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Human Rights

Skandoliza Rais threatens the mojaheds

posted by zaina19 on March, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/11/2006 6:39 AM
March, 11, 2006

Skandoliza Rais threatens the mojaheds

Andrey Novikov, the group "confidence between the east and the West", Rybinsk city, for CHECHENPRESS, 21.02.06.


 The American Secretary of State Skandoliza Rais, resembling some kind of devil in the before-dawn dusk, descending on the aircraft ladder, just from the abyss, from the wide open sky, declared to journalists literally the following:

 - We will contain torture prisons, because usual justice does not befit for the terrorists.

This astonished us. Let me ask, why exactly "for the terrorists" does not it befit usual justice?

Well, can already captured, undertaken into captivity, terrorist just threaten the safety of the United States, if there are not applicable American laws and he must be inevitably tortured, by the way, without any judicial verdict, in prisons, in no way designated in the world justice?

It can be only one. By force of its soul? Because ...
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Skandoliza Rais threatens the mojaheds

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/11/2006 6:39 AM
March, 11, 2006

Skandoliza Rais threatens the mojaheds

Andrey Novikov, the group "confidence between the east and the West", Rybinsk city, for CHECHENPRESS, 21.02.06.


 The American Secretary of State Skandoliza Rais, resembling some kind of devil in the before-dawn dusk, descending on the aircraft ladder, just from the abyss, from the wide open sky, declared to journalists literally the following:

 - We will contain torture prisons, because usual justice does not befit for the terrorists.

This astonished us. Let me ask, why exactly "for the terrorists" does not it befit usual justice?

Well, can already captured, undertaken into captivity, terrorist just threaten the safety of the United States, if there are not applicable American laws and he must be inevitably tortured, by the way, without any judicial verdict, in prisons, in no way designated in the world justice?

It can be only one. By force of its soul? Because ...
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Two Chechnya documentaries awarded at human rights festival in Prague

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/11/2006 8:15 AM
March 10th 2006 · Prague Watchdog / Tomáš Vršovský     
Two Chechnya documentaries awarded at human rights festival in Prague

By Tomáš Vršovský

PRAGUE – A full-length documentary, Coca: The Dove from Chechnya, by Swiss director Eric Bergkraut received the Rudolf Vrba Award at the 8th International Human Rights Documentary film festival One World, in Prague on Thursday. In the Short Form category, the Mayor of Prague Award went to Dear Muslim by German director Kerstin Nickig.

Coca: The Dove from Chechnya (Coca: Die Taube aus Tschetschenien, 2005),  which won in the category Right to Know, depicts the efforts of Chechen women of the NGO "Echo of War" led by Zainap Gashayeva to document human rights abuses in Chechnya. Subtitled Europe in Denial of a War, it also shows the international community’s weak response to the atrocities of the Chechen war.

There were 16 ...
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Russia lashes out at US human rights criticism

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/11/2006 3:19 PM
Russia lashes out at US human rights criticism
Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:03 PM ET

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Friday that criticism of its human rights record in the latest annual report by the U.S. State Department, seen as unfair in Moscow, could overshadow bilateral relations.

The report posted on the State Department web portal on Wednesday ( contained a long list of human rights problems in Russia ranging from abductions in rebel Chechnya to police corruption and negative official attitudes toward non-governmental organizations.

"Even an initial analysis of the State Department report shows that it is full of distorted facts and appears to be a specimen of explicit double standards in assessing human rights," a Russian Foreign ministry statement said.

Russia, whose human rights record is traditionally treated with suspicion in the West, has become especially sensitive to the issue since President Vladimir Putin ...
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Communications: Film project signals online revolution

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/29/2006 8:15 AM
March 29 2006
Communications: Film project signals online revolution
A film about human rights, launched on the internet last week, uses new technology that could dramatically change the way in which charities use the web.

Voices of Dissent, which tells the story of the conflict in the war-torn Russian republic of Chechnya, was made by actress Vanessa Redgrave's new production company, Dissent Projects. The film can be viewed on the internet at a cost of £2, with 50p going to Amnesty International.

"We made the film in honour of Amnesty's work with dissidents such as Vladimir Bukovsky during the Soviet era," says Carlo Nero, director of the film.

"It is also intended to act as a tribute to the organisation's continuing fight to foster human rights in places where there are none."

The film uses video-streaming technology, developed by the not-for-profit company Opus Media, which allows the viewer ...
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