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Human Rights

chechnya-Sl: Elena Maglevannaya Granted Asylum

posted by eagle on October, 2010 as Human Rights


Oct 25

Elena Maglevannaya granted asylum

by Kerkko Paananen

Finnish authorities have granted asylum to the Russian journalist and human
rights defender, Elena Maglevannaya. She fled from Russia in May 2009 after
receiving threats for her press reports about the abuse and torture of Chechens
in Russian prisons. In a trial that was seen as heavily tilted in favour of the
prosecution, Elena was convicted of libel because of her articles. While waiting
for a decision on her asylum application in Finland, she continued her
investigations into prison conditions in Russia.

In July 2010, speaking in an interview with YLE News, Elena expressed confidence
in the European justice system: "Here in Finland, there is rule of law. I have
often been in a situation where law has no meaning or it does not exist at all,"
she said. Earlier, several leading human rights defenders started a petition to
the Finnish immigration authorities on Elena's behalf. Many Russian journalists
and human rights defenders who have highlighted ...

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The Other Russia: ‘Strategy 31′ Organizers At A Crossroads Over City Proposal

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

‘Strategy 31′ Organizers at a Crossroads Over City Proposal

In yet another development in the conflict over opposition rallies on Moscow’s Triumfalnaya Square, Moscow city authorities have once again changed their decision on whether to sanction the upcoming Strategy 31 rally on October 31, and now are proposing to allow 800 people to gather for the event.

The proposal was made late Monday to Strategy 31 co-organizer and prominent rights activist Lyudmila Alexeyeva. Speaking to Ekho Moskvy radio, Alexeyeva said she "was just at the mayor’s office,” where officials said they were willing to "widen the part” of Triumfalnaya Square that they had proposed last week for the oppositionists to rally. The expansion, said officials, would "block traffic,” but if no more than 800 people took part in the rally, it would not be broken up by police as in each past Strategy 31 rally. "They say that about ...

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CHECHENPRESS: Nadezhda Banchik Appeals To Heidi Hautala

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Nadezhda Banchik appeals to Heidi Hautala

October 22nd, 2010


I'm an Amnesty International member from the U.S., working on Russia/Chechnya. I am so disappointed by recent decision of the European Court on Human Rights to deport to Russia two Chechen asylum seekers, who were detained in Slovakia, Ali Ibragimov and Anzor Chentiev.
So far, the European Court on Human Rights in Strasbourg remained one of few European organizations who preserved their principles of fairness and justice. It acknowledged that in Chechnya, grave violations of human rights still are everyday reality.
What happened now? Did Russia demonstrated any evidence that could convince the respected court in change policies towards Chechens in the Russian Federation? No, there are no any evidence of such turn.
I urge you to URGENTLY appeal the decision on Ibragimov and Chentilov extradition. It is even more dangerous decision because it can become precedent for more and more human tragedies.

Nadezhda Banchik

4321 Payne Avenue, ...

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HRW: Russia: Sarkozy, Merkel Should Raise Rights Issues With Medvedev

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Russia: Sarkozy, Merkel Should Raise Rights Issues With Medvedev

In the last two years, the Kremlin’s upbeat talk about human rights has improved Russia’s international standing. Sadly, though, the human rights climate in Russia remains very hostile.

Anna Sevortian, Russia office director
Moscow Should Call a Halt to Restrictions, Attacks Against Human Rights Defenders
October 15, 2010

(Moscow) - French and German leaders should use their meetings with President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia on October 18 and 19, 2010, to challenge Russia's human rights record and urge the Kremlin to foster safe working conditions for human rights defenders, Human Rights Watch said today.

Medvedev, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany will come together in Deauville, France, for a preparatory meeting before the upcoming G-20 Summit.

"In the last two years, the Kremlin's upbeat talk about human rights has improved Russia's international standing," said Anna Sevortian, ...

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CK: Rustam Dzeitov, Kidnapped In Ingushetia, Found In Vladikavkaz SIZO

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Rustam Dzeitov, kidnapped in Ingushetia, found in Vladikavkaz SIZO

Oct 13 2010, 22:20

The whereabout is now known of Rustam Maksharipovich Dzeitov, born in 1982, a resident of the village of Ekazhevo, whose kidnapping on September 7 by unidentified power agents from his home was reported by his relatives. As of October 12, Rustam Dzeitov was kept in SIZO (pre-trial prison) in Vladikavkaz, says the message of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" received by the "Caucasian Knot".

On September 27, Ruslan Dzeitov, Rustam's brother, addressed his written statement to the HRC "Memorial". On the same day their father - Maksharip Dzeitov - received a summons from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. When he came there, Maksharip learnt that his son was kept at the SIZO of the local MIA.

According to Maksharip Dzeitov, his son was beaten for several days and forced to slander himself. Rustam admitted possession of ...

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