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Moscow Bans Beslan School Siege Memory Picket — Rights Activist

posted by zaina19 on September, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/3/2006 11:10 PM
Photo: Maria Antonova, MosNews
Photo: Maria Antonova, MosNews
Moscow Bans Beslan School Siege Memory Picket — Rights Activist


The Moscow city hall has refused to sanction a picket that was to be timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the hostage raid on a school in Beslan, in Russia’s southern province of North Ossetia, that left over 330 people dead in September of 2004.

The Moscow city hall has denied a permission to hold the picket, scheduled for Sunday, September 3, Svetlana Gannushkina, head of the human rights group Civil Assistance, told the Interfax news agency.

“We received a refusal in response to the notification sent to the Moscow administration. We received an official ban,” Gannushkina told Interfax on Thursday.

Gannushkina said the city hall had reportedly decided to ban any actions marking the 2nd anniversary of Beslan. “The rallies and pickets are banned.”

According to a Russian ...
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Right-wingers Clash With Police as Locals Call for Expulsion of Chechens in Northern Russia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/3/2006 11:26 PM
Photo: AP
Photo: AP
Right-wingers Clash With Police as Locals Call for Expulsion of Chechens in Northern Russia


Right-wing nationalists and residents in a northern Russian town clashed with riot police and destroyed a restaurant, rights activists and witnesses said Saturday, days after a fight between ethnic Russians and ethnic Chechens left several people dead, The Associated Press reports.

Police in the town of Kondopoga, about 1,000 kilometers (600 miles), north of Moscow, denied any serious disturbances took place. Police in the Karelia region, where Kondopoga is located, said there had been “small hooliganism” in the town.

But Alexander Vekhorovsky, head of the Moscow-based human rights center Sova, told The Associated Press that right-wing nationalists were traveling to the remote town amid calls from anti-immigrants groups to attack Chechens and other people from Russia’s southern Caucasus regions.

Vekhorovsky said a group of Russian and Chechen men clashed earlier ...
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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/30/2006 4:16 PM Beslan Children Were Murdered by Russian Terrorists from the FSB Publication time: 28 August 2006, 20:57 A member of the Russian parliamentary commission for investigation of the host

posted by zaina19 on August, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/30/2006 4:16 PM
Beslan Children Were Murdered by Russian Terrorists from the FSB
Publication time: 28 August 2006, 20:57
A member of the Russian parliamentary commission for investigation of the hostage crisis in Beslan has published a report confirming that the Russian terrorist organization FSB had fired rocket-propelled grenades at the school with children and that no child was ever killed by the Mujahideen.

The Novaya Gazeta newspaper published the report titled "Beslan: Hostages' Truth" by Urii Saveliev, a scientist specializing in physics of explosions. The author reported that the first two blasts in the school, which killed most of the hostages, were caused by the explosive projectiles fired from the 5-th floor of the building across the street. In other words, it proves the information provided by Mujahideen  that the blood bath in the Beslan school was caused by a deliberate action of the Russian secret service ...
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Russian MP Challenges Beslan Scenario

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/30/2006 4:19 PM
Russian MP Challenges Beslan Scenario
Publication time: 29 August 2006, 13:15
A few days before the second anniversary of the Beslan massacre, a Russian lawmaker and explosives expert said Monday, August 28, that Russian forces had fired rocket-propelled grenades at the school before the hostage-takers were able to detonate their bombs.

"The first explosion in the gymnasium of the Beslan school on September 3, 2004, was the result of a shot from a rocket-propelled grenade," Yury Savelyev, a member of the parliamentary commission investigating Beslan, told Echo Moscow radio, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP).

This could have been fired by "the security forces," he said. "This could have been an accidental shot, or it could have been ordered."

The report comes a few days before the second anniversary ...
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Chechen POWs Went on Hunger-Strike in a Russian Death Camp

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN Nicknamelove_caucasus  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/27/2006 2:31 PM
Chechen POWs Went on Hunger-Strike in a Russian Death Camp
Publication time: 27 August 2006, 11:21
In one of numerous Russian death camps, in Ryazan Region in central Russian, a group of Chechen prisoners of war entered a hunger-strike, reports a human rights group, Civil Society Center.

The Russian invaders do not recognize a POW status under the Geneva Convention for the soldiers and military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. In gross violation of the Geneva Convention, the Russian keep the Chechen soldiers in camps and prisons for criminals.

The Chechens are subject to cruel, inhuman treatment and insults from prison and concentration camp guards, especially in Ryazan and Pskov Regions of Russia. The guards say that they revenge their fellow bandits from local gangs "Paratroopers" eliminated by Chechen soldiers in military operations some years ago, several Russian newspapers report.


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