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Human Rights

Arrests of Georgian natives continue in Moscow

posted by zaina19 on November, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/17/2006 12:49 PM

Arrests of Georgian natives continue in Moscow

In Moscow, they go on with mass arrests and deportations of Georgian natives. This was the topic of the press conference "'Road to Calvary' of Georgian in Moscow Continues" held today in the Independent Press Centre. It was attended by members of human rights organizations and representatives of the offended party.

Svetlana Gannushkina, a Board member of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial," told that everything is done under a well-mastered scheme: irrespective of the presence of s Russian citizen's passport, a person is brought to a special reception centre, from where he or she is shortly forwarded to Tbilisi. The custody may last for several months, during which the "detainee" is not admitted to any court sessions but just kept in a cell as a "public enemy."

Let us note here that the majority ...
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Arrests of Georgian natives continue in Moscow

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/17/2006 12:49 PM

Arrests of Georgian natives continue in Moscow

In Moscow, they go on with mass arrests and deportations of Georgian natives. This was the topic of the press conference "'Road to Calvary' of Georgian in Moscow Continues" held today in the Independent Press Centre. It was attended by members of human rights organizations and representatives of the offended party.

Svetlana Gannushkina, a Board member of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial," told that everything is done under a well-mastered scheme: irrespective of the presence of s Russian citizen's passport, a person is brought to a special reception centre, from where he or she is shortly forwarded to Tbilisi. The custody may last for several months, during which the "detainee" is not admitted to any court sessions but just kept in a cell as a "public enemy."

Let us note here that the majority ...
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Five Civilians Killed Or Wounded By Puppet Police in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/12/2006 1:11 PM
Five Civilians Killed Or Wounded By Puppet Police in Chechnya
Publication time: 12 November 2006, 16:40

According to a Russian news report, a unit of local  puppet police attacked with small arms a civilian car in the town of Achkhoi Martan, killing the driver and wounding four women including a 70-year old Chechen grandmother. The puppet police explained their public execution with the fact that the driver didn't stop when he was ordered to.  However, the car just passed a checkpoint and the collaborators clearly saw who was inside the car.


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FSB Attempted To Murder Russian Defector in London

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/12/2006 1:16 PM
FSB Attempted To Murder Russian Defector in London
Publication time: 11 November 2006, 08:35
An Italian citizen, Mario Scaramella, invited a Russian defector, Alexander Litvinenko, to a London restaurant claiming he had some important information about  a recent  murder of an American female journalist of jewish origin in Moscow.

In a couple of hours after the dinner, Mr Litvinenko felt very sick and was delivered into a London hospital with extremely dangerous poisoning caused by an unknown toxin. He balanced between life and death for several days.

The London police started an investigation. According to intelligence, Mario Scaramella is a close associate of the FSB deputy chief Kolmogorov and visited the FSB headquarters in Moscow several times.

The Russian terrorist Kolmogorov is responsible for internal FSB investigation against Mr Litvinenko, a former FSB colonel who defected to Britain in 2000 and became a British citizen last month. ...
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Revenge Taken on Husband for Wife’s Civic Activeness

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/12/2006 1:42 PM
10.11.2006 16:07 MSK
Revenge Taken on Husband for Wife’s Civic Activeness
RUSSIA, Moscow. According to Larisa Fefilova, coordinator of the Civic Committee for Prisoners’ Rights, her husband Sergey Fefilov has been transferred to prison colony IK-19 in Mordovia, where warden S. Abramov is accused by prisoners and their relatives is accused of premeditated cruelty to prisoners.

The movement For Human Rights mentions in a November 2 statement that the Civic Committee for Prisoners’ Rights, which was founded by convicts’ relatives, continually receives reports of cruelty in IK-19. Larissa Fefilova was the organizer of a protest watch in front of the Federal Punishment Implementation Service of Russia that took place July 5-26 of this year.

Before that, on the day the application for the picket was filed in Moscow, Fefilova received a call on her cellular phone from an unknown man who advised her to be more ...
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