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Human Rights

Russia and European Union discussed human rights violations in North Caucasus

posted by zaina19 on November, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/17/2006 12:52 PM

Russia and European Union discussed human rights violations in North Caucasus

On November 8, the fourth round of regular Russia-EU consultations on human rights was held in Brussels. Russia was represented by officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

Svetlana Gannushkina, a Board member of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" and chairperson of the Committee for Helping Refugees "Civil Assistance," who was in Brussels on November 7-9 in the delegation of Russian non-governmental organizations (NGOs), told the correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" that the sitting of diplomats took place behind the closed doors. The Russian MFA repeatedly rejected all the proposals of the European Union to admit human rights NGOs to the negotiations.

According to Ms. Gannushkina, at the meeting of Russian and international NGOs with the members of the EU delegation that preceded the RF-EU consultations, human rights activists ...
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Anna Politkovskaya commemorated in dozens of cities of the world

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/17/2006 12:59 PM

Anna Politkovskaya commemorated in dozens of cities of the world

Today, on November 15, it is 40 days after Anna Politkovskaya, observer of the "Novaya Gazeta," who became known for her reports from Chechnya, was shot dead in Moscow. Today and tomorrow, pickets and other actions in memory of the well-known journalist and human rights activist will be held in many cities of the world.

The correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" informs that mass actions will take place in Kostroma, Tula, Voronezh, Tver, Ulyanovsk, Vladimir, Ekaterinburg, Ryazan, Tyumen, Tomsk, Rostov-on-Don, Murmansk, Petersburg and Moscow.

In Paris, the organization Etudes Sans Frontiers will hold debates on situation in Russia and Chechnya, dated to Politkovskaya's memorial day, the organizers report in their web-site

On November 16, pickets in memory of Anna Politkovskaya will be held in Germany. In Berlin - opposite the Russian embassy, ...
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160 NCOs were successful to reregister in Russia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/14/2006 9:55 AM

160 NCOs were successful to reregister in Russia

A total of 160 non-commercial organizations (NCOs) from 17 countries have passed the reregistration procedure in Russia, including human rights organization "Human Rights Watch" and "Amnesty International," the Radio Liberty reports.

According to the ITAR-TASS, most of the organizations who have submitted documents for registration are engaged in international adoption.

We remind you that a number of representative offices of foreign NGOs (non-governmental organizations) have suspended their work in Russia awaiting reregistration. Under the Law on NGOs, affiliates of foreign organizations had to submit their reregistration documents before October 18.

See earlier reports: ""Rosregistratsia": over 120 branches of foreign NGOs have passed re-registration."

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Human rights activists: the Chechnya resident dissatisfied with the European Court's verdict has to blame himself for loosing compensation

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/14/2006 9:58 AM

Human rights activists: the Chechnya resident dissatisfied with the European Court's verdict has to blame himself for loosing compensation

Saidali Luluev, who was not happy with the judgment of the European Court on the case of his wife's murder in Chechnya, had himself objected to his name being mentioned in the claim documents, since feared that it could damage his judge career, Arsen Sakalov, director of the Ingush Public Organization "Legal Initiative" that assisted the Luluevs family in lodging the complaint to Strasbourg, told the correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot."

We remind you that Saidali Luluev, husband of Nura Lulueva, a peaceful resident killed in Chechnya, whose family won the trial on November 9 versus Russia at the European Court for Human Rights, has stated his dissatisfaction that his name was not on the list of relatives, to whom the Strasbourg ...
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Aleksandr Litvinenko survives poisoning

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/14/2006 10:30 AM
14.11.2006 19:24 MSK
Aleksandr Litvinenko survives poisoning
Aleksandr Litvinenko
Aleksandr Litvinenko
GREAT BRITAIN, London. Aleksandr Litvinenko, a former Lieutenant Colonel in the FSB, who left Russia in 2000, and now lives in London, was poisoned after an encounter with a person who transmitted documents to him concerning Anna Politkovskaya's murder. He was hospitalized in extremely grave condition. However, at the present moment his condition is satisfactory.

On November 1, Aleksandr Litvinenko met in a London cafe with Mario Skaramella, who transmitted documents to him concerning the circumstances of the murder of "Novaya Gazeta" reporter Anna Politkovskaya. Several hours after the encounter, Litvinenko’s health sharply deteriorated into an unconsciousness state and he was taken to the hospital. He remained unconscious for several days in a life-threatening state.

On November 11, in a telephone interview with the PRIMA-News Agency, Aleksandr Litvinenko’s said that at present, 10 days after the poisoning, ...
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