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Human Rights

Head of European Parliament calls to run a thorough investigation of Politkovskaya's murder

posted by zaina19 on October, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/28/2006 7:25 AM


Head of European Parliament calls to run a thorough investigation of Politkovskaya's murder

Josep Borrell, President of the European Parliament, after the body he is heading has passed a resolution on the issue, called to run a thorough investigation of the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, a well-known Russian journalist, the "Interfax" reports.

The text of the resolution, published by the European Parliament, which has no mandatory character, expresses the concern of the parliamentarians about "more frequent cases on intimidation, oppression and murder of independent journalists and other people who are criticizing the government." It also remarks that the growing tension in the issue related to the freedom in Russian mass media may have a negative effect on Russia's reputation.

See earlier reports: "Politkovskaya's murder may push EU to revise its relations with Russia."

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Kondopoga residents forced the head of Karelia to go to Moscow

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/28/2006 7:28 AM

Kondopoga residents forced the head of Karelia to go to Moscow

Sergey Katanandov, head of Karelia, has interrupted his vacations spent in Portugal, and is for two days already working in Moscow. According to the press service of the Karelian government, in the nearest future he is planning to get back to his Republic and hold a series meetings and actions there to execute the instructions of president Vladimir Putin, announced on October 25 during the TV bridge session of the head of the state with Kondopoga residents, the "LentaCom.Ru" reports.

Then Vladimir Putin expressed his surprise with the fact that he was not able to contact the Republic's leaders and promised to hold "a serious talk" to Karelian authorities, the Regnum rights.

We remind you that the cause of disorders in Kondopoga was a mass fight between locals and Caucasian natives, ...
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Anna Politkovskaya's memorial party will be held in Brussels

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/28/2006 7:31 AM

Anna Politkovskaya's memorial party will be held in Brussels

Saturday evening, on October 28, Brussels will host a memorial party of murdered journalist Anna Politkovskaya, organized by international journalistic and human rights organizations "Chechen Group," "Reporters without Borders," Human Rights Watch, International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, Enjeux Internationaux, Prague Watchdog, "Memorial," etc.

Anna Politkovskaya's books and articles will be read at the meeting.

The following figures have been invited to the event: Jean-Jacque Jesper, a journalist; Thomas Guntzig, a writer; Van Raendonk, Honourable President of Human Rights League; Ben Hamidus, an actor; Yurek Cukcievic, Editor of the Globe rubric in the Le Soir Brussels newspaper; Andrei Babitskiy, a journalist; Jean-Francois Butord, publisher of Politkovskaya's three books in the French language, etc.

We remind you that journalist of "Novaya Gazeta" Anna Politkovskaya, who was shot dead on October 7 in Moscow, was known, ...
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In Kabardino-Balkaria, militants who attacked Nalchik are pardoned

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/28/2006 7:35 AM

In Kabardino-Balkaria, militants who attacked Nalchik are pardoned

The correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" has learnt from unofficial sources that last night five persons out of those accused of attack on the power structures of Kabardino-Balkaria on October 13 last year were released under amnesty from the investigation custody of Nalchik. According to unofficial data, a total of 26 persons will be released.

However, Leon Murzakanov, representative of the prosecutor's office of Kabardino-Balkaria for work with mass media, gave another figure: the number of those amnestied will make over ten persons, but he did not tell exactly how many.

We remind you that after the events of October 13, 2005, 69 persons were arrested. Part of them were members of the so-called ...
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Ulman's advocate: hearing postponement is a routine measure

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/28/2006 7:38 AM

Ulman's advocate: hearing postponement is a routine measure

For today, a session has been appointed at the North-Caucasian Regional Military Court to hear the case of Ulman and three special agents of the Chief Reconnaissance Agency ("GRU") charged of murdering peaceful Chechen residents. The defendants and two victims have appeared at the courtroom, but Liudmila Tikhomirova and Murat Musaev, legal representatives of the victims, failed to appear. Roman Krzhechkovskiy, Ulman's advocate, told the correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" that the advocates had informed the court that they would not be able to appear for family reasons, and added: "Olga Manekina, advocate of defendant Kalaganskiy, was also absent, since she's now sick. These are all routine points of the business. Maybe, we shall, as they say, be slow in harness by quick in ride."

The preliminary hearing on "Ulman's case" are postponed ...
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