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Mrs Arbour hopes to make progress on human rights issues with Moscow

posted by zaina19 on February, 2006 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/19/2006 2:00 PM
 Sunday, 19 February 2006, 06:56 GMT
Arbour to press Russia on rights
By Imogen Foulkes
BBC News, Geneva

Louise Arbour
Mrs Arbour hopes to make progress on human rights issues with Moscow
United Nations Human Rights Commissioner Louise Arbour is beginning a week-long visit to Russia.

She will travel to Chechnya, where human rights groups say abuses - by both the Russian army and the groups fighting it - are widespread.

She will also hold talks with President Vladimir Putin and meet local non-governmental organisations.

Moscow is known to be reluctant to discuss its actions in Chechnya, saying it is fighting terror groups.

During her visit, Ms Arbour wants to build on the progress made during her first visit last year, when she secured the Russian government's agreement to set up a ...
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Television discredits human rights defenders

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/19/2006 2:18 PM

Television discredits human rights defenders

Moscow Helsinki Group Chair Liudmila Alekseyeva called statements that UK intelligence officers linked to funding NGOs in Russia a slanderous campaign against human rights defenders.

On Sunday, 22 January, the Spetsialnyi Korrespondent ("Special Correspondent") programme by Arkadii Mamontov on Rossiya television channel told about an operation of Russia's Federal Security Service which had exposed a group of British spies, Marc Doe, a UK diplomat, among them, allegedly working under the cover of the embassy and contacting Russian human rights defenders.

"This feature, to put it politely, is produced for illiterate and very trustful people," Liudmila Alekseyeva said. "Does Mamontov himself really think that spies still hide some microphones in some stones somewhere in the boulevard in this satellite, electronic age? Or what did they hide there, I really don't know. This is some kind of nonsense lacking ...
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ECHR applicants' relative tortured in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/19/2006 2:23 PM

ECHR applicants' relative tortured in Chechnya

The Human Rights Centre Memorial has received information that illegal methods, including psychological pressure, beating and torture, are used in Chechnya against Mekhti Makhmudovich Mukhayev, resident in Zumsoi, temporarily resident in Ushkaloi.

Mr Mukhayev was brought away from the house of his cousin Ilias Agashev in Gikalo on the night of 30 December, 2005. Two UAZ vehicles pulled over near Mr Agashev's house at around 1:00 a.m. A group of military men in camouflage uniforms and masks broke into the house. They pointed a submachine gun at Mr Agashev and began to search the house saying, "Where's Mekhti?" Finding Mekhti, they dragged him out his bed, put him on the floor, his face down, handcuffed him, took him outdoors, barefooted and in underwear, and brought him away without indicating the destination.

On the second day, his ...
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Shady action against rights defender

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/19/2006 2:32 PM

Shady action against rights defender

The trial of human rights defender Osman Boliyev, leader of the human rights organisation Romashka ("Camomile"), will continue in Dagestan on 30 January 2006. The previous hearing was postponed because of non-attendance on the part of prosecution witnesses whose whereabouts is unknown. The human rights activist is charged with illegal purchase, storage, and carrying of weapons (Part 1 of Article 222 of the Russian Criminal Code).

On 15 November 2005, traffic police officers convoyed Mr Boliyev, resident in Khasavyurt, to a local police station to examine his car which they said was like a recently hijacked one. On their way, however, Mr Boliyev's car was stopped by riot police officers. The traffic policemen passed him to the riot policemen and went away. The riot policemen delivered Mr Boliyev to the police station. There, the human rights ...
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23 kafirs and munafiqs killed, wounded in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/17/2006 4:36 AM
 23 kafirs and munafiqs killed, wounded in Chechnya
According to France-Press source inside the pro-Moscow puppet administration 3 Russian kafir “soldiers” were killed in latest fighting in Chechnya over the 24-hour period of last Sunday to Monday.
The French news agency AFP quotes an unnamed puppet official in the pro-Russian Chechen government as saying two Russian kafir “soldiers” were killed and one was injured during seven separate attacks by Mujahideen on troop positions.
The same puppet said one member of a locally formed pro-Moscow munafiq unit of Yamadayev gang was killed and four were injured in a clash with Mujahideen in the western district of Achhoy-Martan.
In the meantime the representative of the Staff of Military Council Majlisul Shura has reported to Kavkaz Center that 6 invaders were eliminated and 8 others were wounded on February 11, during attacks of Mujahideen in Vedeno and Nojay-Yurt districts. ...
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