mediate in the crisis, was silenced by what has become known as the Kremlin's poison politics. Now recovered, Politkovskaya continues to report on human atrocities in the war-torn region and speak on behalf of the thousands of victims of Russia's 10 year campaign in Chechnya. In her first visit to the United States since Beslan, Politkovskaya discussed the upsurge in civilian casualties and Vladimir Putin's unequivocal drive toward authoritarianism. As the West is reconsidering its rapprochement with Russia, commentator Dr. Michael McFaul, Senior Fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution, addressed the Kremlin's post-Beslan policies, growing public discontent with the Putin administration, and the implications and opportunities for U.S. policy.

The American ...
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A Dual Dilemma for NGOs

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/14/2005 2:48 PM

Thursday, December 15, 2005

A Dual Dilemma for NGOs
By Georgy Bovt
Ella Pamfilova met with President Vladimir Putin in late November to stand up for nongovernmental organizations. Pamfilova, who heads the presidential Council for Fostering the Development of Civil Society, left the meeting greatly encouraged. "Our direct access to the president is a major resource," Pamfilova said.

This statement reflects the feeble state of most Russian NGOs. They are almost entirely dependent on the whims of those in power, and they are happy for any opportunity to bow down at their feet.

But should the true defenders of human rights and truly effective institutions of civil society take pride in having direct access to the president? In a normal country the situation would be entirely different: ...
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A Special Parliamentary Commission in Chechnya Dealing With the Problem of the Missing People

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/15/2005 1:00 AM
A Special Parliamentary Commission in Chechnya Dealing With the Problem of the Missing People

CHECHNYA, 14 December, CaucasusTImes. Duvakha Abdurahmanov, Speaker of the Lower Chamber of Chechen Parliament informed about that on Tuesday after the regular parliamentary session.

In his words, new commission will be clarifying the circumstances and details of the situations when people disappeared in Chechnya. In addition, members of the commission will be working in close cooperation with the law enforcement agencies in the process of investigation of each case.

“We have to clarify what actually happened – whether the person in question is alive, imprisoned or returned back to his relatives”, - Abdurahmanov stressed.
Bulat Tamaev, Grozny, CaucasusTimes

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Russian Activists Threatened by Proposed New Law

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/15/2005 2:19 AM
What's At Stake?
Russian Activists Threatened by Proposed New Law


The Draft Federal Law "On Amendment of Selected Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation," which passed its first reading by a 370-18 vote in the lower house of the  Russian legislature, or State Duma, on November 23, 2005, threatens the independence and existence of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Russia.

If the bill in its current official form is passed into law, foreign nongovernmental organizations, including human rights and humanitarian groups, would be prohibited from operating within Russia if they cannot re-register as domestic legal entities.  Organizations with offices in Russia have already indicated that given the burdensome registration requirements, they will most likely be faced with closure.  A main goal of the draft law, according to President Vladimir Putin, is to prevent foreign influence in Russian political activities.

In addition, domestic charitable and ...
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