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Human Rights

The UN's new human rights council will need time to improve on the performance of its discredited predecessor, writes Ian Black

posted by zaina19 on June, 2006 as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/24/2006 11:45 PM
Making a fresh start
The UN's new human rights council will need time to improve on the performance of its discredited predecessor, writes Ian Black

Friday June 23, 2006

    United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty.
Kofi Annan sounded a slightly plaintive note when he inaugurated the UN's new human rights council at the organisation's Geneva headquarters this week. But his call for "a clean break from the past" was widely appreciated: the dysfunctional body it is replacing was seen as corrupt and ineffective, good only for sordid backroom deals and sterile grandstanding.

The council is an important part of Annan's much-heralded 60th-birthday UN reform package, "In Larger Freedom," which was endorsed by the World Summit in New York last autumn amid hopes for a better overall performance at the start of the 21st century.

These are early days for this ...
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Situation around Northern Caucasians in Iraq is a humanitarian catastrophe

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/20/2006 9:44 PM
Situation around Northern Caucasians in Iraq  is a humanitarian catastrophe

The events now happened to representatives of the Northern Caucasus in Iraq could be shortly characterized as a humanitarian catastrophe. Members of the delegation of the charitable public organization "Tadamon" (Unity) resided at the moment in Maykop, told about it IА REGNUM correspondent.

According to Ahmed Chetava (Ketao), the head of the delegation, during any war those who do not adjoin one of belligerent parties suffer most of all. In that position today Northern Caucasians in Iraq, who incorporated in the public organization, are; they are not going to participate in the massacre.

In the country there are no just two parties being at war against each other - they are much more. Pursuing their own interests, each of them promises representatives of Northern Caucasian Diaspora some dividends. However "Tadamon" united around itself ...
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U.S. Lawmakers Urge Bush to Pressure Putin over Democracy in Russia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/22/2006 12:20 AM
President George W. Bush / Photo: AP
President George W. Bush / Photo: AP
U.S. Lawmakers Urge Bush to Pressure Putin over Democracy in Russia


Four prominent U.S. lawmakers urged President George W. Bush to rebuke Russian President Vladimir Putin over the “deterioration of democracy” in his country, as Russia prepares to host next month’s Group of Eight (G8) summit, AFP reported Tuesday.
The lawmakers called on Bush — along with the leaders of G8 countries — to consider holding a separate meeting outside of Russia before or after the summit to be held next month in Saint Petersburg.
“President Putin has steered Russia away from democracy and toward authoritarianism,” read the letter signed by Democratic Representative Tom Lantos and Republican David Dreier, together with senators John McCain, a Republican, and Democrat Joe Lieberman.
“It is important that the G7 heads of state make clear that Russia’s actions ...
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Chechen Separatists Urge Release Of Russian Diplomats

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Chechen Separatists Urge Release Of Russian Diplomats

Chechnya -- Zakayev, Akhmed x
Akhmed Zakayev (file photo)
June 20, 2006 -- Chechen separatists have denied any contacts with an Al-Qaeda-linked group in Iraq that said it has abducted four Russian diplomats, demanding that Russia pull its troops out of Chechnya.

Akhmed Zakayev, the exiled foreign minister in the self-declared Chechen separatist government, demanded that the Mujahedin Shura Council release the four Russian Embassy employees without any conditions.

In a statement posted on a separatist website, Zakayev also said the Al-Qaeda-linked group's statement looked like an attempt to blacken the name of the Chechen rebel movement and a "provocation by Russian special services."

Russia's Foreign Ministry said it had not received any demands directly, but was actively trying to establish the authenticity of the reports.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov demanded that whoever was holding the four Russians release them immediately and unharmed, urging them not to ...
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Chechnya: “Torture” Prison Revelations

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/16/2006 2:30 AM
Chechnya: “Torture” Prison Revelations

Russian campaigners say Chechen kidnap victims were subjected to brutal treatment at illegal detention centre.

By Umalt Dudayev in Grozny (CRS No. 344, 15-June-06)
The authorities are to launch an investigation into claims by human rights activists that the basement of a building used until recently by Russian interior ministry troops served as a vicious torture centre.

But officials have already sought to downplay the allegations which appear to shed new light on the fate of hundreds people who have disappeared without trace.

Dozens of families of missing persons have descended on the premises in Grozny’s Octyabrskiy District - a former boarding school for deaf children - since the Russian human rights group Memorial claimed they had evidence that it had been used as an illegal detention centre, where detainees were subjected to brutal treatment.

Memorial conducted a search of the building soon after ...
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