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Human Rights

Authorities detain journalist in bid to prevent coverage of local meeting

posted by zaina19 on May, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/30/2006 2:33 AM
Authorities detain journalist in bid to prevent coverage of local meeting

Country/Topic: Russia
Date: 16 June 2005
Source: Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations (CJES)
Person(s): Fatima Tlisova
Target(s): journalist(s)
Type(s) of violation(s): detained
Urgency: Threat

(CJES/IFEX) - On 8 June 2005, Fatima Tlisova, an employee of the telegraph agency REGNUM was detained on the road to Tirnauz (southeastern Russia) by officials from the organised crime unit (UBOP) of Kabardino-Balkaria's Interior Ministry. Kabardino-Balkaria is a constituent republic located in the northern Caucasus region of the Russian Federation.

Tlisova was enroute to the town of Tirnauz, Kabardino-Balkaria, when she was detained. She was to report on a meeting organised by residents of the Elbrus region to address the various social problems related to the mining mill of Tirnauz, as well opposition to attempts by Kabardino-Balkaria president Veleriy Kokov to send an envoy to the region.

The details of the incident, including an ...
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Mikhail Trepashkin hearing postponed

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/31/2006 2:17 PM
30.5.2006 20:59 MSK
Mikhail Trepashkin hearing postponed
Mikhail Trepashkin
Mikhail Trepashkin
RUSSIA, Lower Tagil, Sverdlovsk Region. On May 29th, the Tagilstroevsky Court of Lower Tagil reviewed the petition of the disciplinary commission of penal colony IR -13 concerning political prisoner Mikhail Trepashkin's transfer from the colony-setting to the general regime. The court put off the hearings because of the assault of bronchial asthma Mikhail Trepashkin suffered in the court room. The emergency doctor decided he must be taken to the hospital.

The court was also set to examine Trepashkin’s complaint about the actions of the colony’s administration, which has subjected him to disciplinary penalties.

Mikhail Trepashkin’s defense attorney Lyubov Kosik reported to a correspondent of PRIMA –News that the colony administration objected to Trepashkin’s hospitalization, but the judge stated that Trepashkin must be examined, otherwise the court would not be able to proceed. Doctors established that Mikhail Trepashkin ...
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IА REGNUM chief-editor awarded with Free press premium

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/29/2006 3:59 PM
 IА REGNUM chief-editor awarded with Free press premium

IА REGNUM chief-editor across the Northern Caucasus Fatima Tlisova was awarded with the prestigious European premium "Free press of the East Europe - 2006". As they specified in the diploma, the award was gave "for courageous and fair reflection of events in the Northern Caucasus" by the German fund "Zeit-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius" and the Norwegian fund "Freedom of speech".

The solemn ceremony on the occasion of the awarding and the 100th anniversary since the date of birth of the honourable citizen of Hamburg Gerd Butserius took place on May 19th in the great hall of the Hamburg city hall. The ceremony passed with participation of a plenty of the influential people - politicians, figures of business, mass-media and culture of Germany. With the salutatory word to the gathered the Federal chancellor (in ...
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Situation surrounding residents of TACs in Chechnya remains unclear

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/29/2006 4:46 PM
May 26th 2006 · Prague Watchdog / Liza Osmayeva     
Situation surrounding residents of TACs in Chechnya remains unclear

By Liza Osmayeva

CHECHNYA - A month ago the head of the Moscow-backed Chechen government Ramzan Kadyrov called for the need to dismantle all the temporary accommodation centres (TACs), which house refugees who have returned from Ingushetia. Referring to them as "nests of criminality, addiction and debauchery", he demanded that the local authorities and law-enforcement agencies put the situation in order.

For this purpose a special commission has been created in the republic to control the observance of standards and regulations relating to internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in the TACs. It includes the heads of district administrations, representatives of the law enforcement agencies, and the migration service.

As a result of the commission’s work, the managements of nearly all the TACs on Chechen territory ...
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The new UN Council on Human Rights – what can we expect?

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/24/2006 3:53 PM
24.5.2006 18:01 MSK
The new UN Council on Human Rights – what can we expect?
The UN has renewed its vision of protecting human rights worldwide with new gusto. The Commission on Human Rights, founded in 1946, is to be replaced by a new Council on Human Rights. During its 59 years of quiet and confident activity, it has become clear that it is ineffective, and discredited by the involvement of countries in its activities who themselves are those infringing human rights. Resolutions condemning human rights abuses were torpedoed by countries including Algeria, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Zimbabwe, China, Cuba, Russia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.

After decades of cold war, the death of millions of people in internal and international conflicts, and the arrest of thousands of human rights activists, the UN has suddenly realised that this cannot continue. The UN General Secretary, Kofi Annan, ...
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