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Window On Eurasia: Russia’s Human Rights Leaders To Unite, Work With Opposition To Push For Dialogue With Regime

posted by eagle on August, 2010 as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Russia’s Human Rights Leaders to Unite, Work with Opposition to Push for Dialogue with Regime

Paul Goble

Staunton, August 7 – Nine of Russia’s leading human rights activists have formed the Human Rights Council of Russia to improve coordination among their groups and to cooperate with opposition political parties in response to what they describe as "the decisive offensive of the powers that be against the rights of man and citizen.”
The eight -- Lyudmila Alekseyeva, Valery Borshchev, Yuri Vdovin, Svetlana Gannushkina, Boris Zolotukhin, Sergey Kovalev, Lev Ponomaryev, Liliya Shibanova, and Yuri Shmidt – said last night that the human rights movement "must consolidate, enter into dialogue with the political opposition, and support the formation of [similar]coalitions in the regions.” 
In their statement, they indicated that the new council will not be registered as a juridical person but instead will act as "a permanent round table,” thus depriving ...

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Aljazeera: Crimean Tatars Fear For Future

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

15:51 MECCA TIME, 12:51 GMT
Crimean Tatars fear for future

"I've already been here for 960 days, and today is the 961st," said the weather-beaten Tatar man, squinting beneath the powerful Crimean sun.

Seydamet Smailov has spent almost three years living alone in a dilapidated cabin by the side of a busy road in the Ukrainian city of Simferopol because he has a vital task to accomplish: standing guard over a pile of bricks.

For him, these are no ordinary bricks: one day, he hopes, they will form part of a grand new mosque which the Crimean Tatars plan to build on the site where he is now living.

"I didn't expect it would take so long, but because I was given this mission, I have to fulfill it," Smailov said.

"It's important for the Muslims of Crimea - and for my own children."

But the local authorities in ...

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KC: KGB 'Expert' Latynina Condemns Lithuanian Human Rights Activists For Defending Egle Kusaite

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

KGB 'expert' Latynina condemns Lithuanian human rights activists for defending Egle Kusaite

Publication time: 30 July 2010, 22:00 

The Baltic news agency Baltic Newsin a detailed dispatch from Vilnius in English reported about the activities of the KGB (FSB) officer Latynina, a journalist sent by the KGB to work at the Moscow Gazprom radio station Ekho Moskvy which is called "liberal" and "democratic" by Western media. The agency reports:


"The North Caucasus' Islamists are closely observing Kusaite's case, and their version of the events at the Vilnius court can be found here.


Yulia Latynina, a famous Russian journalist, critic of the current authoritarian Russian regime as well as a specialist on Russia's North Caucasus (she is even able to distinguish accents of various ethnic groups of that region), repeated many times in her Saturday lectures on radio Ekho Moskvy that Russia's Soviet-era dissidents (as well as Amnesty International) are naive in seeing a victim of the Kremlin's regime (or a victim ...

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Window On Eurasia: Plans To Close Last Mari Language School In Russia’s Perm Kray Spark International Protests

posted by eagle on July, 2010 as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Plans to Close Last Mari Language School in Russia’s Perm Kray Spark International Protests

Paul Goble

Staunton, July 31 – Plans by the educational authorities in Perm kray to close the last Mari language school there have sparked protests not only within that region but internationally as well, a conflict that has highlighted the difficulties minority language communities in Russia face because of budget stringencies increasing official support for Russian, the state language.
The school in question, Anton Razmakhnin notes in "Svobodnaya pressa” this week, is located in Vaskino, a village in the Suksun district of Perm kray where several thousand Maris live several hundred kilometers from Mari El and through which pass no major highways (
In recent years, the Vaskino school was "the only school in Perm kray where the Mari language was studied,” but now, in all probability, Razmakhnin says, "this school will be closed,” ...

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RFE/RL: Rights Activists In North Caucasus Appeal To Medvedev For Protection

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Rights Activists In North Caucasus Appeal To Medvedev For Protection

Valentin Gefter (file photo)

July 23, 2010
MOSCOW -- Human rights activists in the North Caucasus are appealing to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to take action to protect them from attacks and allow them to work safely, RFE/RL's Russian Service reports. 

The written appeal to Medvedev comes after Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov remarked during a television interview that workers at the human rights organization Memorial are "enemies of the people, enemies of the law, and enemies of the state." 

Valentin Gefter, the director of Russia's Human Rights Institute, said the problem is not just with Kadyrov, but with the governments and officials throughout the North Caucasus. 

"Unfortunately, the problem isn't corrupt soldiers or some sort of underground, but crimes committed by police officers and members of the local government," Gefter said. "While it's a local problem, it seems that the federal government isn't doing anything about ...

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