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Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 3/13/2006 12:30 AM Saturday March 11, 2006-- Safar 10, 1427 A.H. ISSN 1563-9479 US human rights report hurts bilateral ties, says Russia MOSCOW: Moscow denounced on Friday an official US report criti

posted by zaina19 on March, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/13/2006 12:30 AM
Saturday March 11, 2006-- Safar 10, 1427 A.H.
ISSN 1563-9479

US human rights report hurts bilateral ties, says Russia

MOSCOW: Moscow denounced on Friday an official US report criticizing the state of human rights in Russia, saying it smacked of double standards and could damage relations between the states.

The annual report released on Wednesday by the US State Department was "not objective" and posed a threat to "the normal development" of relations between the governments, the foreign ministry said here in a statement.

Its spokesman, Mikhail Kamynin, pointedly mentioned allegations of US rights abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan. The government of President Vladimir Putin came in for stinging criticism in the Washington report, which singled out the "continued centralization of power in the executive branch" achieved by virtually stripping parliament of power and replacing popularly elected provincial governors with presidential appointees.

"This trend, taken together with continuing ...
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Mystery illness besieges children in war zone

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/13/2006 9:09 AM

Posted on Sun, Mar. 12, 2006
Mass psychosis or gas?
Mystery illness besieges children in war zone
Los Angeles Times

SHELKOVSKAYA, Russia - It started just after the midafternoon recess. As they lined up to return to class, Zareta Chimiyeva saw a girl in front of her collapse and begin convulsing wildly. Only a few minutes later, Zareta was at her desk when she said she smelled ''a bad smell'' and started feeling ill.

She rushed out of the classroom but made it only as far as the stairs. ''Darkness surrounded me, and there was darkness in my eyes, and I fell,'' said the 12-year-old from this small town in eastern Chechnya.

When Zareta woke up in a hospital, it took three adults to hold her down. She was thrashing and clutching her throat, unable to ...
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Caucasian organization condemns authorities' role in Nalchik events

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/11/2006 3:45 AM
Caucasian organization condemns authorities' role in Nalchik events
KABARDINO-BALKARIYA, 19 December, Caucasus Times - A public organization in the southern Russian republic of Kabarda-Balkaria - the Independent Socio-Research Centre - has condemned the role of the power-wielding structures in the events in Nalchik on 13-14 October. In an "open letter" to the Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kabarda-Balkar President Arsen Kanokov and the Russian public, it accuses the Kremlin of conducting a "disastrous and ruinous" policy in the North Caucasus and presenting the events in Nalchik in such a way as to depict the rebels'actions as terrorism when in fact they were simply demonstrating against the "hopeless situation" imposed on them by the authorities. The following is the text of the report headlined "Organizing the Nalchik rebellion by an armed unit of young worshippers was the latest successful operation by the special services".

Kremlin's "destructive" ...
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Terror begets still more terror in Russian-Chechen War

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/11/2006 6:02 AM

Terror begets still more terror in Russian-Chechen War

The number 907 is the only link, the only piece of evidence Zara has to her missing 31-year-old son Ruslan.

It was February 2003 in the Chechen village of Pervomayskaya. He was headed to a neighbor's house to watch a boxing match on television.

That same night, she says, Russian security forces surrounded the house and took away her son. She has not seen or heard from him since.

"The neighbor says the men were wearing Russian camouflage and arrived in Russian tanks and trucks," says Zara. "Only one, probably a Chechen, was wearing a ski mask." She says she remembers seeing a number on the license plate of one of the Russian trucks: 907.

Since that time, Zara says she has written hundreds of letters mentioning the number 907 to everyone from Russian President Vladimir Putin to members ...
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Sangireyev, The North Caucasus, "Caucasus- center"

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/11/2006 6:34 AM
March, 11, 2006
The lot of refugees is unenviable
Sangireyev, The North Caucasus, "Caucasus- center"

If we had thousands of dollars to the man, - say Chechen refugees in Moscow and in other cities of Russia and North Caucasus, we would design passport, purchased visa and left into Europe.

If we have several thousand rubles, we would leave from this camp and tried to find work to any city of Russia, speak in Ingushetia the people tired from the idleness.

If I had 20 rubles, - says on the threshold of the ruins of his house the inhabitant of mountain village in Chechnya before the video camera of human rights activists from the group of Victor Popkov, killed in 2001, I would leave into Ingushetia, into the ...
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