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Human Rights


posted by eagle on July, 2010 as Human Rights

For Natasha
Russia's human rights activists are bowed but not broken.

The mood was dour at a small ceremony on July 15 in Moscow marking the one-year anniversary of the death of Natasha Estemirova, the human rights activist whose abduction and murder in Chechnya last year shocked the world. It was a gathering of friends, journalists, academics, and colleagues from Memorial, the human rights organization that Estemirova used to lead -- a small group of people, all of whom were pessimistic about the way forward. Twelve months after her death, Estemirova's murderers still have not been brought to justice, and the continued persecution of and attacks against activists working in Chechnya have rendered Memorial's broader struggle for justice impossible.

Estemirova's death cut short not only the activist's life but also Chechnya's hopes for improved human rights. The eulogies made it clear just how much Estemirova is missed ...

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The Other Russia: Finnish & Russian Activists Appeal To Medvedev

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Finnish & Russian Activists Appeal to Medvedev

Participants of the fourth annual Finnish-Russian Civic Forum have appealed to the presidents of both countries with a request to allow Russian opposition activists to exercise their constitutional right to free assembly, reports.

The forum, which is being held in Helsinki from July 21-22, brings together approximately 100 representatives of Russian and Finnish civil society "to promote cooperation between the peoples of Finland and Russia by supporting civic initiatives for democracy, human rights, and freedom of speech,” reads the forum’s website.

On Wednesday, representatives agreed on a statement asking that Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and Tarja Halonen turn their attention to the fact that Russian society continues to be deprived of the freedom of assembly.

"We are united all across Europe in our support of Russian activists who hold peaceful demonstrations under the Strategy 31 campaign. In another week, we will again express our ...

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OpenDemocracy: Natasha Estemirova: One Year On

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Natasha Estemirova: one year on

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NEWSTALK" Human Rights Ombudsman In Chechnya Accuses Neighbouring Police Of Torture

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Human rights ombudsman in Chechnya accuses neighbouring police of torture

By: The Associated Press

MOSCOW - Russia's human rights ombudsman for Chechnya has filed a complaint against police in a neighbouring province for allegedly torturing a man suspected of links to a police station bombing.

Ombudsman Nurdi Nukhazhiyev said in a statement late Tuesday that a Chechen man suspected of being involved in the April suicide bombing of a police station in Ingushetia had been tortured so severely that he now was in a wheelchair.

The man, Zelimkhan Chitigov, was hospitalized with injuries ranging from bruises to electricity burns to a concussion, he said, adding that Ingushetian prosecutors had opened a criminal probe into it.

The bombing, in the town of Karabulak, killed two policemen and wounded several others.

Rights activists accuse authorities in the North Caucasus of endemic abuses in the fight against a separatist insurgency.

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RFE/RL: Daghestan Rights Activists Not Convinced Arrested Women Planned Suicide Bombings

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Daghestan Rights Activists Not Convinced Arrested Women Planned Suicide Bombings

A police officer with a bomb-sniffing dog patrols the Lubyanka subway station in Moscow.

July 13, 2010
Russia's National Counterterrorism Committee (NAK) reported on July 12 the arrest in Makhachkala of six women it identified as potential suicide bombers, and two men believed to be their handlers. The Russian daily "Kommersant," however, today quoted a Daghestan human rights activist as questioning whether the women indeed intended to commit acts of terrorism.

According to the NAK, the eight were arrested at a private apartment. But "Kommersant" quoted an unidentified Daghestan Interior Ministry source as saying the arrests were at two separate locations.

Four of the six women, all of whom are aged between 15 and 29, were said to be the widows of Islamic militant fighters, and two of them reportedly had previous convictions for illegal possession of weapons. They have been named as Patimat Nurmagomedov, Zalina and ...

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