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Human Rights

Directive makes people homeless

posted by zaina19 on January, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/1/2006 2:41 PM

Directive makes people homeless

A protest action with the slogan USSR Passports Cancelled, People Forgotten! was conducted in the Krasnodar territory on 24 December.

"USSR passports will expire on 31 December and several thousand people resident in the Krasnodar territory whom the local government has not recognised to be Russian nationals for far-fetched reasons will become homeless or maybe even stateless.

Even now when death certificates are issued for people with such passports, the residence column is filled in as "homeless." Meanwhile, just fifteen years ago they legally purchased homesteads and lived here before their death.

This is what Mr Khasan Gurji-Ogly, a Kurmanji (Northern Kurd) leader, was saying painfully.

"On 1 January, people may become lifetime dwellers of deportation camps where living conditions are much worse than in prisons," he said.

Around thirty representatives of the Novorossiysk Committee for Human Rights and various ethnic ...
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Caucasian organization condemns authorities' role in Nalchik events

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

Caucasian organization condemns authorities' role in Nalchik events
KABARDINO-BALKARIYA, 19 December, Caucasus Times - A public organization in the southern Russian republic of Kabarda-Balkaria - the Independent Socio-Research Centre - has condemned the role of the power-wielding structures in the events in Nalchik on 13-14 October. In an "open letter" to the Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kabarda-Balkar President Arsen Kanokov and the Russian public, it accuses the Kremlin of conducting a "disastrous and ruinous" policy in the North Caucasus and presenting the events in Nalchik in such a way as to depict the rebels'actions as terrorism when in fact they were simply demonstrating against the "hopeless situation" imposed on them by the authorities. The following is the text of the report headlined "Organizing the Nalchik rebellion by an armed unit of young worshippers was the latest successful operation by the special services".

Kremlin's "destructive" policy in the Caucasus

Kabarda-Balkaria, 14 December: The Caucasus ...
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The Last Hope of the Chechen Refugees Imprisoned

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/2/2006 2:42 PM
The Last Hope of the Chechen Refugees Imprisoned
On the 28th of December, Tbilisi Civil Court has sentenced 3 months preliminary imprisonment to Chechen refugee Mahomed Mahaev.
The staff of Special Operative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has arrested Mahaev on the 27th of December. Mahaev’s humanitarian organization “Imedi” (“Hope”) is accused in connection with terrorist network “Al Qaeda”, in falsification of the documents, abuse of duties.
The humanitarian organization “Imedi” has been operating in Pankisi gorge and is the organization assisting Chechen refugees in Georgia.
The General Procurer’s Office is investigating the case from July 2005. He has never been hidden from the police and has always attended the examinations.
On the 6th of September 2005, the staff of the General Prosecutor’s Office raided the flat of Chechen Muhamed Makhaev. They took away computers and humanitarian documents prepared by him. Based on information provided ...
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Aappeal of the Boston Group Against Ethnic Cleansing

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/1/2006 9:00 AM
December, 29, 2005

Aappeal of the Boston Group Against Ethnic Cleansing

To: Honorable Mr.  Kofi Annan, UN  Secretary-General


Dear Mr. Kofi Annan
Dear Sirs/Madams,

We at Boston Committee Against Ethnic Cleansing wholeheartedly support the claims that induced  Mr.Ibragimov’s permanent (unlimited) hunger strike started on December 10. Sofar, more that 2000 people in many countries, Chechens and non-Chechen, have participated  at the strike with different duration. But we are also much worried about Mr.Ibragimov physical condition.

Saidemin Ibragimov, head of International humanitarian organization “Peace and Human rights”, is famous with his great humanitarian and peace activities. He established this organization in Chechnya in 1993, even before the bloodshed broke out in 1994. In 1995, he was one of the most active organizers of the huge Peace March of Russian and Chechen Mothers, which had large impact. He organized 1000-mile Peace March during the first Chechen ...
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Ukrainian seamen used as slaves on Russian vessel

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/1/2006 1:45 PM
29.12.2005 16:56 MSK
Ukrainian seamen used as slaves on Russian vessel
UKRAINE, Kiev. Sixteen seamen, who were used as slaves by the captain of the Russian ship, Pervorechensk, have returned from Vladivostok to Ukraine. Another nine Ukrainians are still onboard the vessel; Ukrainian Consulate in Valdivostok is helping them to prepare documents so they could return home.

Earlier, Russian sales agents offered 25 Ukrainian seamen a good job; the seamen paid them the sum of $30,000 to be employed. They were brought to Sakhalin and taken onboard the ship with no name or a flag. For almost six months they fished for crabs in the Sea of Japan without any payment. If their catch fell short of the required minimum, the ship's captain and his mates beat the seamen, denied them food, sleep and rest. The vessel was impounded by Japanese coastguard and was later ...
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