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Russian Brutes Forbid Food Sharing Among Starving GULAG Prisoners

posted by zaina19 on October, 2006 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/1/2006 4:17 AM
Russian Brutes Forbid Food Sharing Among Starving GULAG Prisoners
Publication time: 31 October 2006, 18:33

A Russia's terrorist entity,  its so-called "highest court",  rejected on Monday, October 30,2006,  a legal challenge against official regulations that forbid prisoners to share food with each other.

The bandit state of Russia's "supreme court" rejected an appeal of their "nationwide regulation" and ruled that it will remain in place, a "court" spokesman said.

The challenge was launched after GULAG butchers put a prisoner in an "isolation" torture  cell for 10 days in June after finding food that belonged to another prisoner in his bag.

The ban on sharing food violates international law and UN conventions against genocide and torture, signed by Russians, the AP reported.

Russia is well-known throughout its whole infamous ...
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Taiwan accused of barring Cuban, Chechen poets from poetry festival

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/4/2006 2:18 PM
Taiwan accused of barring Cuban, Chechen poets from poetry festival
Publication time: 4 November 2006, 08:05
Taipei Diplomacy Culture Taiwan accused of barring Cuban, Chechen poets from poetry festival Taipei attending the 2006 Taipei Poetry Festival for political reasons, a newspaper reported Friday.

The Taipei city government invited six foreign poets to the seventh Taipei Poetry Festival scheduled from October 28 to November 11, but the Foreign Ministry has refused to issue entry visa to Cuban poet Nancy Morejon and Chenchen poet Apti Bisultanov, The Liberty Times said.

The Foreign Ministry said it rejected the pair's visa applications because Cuba is a Communist country and because Taiwan is in the process of opening a representative office in Vladivostock and does not want to anger Russia by ...
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Detectives are on track of Politkovskaya's killer

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/4/2006 3:58 PM

Detectives are on track of Politkovskaya's killer

The investigators who are engaged in fact-finding of the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, observer of the "Novaya Gazeta" newspaper, have got on the trail of a supposed killer. The suspected criminal was exposed by the Makarov pistol thrown out by him in the scene of the crime, the media "Tvoj Den" (Your Day) writes.

A new round of investigation into Politkovskaya's murder started after the results of the ballistic examination became known of the Makarov pistol that was left in the place of the crime, the writes. "It looks like the killer was not a professional. His shooting lacked grouping. Additionally, he missed from the distance of one-two metres, and one of the bullets got into the wall of the elevator," the investigators told.

The results of the ballistic examination showed that the pistol that killed Anna ...
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Russia Ignores Decision of European Court of Human Rights

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

27.10.2006 12:58 MSK
Russia Ignores Decision of European Court of Human Rights
RUSSIA, Moscow. A Moscow court ruled on October 17 to deport Uzbekistani citizen Rustam Muminov from Russia because he is not registered in this country. In Uzbekistan, Muminov is wanted on charges of membership in the Hizb ut-Tahir Party. The European Court of Human Rights ruled on October 24 to stop his deportation. In spite if that court’s decision, Muminov was deported to Uzbekistan that evening.

At the beginning of February of this year, Muminov was taken into custody in Gryaz, Lipetsk Region, at the request of Uzbek authorities. He was taken from a Lipetsk holding facility in Lipetsk to Gryaz on September 28. He was freed the next day after the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office overruled the decision of the Gryaz Interdistrict Prosecutor to deport him to Uzbekistan.

On September 29, the Gryaz prosecutor press misdemeanor charges of lacking registration against ...
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Tribal Chiefs In Russia's Colony in Siberia Suffer Repressions from Russian Imperialists

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/26/2006 7:23 AM
Tribal Chiefs In Russia's Colony in Siberia Suffer Repressions from Russian Imperialists
Publication time: Today at 12:58 Djokhar time

Tribal chief in the Russian-held "autonomous Russian republic of Altai" ptotest Moscow plans to abolish autonomy. They don't demand full independence yet. Nonetheless, Russians vowed severe repression to those who oppose their imperialist plans.

Altai, a colony of Russia in Siberia, is populated by a Turk people.

The FSB  recently went so far as to start persecution of an editor of a Live Journal  who protested in Internet against the plans of Russian imperialists to abolish the autonomy. The FSB agents are now trying to locate the editor who used a nickname Zaisan (Tribal Chief) and to punish him.


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