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Human Rights

Innocent people continue to die in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on November, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/6/2006 7:09 AM
1.11.2006 12:40 MSK
Innocent people continue to die in Chechnya
CHECHNYA, Groznyy. In spite of the end of intensive military actions, news continues to come from Chechnya about innocent civilian victims. Children are the most frequent victims. An enormous quantity of abandoned weapons remains in the republic.

According to the Informcenter SNO, on October 25 in the Staropromyslovsky region of Grozny, as a result of careless handling of weapons, four adolescents were injured. Islam Musayev, 14 years old, Ismail Yusupov, 14 years old, Saykhan Shakhtamirov, 13 years old, and Mansur Kasumov, 12 years old, were found in the debris of a Myxa manual anti-tank grenade discharger. As a result of careless handling of the grenade discharger, there was an explosion and the adolescents were gravely injured and taken to the 9th City Hospital. One of the victims, Ismail Yusupov, died in the hospital as a ...
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Analysis: Chechnya food crisis looms

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/6/2006 9:27 AM
Analysis: Chechnya food crisis looms

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 6 (UPI) -- With another bitterly cold winter on the way and tuberculosis rates on the rise, nearly 250,000 people in Chechnya face a cutoff of U.N. food aid.

Donor countries say the U.N. World Food Program has been too slow to update its approach. The agency says a highly vulnerable population now risks going hungry. There is evidence Russia shares the blame.

WFP officials told United Press International the agency can finance its efforts through the end of November. But with the European Commission Humanitarian Organization, the program's principal donor, threatening to scale back aid, U.N. officials are warning they may be forced to shut down the program for the second winter in a row.

Last year, at the height of the coldest winter recorded in Russia in 25 years, no food aid was distributed ...
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Meeting of anti-fascists in the Bolotnaya Square is over

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/6/2006 9:56 AM

Meeting of anti-fascists in the Bolotnaya Square is over

The meeting of anti-fascists held in the Bolotnaya Square in Moscow is over. The action "For Russia without Fascism" lasted for about an hour and passed without incidents. Now, its participants are making their way home, the RIA "Novosti" reports.

The meeting has adopted a resolution, in which participants declared a reality of a threat of fascism in Russia and emphasized that stand for Russia for all nations, the informs.

The meeting in the Bolotnaya Square has gathered much less people that the action of national patriots in the Devichya Square. Besides, several tens of national patriots rallied opposite the Bolotnaya Square and started to shout out the slogan "Praise to Russia," but seeing the approaching servicemen, the group got scattered.

In St. Petersburg, however, the Day of National Unity was not so ...
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Georgian citizens-deportees from the Russian Federation cannot get home

posted by zaina19 on October, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/28/2006 7:11 AM

Georgian citizens-deportees from the Russian Federation cannot get home

About 100 deported citizens of Georgia still remain at the Dagestan section of the Georgian-Russian border and cannot get to their homeland. The fact was presented by Elena Tevdoradze, chairperson of the parliamentary human rights committee, at the sitting of the Georgian Parliament on October 26.

"Frontier guards believe that something wrong is with their passports," Tevdoradze stated. In her words, "the people have spent several nights in the weather waiting for a permit to cross the border".

Tevdoradze asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Frontier Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia of to take all the necessary measures to enable the Georgian citizens deported from Russia make a safe return to their homeland.

We remind you that deportation of Georgians from Russia was a consequence of an espionage ...
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Parents of militants who perished in Kabardino-Balkaria demand to initiate a case on the fact of body desecration

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/28/2006 7:16 AM

Parents of militants who perished in Kabardino-Balkaria demand to initiate a case on the fact of body desecration

"We ask you to initiate a criminal case and to bring those guilty to responsibility for desecration of the bodies of the persons who perished in October 2005 in the city of Nalchik, and for abuse of official position and negligent attitude," runs an application written by the parents of the militants who died in Kabardino-Balkaria.

"For two days, the bodies remained in the open air exposed to free observation by adults and children. Then, for two more days they remained in the morgue yard. The bodies were not covered. They became wet from rain and were exposed to the sunlight. The bodies lay in pools of blood, flies got on the blood and wounds and lay maggots. Therefore, the morgue and refrigerator ...
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