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Human Rights

Chechen war reporter found dead

posted by zaina19 on October, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/7/2006 9:18 AM
Chechen war reporter found dead
Publication time: Today at 18:23 Djokhar time
Anna Politkovskaya, a prominent Russian journalist known as a fierce critic of the Kremlin's actions in Chechnya, has been found dead in Moscow. She was found shot dead in a lift in a block of flats in the capital, the Interfax news agency said.

A pistol and four bullets were found near her body, it added, quoting unnamed police sources.

She fell seriously ill with food poisoning in 2004 which some believed to be an attempt on her life.

The award-winning journalist fell sick while on her way to report on the Beslan school siege.

Ms Politkovskaya, who worked for the newspaper Novaya Gazeta, was known for exposing rights abuses by Russian troops in Chechnya.

She also acted as a negotiator with the Chechen rebels who held a siege in a Moscow theatre in 2002.

Source: BBC

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Georgia Condemns Hysterical Russian Racism Against Children

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/6/2006 9:23 PM
Georgia Condemns Hysterical Russian Racism Against Children
Publication time: 6 October 2006, 15:20
Russian sanctions imposed in the wake of the spy row are not only affecting Georgians living in Russia: they are being felt in Tbilisi too. Georgian pupils and teachers were not allowed to lessons at the Isani district 9th public school on October 4. This school operates under the auspices of the Russian Military Headquarters in the South Caucasus and is not controlled by the Georgian Ministry of Education and Sciences, a Georgian newspaper, The Messenger, reported on Friday.

The order to ban Georgian teachers and pupils from the school was received from Moscow on Wednesday. Parents, pupils and teachers were informed by a notice placed in the school's window.

"The only reason for this decision was that we are Georgian citizens. I do not know who ordered this, but it is obvious ...
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posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/4/2006 5:08 AM
The feature film "Cold" narrates about bloody page of mutual relations of Russia and people of Caucasus - Stalin deportation of 1943-1944. Film tells about one of them, about deportation karachay people on November, 2nd 1943. which have been violently moved from the native grounds. About 70 thousand karachays have been loaded into cattle wagons and are sent in cold winter steppes of Asia.
More than half from them have died of a cold and famine in road and to deportations. The director and a scripwriter of Film Hussein Erkenov. To load 94,6 mb. 09.06.2006

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Russia Starts Ethnic Purges Against Georgian Nationals

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/4/2006 4:02 AM
Russia Starts Ethnic Purges Against Georgian Nationals
Publication time: Today at 12:52 Djokhar time
Russian police have raided Georgian businesses in Moscow after Russia cut transport links with its southern neighbor, escalating a crisis between the two states. Rogue Russia's "authorities" shut down a Georgian-owned casino, occupied a Georgian guest house and stole half a million bottles of Georgian wine in separate operations on Tuesday.

The action came after Moscow ordered air, sea, rail and postal links with Georgia to be cut in retaliation for Tbilisi's arrest last week of four Russian bloody terrorists and spies

Georgia released the terrorists after international mediation but Moscow has ignored U.S. and EU appeals to drop its bandit acts against Georgia. The Kremlin wants Georgia's pro-Western leadership to change its justified attitude toward terrorist Moscow.

Russian organizers canceled a visit by Georgia's national ballet and Russia stopped issuing visas to ...
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Cherie Booth QC meets with non-governmental organisations during the G8 summit

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/1/2006 4:42 AM
Cherie Booth QC offers support to Russian NGOs
Cherie Booth QC meets with non-governmental organisations during the G8 summit

On the final day of the G8 summit in St Petersburg in July 2006, Cherie Booth QC, visited a group of non-governmental organisations, whose position is now particularly difficult because of a new NGO law which clamps down on their activities. In January 2006, president Vladimir Putin signed a new law on non-governmental organisations that allows the Justice Ministry to demand any document from an NGO at any time, without a warrant, and to ban NGO projects, or even parts of projects, for not complying with Russia's national interests.
Ms Booth offered to make the visit when she met representatives of Human Rights Watch at Downing Street in April 2006. The visit was organised by Human Rights Watch and hosted by the St Petersburg ...
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