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FIFA vice-president points World Cup way over racism in Russia

posted by eagle on November, 2013 as Human Rights

Tuesday - 29/10/2013

FIFA vice-president points World Cup way over racism in Russia

CHRISTIAN RADNEDGE in AMMAN: FIFA vice-president Prince Ali of Jordan is "optimistic” that contentious issues – such as racism – plaguing the image of Russia as a world sports host can be overcome.

Prince Ali was speaking after the Yaya Toure incident in Moscow and on the eve of the 100-day countdown to the Sochi Winter Olympics which are clouded by concern of local ‘anti-gay’ legislation.

UEFA’s disciplinary committee will rule tomorrow on the Champions League tie between CSKA and Manchester City during which the English club’ captain complained to the referee about acist abuse aimed at himself and other black players.

Russia hosts the World Cup in 2018 after a bidding campaign in which officials continually sought to shrug off concerns about racist attitudes. Russia’s top football official is Vitaly Mutko who, in his role as Sports Minister, is also playing ...

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Rising Russian nationalism sets off ethnic tension

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Rising Russian nationalism sets off ethnic tension

By , Published: November 11 E-mail the writer

MOSCOW — When Russians celebrated the Day of National Unity last week, marchers waving imperial flags and shouting racist slogans paraded through cities across the country while ethnic minority citizens and migrants from the former Soviet Union stayed out of sight, better to avoid a beating.Russians are growing increasingly nationalistic, according to the latest polls, and Muslims from the Caucasus and migrant workers from Central Asia are facing more and more hostility. Those groups get blamed for much of what goes wrong here, including corruption, crime and dead-end jobs.

President Vladimir Putin has tried to exploit the underlying xenophobia, casting himself as a leader defending a special country — built on Christian Orthodox tradition — from a predatory and dissolute world. At the same time, he sounds inclusive regarding the 10 percent of the population that identifies as Muslim, speaking of Russia as ...

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Amnesty International's Annual Report 2013, Russian Federation

posted by eagle on May, 2013 as Human Rights

Amnesty International's Annual Report 2013, Russian Federation

Head of state
Vladimir Putin (replaced Dmitry Medvedev in May)
Head of government
Dmitry Medvedev (replaced Vladimir Putin in May)

Increasing peaceful political protest was met with repression. New laws restricting the rights to freedom of expression, assembly and association were introduced. Human rights defenders, journalists and lawyers continued to face harassment, while investigations into violent attacks were ineffective. Torture and other ill-treatment remained widespread, and were seldom effectively prosecuted. Trials did not meet international standards of fairness, and the number of apparently politically motivated decisions grew. Insecurity and volatility in the North Caucasus persisted, and security operations launched in response were marred by systematic human rights violations with near-total impunity for the perpetrators.


Vladimir Putin’s return as President, following widely criticized elections, led to a surge in popular protest and demands for greater civil ...

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Window on Eurasia: Peoples Repressed in Soviet Times Look to Strasbourg Court, But Moscow is Interfering, Kalmyk Editor Says

posted by eagle on April, 2013 as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Peoples Repressed in Soviet Times Look to Strasbourg Court, But Moscow is Interfering, Kalmyk Editor Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, April 1 – Citizens of the Russian Federation who have failed to obtain justice in Russian courts have frequently appealed to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. That has so embarrassed the Kremlin that its operatives appear to have taken what would be illicit steps to discourage the members of one repressed people from pursuing such cases.

            These cases are those filed by residents of Kalmykia, a Buddhist people who live in a republic adjoining the North Caucasus. Last month, Interfax reported that more than 2700 Kalmyks, having exhausted their appeals in Russian courts had turned to Strasbourg but that 108 of them had been rejected by the European court.

            Moscow officials spread this news through Moscow and republic media, and Kalmykia head Aleksey Orlov even suggested, ...

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Window on Eurasia: Last Year, 23,000 Russian Citizens Sought Political Asylum in Europe

posted by eagle on March, 2013 as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Last Year, 23,000 Russian Citizens Sought Political Asylum in Europe

Paul Goble

            Staunton, March 27 – More than 23,000 citizens of the Russian Federation, a large percentage of them non-Russians from the North Caucasus, sought political asylum in Europe in 2012, a number that ranks Russia just behind Afghanistan and Syria and ahead of Iraq, Somalia and China, according to Eurostat, the European Statistics Bureau.

                In a report about this on the Word Without Borders portal yesterday, Yekaterina Trofimova reported that 332,000 people requested asylum in EU countries last year, of whom 26,250 were from Afghanistan, 23,510 from Syria, and 23,360 from the Russian Federation (

            Svetlana Gannushkina, a Moscow human rights activist, said that it was entirely "logical” that Russia was now in third place: "After the Chechen war, Russia was in first place in terms of the number of political refugees; during the war in Afghanistan, ...

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