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RFE/RL: Russian Rights Activist Battles On In Chechnya

posted by eagle on October, 2010 as Human Rights

Russian Rights Activist Battles On In Chechnya

Kheda Saratova is one of a handful of human rights activists left who continue to risk their lives in Chechnya.

August 31, 2010
By Gregory Feifer
Nothing about Kheda Saratova's demeanor indicated the nature of her work when I first met her in Grozny five years ago. 

She was escorting a group of rights activists to her native district of Shatoi, a lush stretch in the Caucasus Mountains in which some of the most protracted fighting in Chechnya had taken place. 

Sunny and smiling, her elegant features crowned by dark bangs under a head scarf set back on her head, Saratova betrayed none of the hell she'd lived through. Not only had she survived both Chechen wars, but she took a job investigating the grim violence that characterized those conflicts: disappearances, torture, and murder that would otherwise have remained unknown.

Grozny was just beginning to be rebuilt and piles of rubble ...

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CK: European Parliament Commemorates Anna Politkovskaya

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

European Parliament commemorates Anna Politkovskaya

Oct 07 2010, 22:50

On October 6, the European Parliament paid tribute to journalist Anna Politkovskaya, assassinated right four years ago.

"October 7 marks the fourth anniversary of Anna Politkovskaya's murder. She paid the ultimate price for dedicating her life to revealing the truth about the situation in the North-Caucasian region of Russia," said Jerzy Buzek, Chairman of the European Parliament, at a plenary session.

Mr Buzek called Russian authorities to investigate the murders of Politkovskaya and other journalists and human rights defenders committed over recent years, the Radio Liberty reports. "The perpetrators shall be brought to justice," the "Interfax" quotes the head of the European Parliament as saying.

See earlier reports: "Rally in memory of journalist Anna Politkovskaya held in Moscow," "ICPO wants to extend inquiry into Politkovskaya's murder till February 2011," "Joel Simon: ICPO admits mistake in Anna Politkovskaya's inquiry," "Moscow municipal court found legal the sentence for extortion in the ...

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CK: Zinfira Mirzayeva, A Lawyer, Detained And Beaten Up In Dagestan

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Zinfira Mirzayeva, a lawyer, detained and beaten up in Dagestan

Oct 08 2010, 20:00

Militiamen in Dagestan beat up Zinfira Mirzayeva, a lawyer, and detained her on accusation of complicity to terrorists, Alexander Cherkasov, member of the Council of "Memorial" Human Rights center, reported.

The Lawyer Zinfira Mirzayeva is an attorney of a man suspected of livestock theft. The mother of one of the militiamen who detained Zinfira Mirzayeva with the use of their authority interestedly is the complainant in the process, Cherkasov said on the air of "Echo of Moscow".

Other details of the incident have not yet been reported. The above mentioned militiamen's position has also not been commented on.

See earlier reports: "Lawyer Tagirova, beaten in Dagestan, states that inspector involves false witnesses," "In Dagestan, defender of beaten lawyer Gyulnara Bammatova appointed," "Dagestan lawyers demand safety guarantees from MIA and Prosecutor's Office," "HRC "Memorial": authorities of Dagestan should stop persecuting journalists and rights defenders."

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CK: European Court Acknowledged Russia Guilty Of Disappearance Of Women In Chechnya

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

European Court acknowledged Russia guilty of disappearance of women in Chechnya

Oct 08 2010, 19:00

European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has acknowledged the Russian Federation guilty of kidnapping of two young residents of Chechnya in 2002 and 2003.

The Court in Strasbourg stated that Russia had not provided a proper investigation in order to make clear what had happened to two Chechen girls and in this way caused their relatives more suffering.

The resolution of the Court runs that for both girls have not been found up to the moment "taking into consideration the situation in Chechnya, they are most probably no longer alive", Deutsche Wellе writes.

European Court sentenced Russia to paying a total compensation sum of 321 thousand euros to the missing girls' families.

See earlier reports: "ECtHR fines Russia by 207,000 euros under claims of Chechen residents," "Court awards 30,000 roubles of compensation to resident of Chechnya for inspector's actions," "European MPs condemn kidnapping of ...

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BNS: Circassians Look To Estonian Politicians To Draw Attention To Their Fate

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Circassians look to Estonian politicians to draw attention to their fate

04 okt 2010 13:23

TALLINN, Oct 04, BNS - Representatives of Circassians, one of the indigenous peoples of North Caucasus, are seeking the help of Estonian politicians and members of the European Parliament elected from Estonia to protect their human rights and draw attention to their situation in view of the Olympic Games to be held in 2014 in Sochi, Russia, the main city of their historic homeland.

Representatives of the Circassian International Council last week handed in Tallinn to the Estonian parliament an appeal to lawmakers and met in Brussels with MEP Indrek Tarand and through him with members of the European Parliament's subcommittee on human rights.

"The Circassian people remain victim of a continued policy of genocide," the address to the Estonian lawmakers says. "The way the Russian authorities have so far conducted preparation for the Sochi Olympic Games in 2014, the fact that ...

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