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Human Rights

Foreign Groups Say New NGO Law Impedes Their Operations in Russia

posted by zaina19 on June, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/29/2006 1:13 AM
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Foreign Groups Say New NGO Law Impedes Their Operations in Russia


Foreign non-governmental organizations are experiencing problems re-registering in Russia after a new law on NGOs came into force April 18, the business daily Vedomosti reported Thursday.

The Federal Registration Service said that none of the 40 foreign NGOs that applied for registration after the introduction of the law had managed to complete the process. It said there are currently between 500 and 2,000 foreign NGOs operating in Russia, and that all of them have to re-register before October 18 this year, the Russian news agency RIA-Novosti reported.

Sergei Tsyplenkov, executive director of Greenpeace Russia, said the new regulations were so ambiguous they gave officials a free hand in dealing with NGOs.

But the registration service said the new procedure was simple and “purely technical,” requiring only that a number of forms ...
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UN rights forum adopts ban on "disappearances"

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/29/2006 1:31 PM
UN rights forum adopts ban on "disappearances"
Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:51 PM ET

By Stephanie Nebehay

GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations Human Rights Council on Thursday unanimously approved an international treaty that would ban states from abducting perceived enemies and hiding them in secret prisons or killing them.

The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance would require states to keep registers of detainees and tell their families the truth about their disappearance, as well as paying compensation.

It still has to be adopted in the U.N. General Assembly, and then individual governments would need to approve it.

Rights experts say the United States, in the spotlight over allegations it has been transferring terrorism suspects to secret jails in other countries, is not expected to ratify the pact.

The Human Rights Council, a new 47-member state forum, agreed by consensus in its first ...
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Chechen family is threatened of deportation from Belgium

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/27/2006 3:20 AM
Chechen family is threatened of deportation from Belgium
Publication time: Today at 12:30 Djokhar time
Caucasian journalists require to prevent deporting family of a Chechen refugee from Belgium

As Corporation of journalists "The Free Caucasus" informed, that a family of a Chechen refugee Sultan Magomadov is endangered to be deported from Belgium. Earlier they resided in Poland, where a refuge was denied to them. This happened in spite of the fact that he had spent 10 months in a Soviet concentration camp in occupied Chechenia, survived by a miracle and with huge efforts, he was saved by his relatives from Putin's cells and transferred to Europe.

After Poland had denied a refuge to them, he left together with his family to Belgium, where he has been living the latter year. Nevertheless the authorities of Belgium deny a refuge in their turn in spite of the fact ...
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Russia: Journalists, Activists Awarded For Their Work In Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/27/2006 4:03 PM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Russia: Journalists, Activists Awarded For Their Work In Chechnya

By Valentinas Mite

Russia -- Dmitriyevsky, Stanislav
Stanislav Dmitriyevsky
(official site)
PRAGUE, June 27, 2006 (RFE/RL) --  The human rights watchdog Amnesty International today presented two Russian human rights activists/journalists with an award for their work in Chechnya and elsewhere in the North Caucasus.

The "Journalism Under Threat" prize was awarded during a ceremony in London to Stanislav Dmitriyevsky and Oksana Chelysheva, both representing the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society.
The two head the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society, a nongovernmental organization that disseminates information about the human rights situation in Chechnya and legally defends the interests of victims of the Chechen war.
High-Pressure Work

Dmitriyevsky tells RFE/RL that although the organization continues its work despite pressure from the authorities.
"You go to Chechnya and meet just another powerless human being who needs help and it is difficult to stop helping."

"We are ...
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ICRC urges Putin to help on Chechen prison visits

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/28/2006 12:04 AM
Wednesday, June 28, 2006     

ICRC urges Putin to help on Chechen prison visits

GENEVA: The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday to break a deadlock and allow it to resume visits to detainees captured in the Chechen conflict. The agency, which suspended visits in September 2004 saying its standard conditions were not being fully met, said that ICRC President Jakob Kellenberger had written to Putin because “negotiations have failed” since then. It had registered 3,212 detainees, the majority Chechens, in Russian prisons at the time, according to the ICRC. “Mr. Kellenberger is deeply concerned but remains convinced that the ICRC’s activities in the Russian Federation - especially its visits to detainees - respond to a real need in humanitarian terms and play a constructive role ...” it said in a statement. Kellenberger, ...
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