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Human Rights

Newsweek: Russia’s Activists Lose Hope In President

posted by eagle on September, 2010 as Human Rights

Russia’s Activists Lose Hope in President

The resignation of Russia’s top human-rights chief highlights the Kremlin’s backsliding.

Oxana Onipko / AFP-Getty Images

Police officers in Moscow arrest an opposition protester at a rally on July 31

When Dmitry Medvedev was elected president of Russia two years ago, he publicly criticized the country’s human-rights record as "far from perfect” and called for reform. But just last week, Medvedev’s image as a civil-rights champion was dealt a stunning blow when his chief adviser on human rights, Ella Pamfilova, resigned. Her reason? A new wave of violent attacks and threats against Russia’s human-rights activists, as well as what Pamfilova calls the "never-ending wave of hate” from the Kremlin toward anyone critical of its policies. (A Kremlin spokesperson would only comment that Pamfilova was not pushed out, but resigned of her own accord.)

The past year has been a brutal one for activists in Russia: three ...

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CK: "Strategy-31" Activists Detained In Rostov

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

"Strategy-31" activists detained in Rostov

Aug 31 2010, 23:30

As reported by Valentina Tolkachova, an activist of the "Solidarity" Movement, participants of the action "Strategy-31" were detained in Rostov-on-Don.

"At 6:00 p.m., we rallied opposite the Gorky Park - about 30 persons. Militiamen came up and made a list of us. They allowed us to stay there for about half an hour; and we disseminated many copies of Boris Nemtsov's report; then, detentions began. The organizers were the first: they were brought to the police station of the Leninskiy District. Others were taken there one by one; and protocols were made on every activist. Then, we were released, while the organizers are still in custody," the "Echo Moskvy" Radio quotes Ms Tolkachova as saying.

Today, rallied within the "Strategy-31" campaign took place also in other regions.

About 30 persons came to the event in Sochi. According to Sergey Basmanov, one of the organizers, they had a permit to ...

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The Other Russia: ‘Strategy 31′ To Continue Despite Ban, Construction

posted by eagle on August, 2010 as Human Rights

‘Strategy 31′ to Continue Despite Ban, Construction

In an unexpected development in the Russian opposition’s Strategy 31 campaign in defense of free assembly, the Moscow city government has announced that all rallies will be banned on the campaign’s traditional meeting place – Triumfalnaya Square – beginning on August 22, 2010, as a result of construction.

As RIA Novosti reports, the city plans to build a multi-level parking garage underneath Triumfalnaya Square as part of two city construction projects, at least one of which had already been agreed upon in 2002.

The news portal cites experts as saying that such a garage would be inexpedient, as it could bring about an increase in the number of cars on Moscow’s already jam-packed central roadways. Scientific Director Mikhail Blinkin of the Scientific Research Institute (NII) for Transportation and Road Maintenance argues that supporting the lack of parking infrastructure in the city’s ...

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Jamestown Foundation: North Caucasus Human Rights Activists Introduce Counter-Measures To Thwart Illegal Detentions

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

North Caucasus Human Rights Activists Introduce Counter-Measures to Thwart Illegal Detentions

Publication: North Caucasus Analysis 
August 13, 2010 06:31 

On July 29, six people from the village of Komsomolskoe in northern Dagestan’s Kizilyurt were abducted by unidentified assailants. On August 1, one of those abducted, Kaitmaz Magomedov, was released, apparently by law enforcement agencies without explanation (, August 1). As of August 3, the whereabouts of the other five abducted persons were still unknown.

At least 22 people were abducted in Dagestan alone in 2009, and most of them were either found dead later or disappeared altogether. The Russian security services’ practice of circumventing the law by abducting suspected insurgents has continued into 2010. According to the Memorial human rights center, the police most frequently target young people who they suspect of being followers of fundamentalist Islam. Law enforcement officials reportedly revert to these practices in the hope of extracting information about the ...

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Jamestown Foundation: North Caucasus Human Rights Activists Introduce Counter-Measures To Thwart Illegal Detentions

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

North Caucasus Human Rights Activists Introduce Counter-Measures to Thwart Illegal Detentions

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor 
August 4, 2010 04:28 PM 

On July 29, six people from the village of Komsomolskoe in northern Dagestan’s Kizilyurt were abducted by unidentified assailants. On August 1, one of those abducted, Kaitmaz Magomedov, was released, apparently by law enforcement agencies without explanation (, August 1). As of August 3, the whereabouts of the other five abducted persons were still unknown.

At least 22 people were abducted in Dagestan alone in 2009, and most of them were either found dead later or disappeared altogether. The Russian security services’ practice of circumventing the law by abducting suspected insurgents has continued into 2010. According to the Memorial human rights center, the police most frequently target young people who they suspect of being followers of fundamentalist Islam. Law enforcement officials reportedly revert to these practices in the hope of extracting information about ...

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